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Chapter 11 Alice's Back

When Melissa saw Adrian and Natalie come in, she couldn't help but say, "Daniel, when will you bring home a nice daughter-in-law for me? We don't care about her background, just a simple, honest girl would be fine."

Daniel gently patted Melissa's shoulder and smiled affectionately. "Mom, today is Adrian's engagement party, and you're bringing it up again."

As he spoke, Daniel looked up at Adrian and Natalie who had approached him. As Daniel's eyes landed on the woman in the light pink dress, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

Why did the bride-to-be look nothing like Natalie in his memory? She seemed familiar, almost like Natalie.

Natalie clenched her fists, trying to stay calm, not daring to look at Daniel.

Adrian turned slightly and introduced her, "Alice, this is my aunt Melissa."

Natalie said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Hi, Melissa."

Though her voice wasn't exactly like Alice's, it was enough to be convincing in the noisy environment.

Natalie had heard from Curtis that Melissa was a career-focused woman. Because of her husband's health issues, she managed the company and was exceptionally sharp and capable.

Natalie's cautious demeanor made Melissa think this "Alice" was particularly polite and well-behaved.

So Melissa nodded approvingly. "Adrian, you better treat Alice well."

"Got it," Adrian said, wrapping an arm around Natalie's waist. "This is my cousin Daniel. You've met before."

Natalie looked nervously at Daniel, holding a wine glass in one hand and clenching the other hand.

She stayed silent, and Adrian assumed Alice was still upset about the last incident, so he didn't pay much attention.

Daniel, however, raised his glass with a meaningful look. "Congratulations, Alice."

Hearing his tone, Natalie was so startled that her hand shook, spilling wine on her dress.

"Sorry!" She quickly put down the glass and apologized, "Excuse me."

She then hurriedly fled to the lounge.

Adrian frowned slightly, giving Daniel a warning look, but Daniel just shrugged innocently. He hadn't done anything, yet Alice was acting very strange.

"Melissa, I'm going to check on Alice," Adrian said.

Melissa nodded indifferently.

Adrian headed to the lounge.

Meanwhile, in the lounge, Natalie still couldn't calm her nerves.

She was sure Daniel had figured it out!

She couldn't stay here any longer.

Natalie quickly changed out of her dress, but just as she was taking it off, she heard the door open and Adrian's voice, "Alice."

Damn it, she forgot to lock the door!

She turned around in panic and saw Adrian standing at the door, frowning at her.

Natalie clutched the dress to her chest, trying to cover herself. "What are you doing here?"

Seeing the panic in her eyes, Adrian asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

"My dress got dirty, so I'm changing," she said, trying to stay calm, but her nervousness was visible.

Adrian's eyes darkened. When he walked in, he had noticed her back was flawless.

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