The Devil's Doll

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♥ Chapter 7♥

14:30: Horizon Penitentiary - Cell. - Zephyria.

Aurelia Dusk.

'' Stay calm, sweetheart. '' Her voice was a comforting whisper as I tried to hold myself together. But it was difficult, so I hugged her tightly.

''Oh, my love, let's go to my cell. We'll have a bit more privacy there. '' Hina suggested with a soft, reassuring tone.

''All right.'' My voice trembled as she led me to her cell.

We entered her cell, and I went to sit on the bottom bunk.

''It's okay now.'' Hina kneeled down in front of me, her eyes fixed on mine as she gently held my face. ''You're going to be fine.

I looked up at her, letting out a sigh.

'' How, Hina? How can everything be all right? Two men are after me, and one of them might be hurting Trix because of me.

'' I'm sorry, Aurelia. '' She just nodded, unable to find the right words.

We sat side by side, the silence weighing on us.

''On my way here, I ran into Nebula,'' I suddenly blurted out.

''What did that disgusting bitch do?'' Hina asked, her voice brimming with irritation.

''She warned me to be careful and implied that she's the boss of this prison. '' She snorted in frustration.

''That Nebula thinks she's the queen of the place, just because her boss is screwing her.'' Hina rolled her eyes in disdain.

''I don't know if I'm ready to meet this man.'' I admitted, a tremor of fear running through my body. I had heard horrible stories about him, and the thought of meeting him filled me with dread.

''It may be inevitable, darling. He's the big boss around here, and he'll want to know everything about the new girls. '' Hina replied, her expression serious.

''Do you think he'll want something to do with me too?'' I asked, mentally preparing myself for the worst.

'' Honestly? '' I agree. '' Maybe. You're much more charming than Nebula, and that might catch his eye.

I let out a sigh, the prospect of more trouble only increasing my desperation.

That was all I needed. There was no peace for me in this place.

'' The guys here don't have eyes for ordinary women. Everyone went crazy for Nebula when she arrived, but it was the demon who got her.

'' I'd rather not be beautiful then. '' The truth was that I never thought of myself as pretty, but now these damn prisoners only want me because of that.

'' I'm sorry about that, darling.

It's not your fault.

Silence hung between us as we watched the Executioner walk past the cell with an evil grin.

'' Trix! '' My heart raced with worry.

We hastily got up and ran to my cell, where we found Trix lying on the floor, bruised.

'' Trix! '' I ran over to her, concern evident in my voice. ''Can you sit up?

She groaned in pain and barely managed to answer.

'' Hina, help me put her on my bed.

Hina came to my aid, and we carefully lifted her onto the bed.

'' I'll get some water and a cloth; I'll be right back! '' Hina hurried out of the cell.

I looked at Trix, my heart aching at the sight of the bruises on her body.

''I'm sorry, Trix. This is all my fault; you didn't deserve to go through this again. '' Tears streamed down my face.

'' It's okay. '' I stroked her hair tenderly.

''Don't strain yourself, please. I'll look after you; try to get some rest. '' I wiped away my tears, trying to be strong for her.

She gave me a small smile before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Anger boiled up inside me, a fury so intense that it seemed to consume my soul. Every thought was a cry of indignation, filled with a mixture of pain and helplessness.

That bastard! He deserves to burn in hell! The image of injustice set my heart aflame, burning with uncontrollable rage. And those damned guards who do nothing to help those in need... I wish they would all burn in hellfire! I wanted them to feel the pain we felt and to see the world through our eyes, scarred by injustice. The desire for justice pulsed inside me, a burning flame that refused to go out.

'' Here, I brought the bucket. '' I was snapped out of my thoughts by Hina entering the cell, placing the bucket next to me with a slight smile.

Thank you, Hina. In the infirmary, do you know if they have medicine for pain and inflammation? '' As I began to clean Trix's body, I asked, feeling relieved by her presence.

'' I think so; I'll check. '' She almost said goodbye as she walked away from the cell, her worried look leaving a comforting feeling in my chest.

'' Thank you. '' I thanked her, watching her leave, grateful for her help.

She left, and I let out a sigh, watching Trix with a mixture of sadness and gratitude.

This is all my fault; Trix suffered terrible abuse just to protect me. But what can I do? I'm surrounded by dangerous men who could kill me at any moment.

I let out another sigh and finished cleaning her body. Since I couldn't dress her, I covered her with a sheet and ran my hand through her hair, wishing I could do more for her.

''I'm sorry, Trix.'' I said, feeling terrible, the guilt weighing on my shoulders as I remembered everything she had been through.

She's been an incredible friend, helping me out since I arrived yesterday. I like her quirky madness; she's a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of prison.

I don't know how long it was before Hina returned to the cell, but her presence brought a little relief.

''Honey, I got some medicine for pain and inflammation. '' She announced, entering, her face lit up with a reassuring smile.

''Oh, thank you, Hina.'' I thanked her, feeling relieved and grateful for her kindness in the midst of the chaos.

'' I've also brought you a glass of water. '' She handed me the medicine and the glass, her concern evident in every gesture.

"Thank you so much." I smiled, acknowledging her generosity.

'' No need to thank me. Trix is my friend too. Anyway, the guard said that the cells will be closed soon, so I have to go to mine. Please take care of her. '' Her eyes conveyed trust, and I felt grateful for her friendship.

'' Sure, go ahead. '' I smiled, feeling comforted by his presence.

'' Thank you, dear. Good night." She left, and I let out another sigh, but this time it was one of relief.

Now I have to wake her up.

'' Trix... Trix, wake up. '' I rocked her gently, wishing she could rest without worry.

She opened her eyes and let out a moan of pain, but her gaze was calmer now, and that gave me hope.

'' Hina has brought some medicine for pain and inflammation. This will help you feel better tomorrow. '' I held her head, administering the medicine carefully, wishing I could take away her pain.

She sipped the water and sighed with relief, and I felt grateful for being able to help her in some way.

''Thank you. '' She smiled weakly, and my heart warmed at her gratitude.

'' No need to thank me. Go to sleep. '' I stroked her hair, wishing she could find some peace in the midst of the chaos.

She fell asleep quickly, and I felt relieved to see her resting.

I was startled when the cells closed, but it brought me a little relief, knowing that we were a little safer.

I lay in bed sighing. It had been a hectic day and tomorrow will be even more so, with that "demon" coming out of solitary confinement. But for now, at least, we can get some rest.

I just hope he doesn't try anything with me too.

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