The morning sun came into my room through the opening the curtain had. I woke up as my alarm sounded, so as not to be late for my job search today. I stretched my body and looked through my phone before going to the bathroom to shower and begin my day's activities. I wore the outfit I already brought out to wear yesterday. I wore it as I looked at myself in the mirror making sure I was looking presentable and not shabby looking. I need to make an impression on them.
I came out of my room, as I made my way to the kitchen, I tiptoed out to the kitchen through our modest apartment hallways, so as to not wake anyone up. As I entered the kitchen the smell of coffee entered my nostrils telling me my mom was already up and preparing breakfast for everyone.
“Anna, you're up already.” Mom said as she poured me my cup of coffee.
“Yes mom, I just wanted to start looking for a job today, I know I'll find something soon.” I told mom as I drank my coffee.
Mom dropped my breakfast tacos, but in front of me they looked delicious. “I know you'll find something that will suit you soon dear.”
“Thanks, mami, for the encouraging words. It means so much to me hearing you say that.” I told mom as I ate my breakfast hastily so as to leave soon.
“Dear, chew slowly, you'll still get there on time,you don't want to have indigestion.” Mom said as she sat down beside me.
“Okay, mom, I'm done,” I said as I dropped my dishes at the sink and washed them. “I'll be leaving now mom, love you.” I said to mom as I kissed her, dad came in.
“Dad, good morning I am about to leave.” I told dad as I applied my lip gloss.
Dad looked at Me, with a mixture of pride and sincerity, “You're a fighter, Anna. I have no doubt you'll find something soon.”
With their encouraging words, this morning I carried my hand bag and I opened the door as I stepped into the busy streets of America. The morning air was so crisp and neat it lifted my spirit as I continued on my journey to finding a job here.
I went to a lot of establishments, looking for a job, but they all turned me now with one lame excuse or the other, either I was not fit for the job, or I was not qualified for it. This happened to me all morning. I was about to give up hope when I saw an opening for a job at a door. I got closer. It was a beautiful, cozy and warm pastry shop. It was like a dream come true for me.
I prepared myself, as I pushed open the door and entered, only to be greeted with the heavenly aroma of freshly baked muffins and croissants. A huge smile was on my lips, as I went to the counter and approached the old lady who was arranging these delightful goodies on a shelf.
“Good day young lady,” the woman said to me, smiling. “How may I help you?”
“I'm here ma'am, you inquire about the job opening here.” I said, trying to sound sure of myself.
The woman's face lit up with sincere interest.
“Young lady, we are actually looking for an assistant baker. Do you have any experience at all?”
My heart was overflowing with happiness at this point. “I have always had a passion for biking, and ma'am am a fast learner and am eager to learn whatever. I said trying to contain my happiness.
The old lady nodded, she was interested in me. “I like you, young lady. I'll give you a chance, you can start tomorrow but it'll be on trial until you've proven yourself to me.” She said to me,
I was so excited to have been given an opportunity to work, I got a job now my family will be happy to hear this. It was getting late at this point. I took out my phone as I saw missed calls from Alma. My phone has been on silent since today. That's why I called her back to share the good news to her.
“Sis, I've got good news to tell you.” I told Alma happily.
“Hmm okay am all ears, hermana.” Alma was interested in what I had to say to her.
“Sis, I just got a job at a pastry shop.” I told her happily.
“Wow that's goodness, we should celebrate this now.” Alma said like she has a plan.
“If you say so, Hermana.” I told her happily.
“Okay,send me your address and I'll meet you there.” Alma told Me. I sent her my location and I went to wait for her at the pastry shop.
I went to the shop, and asked the old lady if she'll allow me to wait for my sister here. She agreed. She told me her name is Mrs Betty and that she owns the shop with her late husband, Mr Michael. We talked for a bit, before she went back to attend to her job and customers, she offered me her muffins and I thanked her. I watched her work, and how everything is done I knew I had to be here and learn from her. Alma came shortly, I thanked Mrs Betty and I left to celebrate with my twin sister Alma.
Alma Took me to celebrate at a fancy restaurant, it was beautiful there.
“Sis, take whatever you want. I'll lie and not play about it.” Alma told me.
“Really, anything, no problem, I love food so I'll make do on your word.” I said to my sister , laughing. I made my order after looking at the menu, but I had to ask Alma where she got the money.
“Alma, I know this restaurant is expensive, how did you get the money to afford this place?” I asked Alma.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you, I also got a job today, and I got an advance salary to celebrate with you sis.” Alma said to me.
“Alright, sis I believe you, let's celebrate our victories of getting jobs today.” I told her happily.
We finished at the restaurant, and left for our house the sun was already setting and our parents will be back from their jobs, we got to house, our parents weren't back yet, I changed from my outfit and I decide to prepare dinner with Alma, so that our parents will have food to eat when the come back. We were done with dinner when mom came back first and made her way to the kitchen.
“Mom, welcome, just relax, dinner is ready.” I told mom.
“Thanks, I'll just freshen up and come now because I am sticky with sweat.” mol said as she went upstairs.
We dished dinner, we set up the table as dad walked in.
“Dad, you're just in time for dinner just come sit down.” Alma told dad as she walked up to him and helped him sit down at his chair at the dining table.
We had dinner, mom and dad talked about their day, and I couldn't help but steal glances at them while they were talking. I was shaking with excitement as I looked at them talking and I couldn't contain my happiness. I looked at Alma and she nodded her head signaling to go ahead and tell them.
Taking a deep and long breath, I drawed the attention of my parents from their conversation by clearing my throat.
“Mom and Dad,” I said. My voice was kind of shaky. “I have something to tell you.”
My parents stopped their conversation immediately, focusing their full attention on me, waiting for what I had to say to them.
“I got a job today,” I said in one breath while looking at them waiting for their reaction to the news I just said.
Dad raised an eyebrow, as mom's face lit up with excitement. “That's wonderful news, dear where did you get the job?” Mom asked.
I wasted no time in telling them, “I got the job at a pastry shop downtown.” my voice is very clear to hear.
“That's wonderful news, dear and I'm happy you got a job so sure you'll be great at it.” Dad told me.
“Congratulations , that's a dream come true for you, I know how you love baking pastries.” mom said to me.
“Congratulations again, sis am so happy for you. “ Alma said to me.
“Thanks sis,don't you have something to tell mom and dad?” I asked Alma, smiling.
“Yes I do, I also got a job too, mom and dad.” she said hesitantly.
“Dear, you wouldn't have told us, if your sister hadn't asked you to.” mom said to Alma sternly.
“No, mom I just wanted Anna to have her moment and I'll tell you about my own good news.” Alma told mom.
“Amore, let her be at least our daughters got a job and that's the most important.” Dad told mom, smiling.
Our conversation was about getting jobs. Today mom and dad forgot to ask Alma, where she got a Job but I'll ask her when I am alone with her. We helped mom clean and clear the dishes and we went upstairs to retire for the night. I followed Alma to her room.
“Aren't you going to shower and go to bed?” Alma asked me.
“I'll just want to ask you where you got the job, you never told me or our parents.” I told Alma.
“Alright, Anna I know that if I don't give it up, you won't let me hear the last of it, here is at this address call me when you get there.” she said as she gave me a written paper.
“That's much better, I'll visit you sometime.” I told her.
“That's fair enough, I'll be expecting your visit.” Alma said to me, smiling.
“I'll leave you for now, good night Sis, love you.” I said to her,
“Night, love you more.” Alma said to me.
I left her room, and left for my room, I got to my room and did my night routine and I got ready to sleep, I had a big day tomorrow.
The next day I got to the pastry shop, very motivated and excited to start working there and inquired to prove myself to Mrs Betty, that she didn't make a mistake giving me the job.
The aroma of freshly baked pastries was heavy in the air when I walked into the shop. This was my trial phase and I didn't want to mess it up. I was nervous and my heart was panting soundly, but my determination overwhelmed my nerves. This was my chance to prove to myself, my family and Mrs Betty that they were right in trusting me and my dreams.
As I continued to arrange the baked delights, at the shop today I remembered the conversation I had with my family and how they showered me with their support.
“I know, you can do this,Anna,” mom's encouraging words played in my mind.
“You've always had the talent of baking, just believe in yourself, you can do anything.”
“It's not about talent, Anna, it's about dedication and hardwork, just stay focused you'll succeed.” Dad's loving tone reminded me.
I smiled as I continued on my duties, with every interaction with every customer was a way of showing my skills as a baker. I gave them wonderful recommendations for their pastry cravings.
In the middle of attending to customers today, I got a buzz from my phone, it's a message from Alma.
“You've got this Hermana, I'm rooting for you always and I can't wait to celebrate with you for your success.
My sister's words of encouragement increased my strength and courage to work, because she's my twin sister and my closest confidante, she cheers me on, every success and failure. Her support works like magic on my confidence level.