Chapter 7: Her Misery
I gently cradled my stomach, feeling the tiny kicks from within. As I spoke softly to my unborn baby, I tried to soothe both of us. The pain I felt was overwhelming, but I didn't want my precious child to be affected by it.
Months went by, and my husband's cold and arrogant treatment towards me remained unchanged. Despite my efforts to be a devoted wife, he failed to appreciate or even acknowledge my actions. Instead, he would hurl insults at me whenever he was angry. It seemed that his pleasant demeanor was reserved solely for when his parents were present, but when it was just the two of us, his true colors would emerge.
In the evenings, I would assist Vecky , their maid, in preparing meals. I didn't want to be treated like a princess, so I gladly took on household chores.
"I'll help you, Vecky," I offered.
"Oh, please don't, Ma'am Prima. Your pregnancy is no joke, and you should be careful," Vecky protested.
"But Diego might get angry with me. I don't want to be a burden," I insisted.
"Why would he be angry, ma'am? He knows you're pregnant, so there's no reason for him to be upset. You're his wife, not a maid here,"Vecky replied.
"Can you please stop calling me Ma'am?" I requested.
"Oh, that's not possible. They would be angry with me, Ma'am," she answered.
I let out a sigh at Vecky's response, my worries evident on my face. She noticed my distress and decided to ask me a question.
"Ma'am, is there something wrong between you and Sir Diego? Why do you seem afraid of him?" she inquired curiously.
Surprised by her question, I pondered on how to respond. But before I could answer, I heard Diego's arrogant voice behind us, causing me to turn around.
He called out my name in a loud voice, causing me to immediately turn towards him. With a frown on his face, he questioned, "Why are you here? Didn't I specifically instruct you to prepare my suitcase?"
Vecky and I exchanged glances, and I could sense the nervousness on her face. However, I was taken aback when she stepped forward to apologize to him.
"I apologize, Sir. I will take care of your belongings," he volunteered.
My eyes widened upon hearing his words. I declined his offer, knowing that Diego would be furious.
"No, Vecky. I will handle it," I insisted.
"What are you waiting for?!" he arrogantly demanded.
I swiftly ascended the stairs to our room, feeling a slight pant in my breath. Taking a deep breath, I entered the room and placed his suitcase on the bed. Carefully, I folded his clothes and placed them inside his briefcase.
A few moments later, he entered the room, his face contorted in a frown, yet a smile played on his lips as he looked at me.
"This is why you can't get any work done here, because you prioritize gossiping with Vecky," he lectured.
"I simply wanted to help with cooking," I explained.
"Instead of following my instructions, you chose to assist others. Where is your common sense, woman?!" he angrily exclaimed.
"You've said enough, Diego!" I replied firmly.
"You made this choice, so be patient!" he arrogantly retorted.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, jolting us from our conversation. Without hesitation, he rushed to answer it, revealing Vecky standing there, extending an invitation to dinner.
"Shall we dine, Sir, Ma'am?" Vecky's voice was gentle as she spoke.
"Have they arrived, Dad?" he inquired.
"Yes, they're waiting downstairs," Vecky replied.
He nodded, motioning for me to join him. Reluctantly, I followed, not wanting his parents to suspect any tension between us. I took a moment to compose myself before stepping out of the room.
He led the way, and I trailed closely behind. Each step felt heavy as we descended the staircase. I wondered how long we would have to maintain this facade of harmony in front of his parents.
"Good evening, Mom and Dad," I greeted them as we entered the dining area.
Diego helped me into my seat, and in that moment, I wished his parents were always present, so he would always be this caring.
"Prima, your belly is growing. I have a feeling it's a granddaughter," his mother remarked, a smile gracing her face.
"I think it's a boy, darling," his father chimed in, also smiling.
"I want a girl, dear," his mother countered playfully.
"Mom, regardless of the baby's gender, they will always be my child," Diego stated firmly.
Butterflies danced in my stomach as I listened to his words. I couldn't deny the happiness that surged within me upon hearing his unwavering support.
"You're right, son. Regardless of the baby's gender, they will always be our grandchild, and we will love them just as much as we love you," his mother said, a warm smile on her face.
I noticed a faint smile on Diego's lips as his mother spoke. It was clear that he was putting on a facade, saying what he thought was expected of him. But despite that, I couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness, even if it was all just an act.
"Just take good care of yourself during the pregnancy, Prima. Indulge in whatever cravings you have because that's what our grandchild wants," his father chimed in, his voice gentle and caring.
"Thank you, Dad," I replied, a grateful smile forming on my face.
"Make sure not to overexert yourself, dear. Let the maids take care of the household chores. Your only job is to rest and take care of yourself," his mother added.
"Yes, Mom. Don't worry," I reassured her, returning her smile.
They both smiled at my response. I couldn't help but feel incredibly fortunate to have such loving and accepting in-laws. Not only had they embraced me as their daughter-in-law, but I could also feel their genuine love and care for me. I couldn't ask for anything more than to see Diego's heart soften towards me. I would do whatever it took to make that happen, for the sake of our baby.
"Prim, you have a smudge on your face," his mother pointed out.
"Oh," I chuckled, quickly wiping the corner of my mouth.
"Let me take care of that," Diego said, his expression serious as he reached for a tissue to gently clean my face.
"Get ready, you fucking idiot!" he whispered firmly.
I tried my best to maintain a smile, not wanting them to notice the tension between us. If only they knew how their son truly treated me.
After we finished eating, I offered to help Vecky get dressed, but her parents intervened.
"Prima, let Vecky handle that," his mother insisted.
"Oh, it's no trouble, Mom," I replied softly.
"Enough! Don't be stubborn. Go to your room and rest," his mother replied firmly.
I glanced over at Diego, curious to see his response. His expression turned serious as he uttered his words. The unexpected nature of his conversation with his mother caught me off guard. Yet, was it truly a surprise?