Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I stood in front of a 30-story building that never ceased to amaze Matali. Even though I came to this place yesterday, for some reason I can't stop being amazed by it.

This is New York, a modern city that is very famous in the world. I, who comes from this small town, will not always have the opportunity to come and live in this city.

In the past, family, friends, neighbors and people who knew me always said that I would not be able to survive in the brightness of New York City. I was not a smart student who excelled at school, nor did I have any talent. My height is only 163 cm, it is impossible to become a model. Even though people have beautiful faces, there are still many women who are much prettier than me. Right, that's very clear. My only pride is my big bra size, maybe I can tempt rich men with this.

"No! I won't do that again! I won't use any means to get money. I won't steal anymore, I won't gamble anymore, I won't sell drugs anymore and of course, I won't cheat anyone. Again.

"Agh... geez, why did I do work like this in the first place? What kind of person am I?" I muttered to myself. People passing by me looked at me strangely.

"Damn, what are you guys looking at? Have you never seen a girl as beautiful as me?" I thought.

With one breath, I stepped confidently towards the place where my fate would completely change. Starting today, there is no more Jennifer the thug. From now on I am Jennifer, the successful woman candidate.

"Good morning, Miss Jennifer?" Greeted a man standing behind me.

"This voice? This voice that sounds so calm and masculine? Isn't this the voice of William Evans, the charming Executive Manager?" I thought. I looked back and right behind me, the tall man with a beautiful face smiled gently at me.

Wearing a black cash suit, he really looked like the handsome and rich man I dreamed of. I feel that this is the greatest luck in my life.

"G-good morning, sir?" I returned his greeting while looking down shyly. No matter what, I have to look like a classy, ​​elegant woman.

"You look very excited, Miss Jenni!"

"Of course, sir! Today is my first day at work, so I feel very happy!"

"Thank goodness, then! Alright, while we meet here. I'll tell you about your duties as a receptionist. There are two of your colleagues there who will also help you, so I hope you can adjust quickly!"

"Okay sir!" I said.

The kind manager took me to the reception room which is on the main floor not far from the entrance. This is the place I came to when I first set foot in this company. The two women who helped me yesterday were also here, seeing me come with the Manager made them a little surprised.

"Erika, Sarah, introduce yourself, this is Jennifer, your new colleague! Please help and tell her what she needs to do!"

"Jennifer Everdeen!" I said while measuring my hand for a shake. This blonde woman immediately took my hand.

"Erika, nice to meet you, Jennifer! Hope you enjoy working here!"

"Of course!"

"Hi, I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you! If you need my help, you can say so!" Said Sarah, the woman with shiny red hair.

"Thank you, please help!"

"Okay, then! I'll excuse myself! Miss Jenni, have a good job!" Said the Manager as he left, followed by two men who I assumed were his assistants.

"Jennifer, this is your work desk! There are only three of us here and our main task is to provide all forms of information about our company to company guests and employees. Apart from that, we also have to know the work schedule and visits of company leaders and guests. upcoming guests, answering telephone calls, forwarding letters and several other administrative tasks. Isn't that difficult?" Sarah said. He looked quite firm, but polite.

"I think I can do it!"

"Okay, you can read your assignment guide on your computer. I have prepared it, so for today I want you to read the company operational standards and study them. This company consists of 30 floors, it might be quite difficult to memorize the layout and location of certain rooms!"

"Okay, I'll read it now!" I'm happy to do it. Come on, I just need to memorize these tasks. What's so difficult? I'll definitely master it in one day.

"Oh my gosh, my head is dizzy! I want to vomit!" I thought while massaging my head.

This was really beyond my expectations, how could the job of a receptionist be that difficult? Construction company, I just found out that the company I work for is one of the largest construction companies in America. No wonder the building is that tall, they must be used to working on big projects.

After only one job, I started to feel that working for a big company was quite difficult. Almost every five minutes the phone rang and letters came in and went out one after another, not to mention the guests who came almost every hour to meet the higher-ups, I really couldn't rest.

I opened the apartment door and when I entered the living room, I saw Jacob sitting on a chair looking at the laptop on the table in front of him. He looked very focused, not to mention the big white roll of paper, I think I saw something like that being carried by the two architects I saw in the office this afternoon.

"He really ignored me! Is he still angry because of last night's incident? Never mind, the important thing is that he lent me 2000 dollars. I don't care if he ignores me again after this. I just want to shower and rest!" I thought as I walked towards my room.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

There was no wind, no rain, Jacob suddenly called me when I wanted to be ignored by him. I didn't need his help right now, so it would be better if he just ignored me than I had to hear insults from him.

"W-what's wrong? Didn't you call me?"

"Actually, what is your relationship with my grandmother, huh?"

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