
“ Fuck D. This shit is a headache but it's worth it. Have you had dinner yet?” ,

“ No, I figured you'd be having dinner with Ms Jameson ” ,I said, smirking at him.

“ Na she's too chatty , besides she's got the hots for you “ he said playing with the desk marker.

“ I'm already married,not interested ”. I said looking up from the documents I had been going over for the past two hours.

“ Oh yeah. How's That working for you?” He was an asshole,but he was usually right.

“ Same ,same. She does her thing, I do mine. We stay out of each other's way”. I said not wanting to admit what happened today.

“ Well you better change that or Cynthia will. Let's go get coffee ” , he said standing up. I left the documents and we headed out. There was a small cafe a few blocks away from the company. Grayson and I spent many nights there. It was nine on a Friday and it was always quiet around this time. Only businesses were in this part of town .

When we walked into the cafe Grayson was talking about the new intern he had. The minute we walked in ,I spotted her. Fuck. She didn't see me so I pulled aside. Grayson didn't notice and thank God for that. She was sitting there with Ms Mitchell. She had her laptop and books open. I let Grayson order for us and we took a seat where I could see them and hear them.

” I'll be back Kenzie, I'm going to the washroom and then we'll head back to the library “. Ms Mitchell said.

“ Sure ”.

Just then a few guys came in and walked over to her. Guess they knew her. hmm.

“ Hey McKenzie. I didn't know you came to places like this?” ,one of them asked.

She didn't answer, she didn't even look at them.

The tall one was just looking at her.

“ Why don't you guys grab the coffee and we'll go. Give me a minute ” ,He said taking Ms Mitchell's empty seat .

“ So McKenzie. Did you make a decision?”.

What decision was he talking about? She looked at him.

“ This is my third year of med school. Since the beginning you've been asking me that question. The answer will always be the same Jake. I'm not interested in a relationship with you or anyone else. I'll say this once and only once. I'm already married. Now don't ever ask me again ”. She said quietly. Fuck this , The way he was looking at her pissed me off I was about to stand up and make my presence known when I saw Ms Mitchell walking towards them.

“ My my my Jake . Guess you're so desperate for an answer you won't take no even when you've been told Many times ”. Ms Mitchell said, looking at him. He looked at her.

“ Now I get it. The two of you are together, she's your girlfriend that's why the two of you are always alone and together.. damn why didn't you say you were interested in girls McKenzie ”, that was a taunting tone and it bugged me ,I didn't like the way he was speaking to her.

Zara threw her arms around McKenzie and rested her head on her shoulders.

“ Oh God, he found out Our secret Kenzie, what are we going to do now?” Zara said in a helpless tone. He stood up and walked outside to where his friends were waiting.

“ Sometimes I wonder what I would do without you and then at Times like this I want to hit you over the head. You do know by morning that rumors are going to spread all over campus ” , McKenzie said looking at her. Zara just shrugged

“ At least it'll stop those fucking asshole from making a pass at you” ,She said smiling.

“ Yea. Now I'm a lesbian. What else is your crazy mind going to come up with. Let's go”.

When she stood up and saw me she faltered. She kept her head down and walked out. I forgot Grayson was with me.. I turned around and found him looking at me.

“ Care to explain? I didn't know you were interested in such Young women.”..yea he wasn't going to back down.

“Sometimes I wonder why the hell I'm still friends with you. That's my wife, idiot?” ,I said not taking my eyes off the retreating figures. He jumped up.

“ Which one?”.

“Short one, brown hair” ,I said as he ran through the door. I saw him coming back a few minutes later he sat down and looked at me.

“ Your wife is hot , dude?”. He was smirking now.

“ I know ”.

“ So why the hell do you have her walking around without a ring?, you better get your shit together. One thing I do know Darius is that the minute you make it public and they know who she is the sharks are going to start swarming especially Ethan and you don't want him going after her. You already saw her classmates are after her too so get it together and figure out what you're doing”.

I didn't say anything, I couldn't because I didn't know what I wanted. We headed back to the office and continued working.

The past few weeks have been hectic. I would see her at least Once a week, around the house.she didn't say anything, Just kept to herself.

A few weeks later I was sitting in my office going over some documents for a takeover. Grayson had left a few minutes ago talking about some club. It was late and I was just tired. Everything was in order so I headed out. On the drive home Ruddy gave me a run down.

“ I Did some more digging and found some things, sir. Angela Davidson, And Paul Davidson are her parents. Well Paul is her stepfather married her mother when she was three. He has a son Gabriel Davidson he was seven when they got married. Her father, Garrett Pierce, Died in a car crash one year after she was born. I think she was homeschooled because there are no records of her attending school from birth to her eighteenth. No doctor reports or anything basically she didn't exist before she became eighteen. They lived on the outskirts of Wellington in Brookdale,no neighbors so no information. It seems like she and her family are estranged.The young Missus has no social media presence. never had it's like she's trying to keep a low profile. That's all I've found for now Sir “.

I was getting a headache.

“Let it be Ruddy. Whatever it is, we'll find out when the time is right”. He dropped me off then left. The house was quiet and most of the lights were off. I was heading up to my room when I heard something fall. I made my way over to the kitchen and saw her on the ground trying to pick up the glass shards.

“ What are you doing, you'll get cut” , I could tell I startled her.

“ I'm sorry,it was an accident, I'll replace it . I'm sorry, I really am”. She said in a tone that piqued my interest. I grabbed her by the hand to stop her. She had tears in her eyes.

“ I'm sorry, it really was an accident. I didn't mean to break it, I'm sorry “.

I break shit when I'm angry and here she was about to cry because she broke a damn glass by accident.

“ McKenzie it was an accident , it's replaceable. It's not the end of the world, just leave it ”. I said looking at her.

“ Okay “ ,she said, nodding her head.

“ Marlene will clean this up,why don't you go back to bed” ,I said, letting go of her hands.

“ Okay “.

I watched her walk out of the kitchen and head upstairs in the direction of her room. I looked at the broken glass on the floor.

“ She started apologizing didn't she ?” , I heard Marlene say. I turned around and found her bracing against the door . She was a damn busybody. I just shook my head.

“ Yes”. I answered with a sigh

“ It's been Three and a half months since she's been here. She cleans her own room. Does her own laundry and picks up after herself. Always says please and thank you. The first time she dropped some juice she began apologizing. After that I noticed if she was at home she was careful not to make mistakes or cause an accident. Either that young girl was raised right, raised in a strict home or something bad happened to make her that way. The first day she came here was the last day I saw her eat or drink anything in this house. She never eats breakfast,she isn't home for lunch and is home way past dinner hours.If I ask, her answer is always the same. I've already eaten. Now Mr Cirano I suggest you start paying attention to your wife and find out what's going on. Head on up I'll take care of this”.

“ Thank you Marlene. I'm heading up Good night”. That was a lot to unpack. I needed to figure out what was up with my wife. If I wanted this marriage with her and if I wanted her. I knew if I asked she wouldn't answer. She's always apologetic, quiet and does whatever she's told. I've had submissive women before but she wasn't a submissive was she ?.

I woke up the next morning and was waiting for her. When she came downstairs and saw me I saw her falter.

“ Good morning Mr Cirano “. It was as if last night's episode didn't happen.

“ Good morning McKenzie. Join me for breakfast ” ,I said making my way over to the dining table. I turned around and saw her still standing there.

“ Is there something wrong McKenzie?”.

” Umm , Do I.. I. I mean do I have your permission to join you?”.

Did I just hear that correctly? There's no way she's that submissive. I was going to find out before she left here today.

“ McKenzie this is your home now, you don't need my permission to do anything here . Come and have breakfast “. I said

“ Okay,Thank you “.

I watched her sit opposite me and began eating.

“ How are your studies going?”, I asked

“ Very good Sir. Exams are around the corner so everyone is busy with studies and practicals”. She replied enthusiastically, when it's about her studies she shows an active interest in the conversation. I noticed she doesn't wear jewelry ,was it because she didn't like them or couldn't afford them.

“ No Sir , Just Darius or Mr Cirano ” ,I said, not taking my eyes off her. Hearing her call me sir gave me visions of her in bed ,on her knees. Fuck, I needed to stop my Train of thought.

For the last few months Marlene and Zach mentioned that they haven't seen her wear anything other than jeans and turtleneck sweaters, and it makes me wonder why.

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