Chapter 7: Is He Different?
Lya’s P.O.V
"Do you want something to drink, Lya?"
"No, thank you. Can we get to the point, please?" I ask nervously.
"And what would that be?" he questions calmly.
"It's the part where you tell me that a human has no place by your side as Queen, right?"
He observes me in silence, his expression absolutely unreadable, which only increases my nervousness. He moves away from me to go to a bar where he pours himself a drink. He seems upset. But I can't tell if he's angry with me or something else.
"Sit down, Lya," he says in a neutral tone.
I reluctantly obey. I want this situation to end as quickly as possible. Caleb sits across from me. I feel hypnotized by his intense blue gaze. I squirm on the couch where I'm sitting. I'm becoming increasingly uncomfortable. He needs to speak. Say something. Anything!
"Why do you think I'm going to tell you that?"
"Because that's what the Lycan King told me," I reply in a whisper.
This time, astonishment appears on Caleb's face.
"You're tied to Soren?!"
There seems to be a mix of anger and sadness in the wolf's voice as if I had disappointed him just after we met. I clear my throat. I need to clarify my situation.
"I was, yes. But he didn't want me as Queen. He told me that the Lycan people would never accept a human, and he chose a Lycan instead. He insisted I stay as his mistress. But I rejected him and ran away."
Caleb massages his forehead, jaws clenched. He seems shocked by Soren's behavior.
"I know Soren is an idiot. But I didn't think he was that bad," he says with annoyance. "And you think I'll behave the same way as him?"
"Well... Uh, yes."
As soon as I utter it, I regret my response. Caleb genuinely looks hurt.
"You're wrong. Unlike Soren, I accept the gift that the goddess gives me by bringing you into my life, Lya," he asserts firmly. "So, don't hope to distance yourself from me anytime soon."
I can't hide my surprise at his response. I know that relations between wolves and lycans are tense because lycans consider themselves superior and despise wolves. Jack and Emma have often explained this to me while warning me against such behavior. They never considered one species superior to the other. But after facing Soren, I never would have thought that Caleb would be so open-minded. So eager to let me into his life.
"Tell me, did you tell me everything?"
"Yes, why?"
"I'll tell you. Soren spoke to me about a source that allowed him to slow down the Rogue King's ambitions. He spoke of a witch. But I could sense in his voice that he had feelings for this witch... Wasn't he talking about you?"
Unlike Soren, who is impulsive and arrogant, Caleb is calm and thoughtful. And he has already made the connection. I nervously run a hand through my hair. Will this not complicate our budding relationship if I tell him everything? Good Lord, can I stop asking myself so many questions?
"Lya, I really want you to trust me," he says firmly. "I'm not Soren."
"Well... Actually, after Soren announced his intentions, I refused his 'proposal,' and he had me locked in a dungeon."
I'm surprised to hear Caleb emit a deep growl. His eyes shine with barely contained rage.
"Soren had you imprisoned?!"
"Yes. To make me change my mind. But I had no intention of changing my mind. Eventually, I was kidnapped by the Rogue Alpha King. He wanted me to join him in bringing down Soren. Of course, I refused. But before escaping from his base, I took the liberty of stealing some documents that were lying unattended on his desk. And I handed them over to Soren. Because for me, it's better to have an idiot on the throne than scum."
"Did you tell him that? I mean, did you say your last sentence to Soren?" he asks, surprised.
"Yes," I reply embarrassedly. "That and a few other... um... remarks."
Caleb is then overcome with such laughter upon learning this that I can't help but smile. I feel like I'm already falling under his charm, in just a few minutes! Caleb clears his throat after regaining his composure. He leans forward and fixes me with intensity, hands crossed.
"Lya, I want you to honestly answer two questions."
"Okay," I reply calmly.
"Did Soren accept your rejection?"
"No, he refused it," I respond with a frustrated sigh.
"Good, my next encounter with him promises to be... interesting," he says with amusement. "And do you think the rogue king is still looking for you?"
I thoughtfully rub my bracelet. And I remember the abduction attempt when I arrived in Cinéa.
"Yes. Caleb, I'm not just a human."
"I noticed, yes, but it was a fleeting impression."
I show him my bracelet.
"I was attacked when I arrived in Cinéa," I explain calmly. "Since then, I've been hiding my magical nature in case the rogue sent other witches to find me."
"I'm returning to my pack, the royal pack, Sacred Moon, tomorrow. And you're coming with me, Lya. I'll officially introduce you as my mate. And I'll make you my Luna and my Queen as soon as you feel ready. Does that suit you?"
"Yes. But... Uh, I mean the king..."
My tone is hesitant. Binding myself to Caleb means putting him between Soren and Ethan. I feel uncomfortable with that idea. But he dismisses my concern with a wave of his hand.
"I'm not afraid of Soren or the rogue king. And now that I've found you, my dear, I'll take care of you," he announces softly and seductively.
I suddenly feel hot. And judging by Caleb's triumphant smile, I must be red with embarrassment.
"I'll arrange for you to be taken home. I'll come pick you up tomorrow at 10 a.m. Just bring the essentials. My beta will take care of bringing the rest of your belongings quickly. Unless you have something else to tell me?" he asks.
I know he wants me to talk about my past. To tell him who I am. But I'm not ready yet. I can't deny that Caleb is different from Soren. But that doesn't mean I'm going to trust him completely, right now. So I shake my head negatively. As I'm about to get up, he stops me by placing his hand on my arm. The contact sends a shock through my entire body.
"Once again, all I want is for you to trust me. I'll wait until you're ready to tell me everything, Lya."
"Thank you. Sincerely."
Caleb gets up from his seat, and I follow suit. The door opens, and three bodyguards enter. They escort me to an SUV and take me home safely. Once in the solitude of my apartment, I feel my legs give way. I collapse onto my couch. My mind is a nameless chaos. Is following Caleb to his pack really the right decision?