8. I Didn't Mean To
“Are you sure? Who told you that she’s back?”
Conroy sighed. He placed his hands behind his head. “I have people in town who told me that she was discharged because they saw her in town. I called her sister and she confirmed it. But that’s not important right now.”
He turned to me and smiled. “Tonight is about me and you. Come over here. You’re too far away for my liking.”
With a calm smile, I shifted closer until I was in his arms, my head leaning on his chest.
Conroy combed his fingers through my hair. It felt soothing, and I actually put on a genuine smile this time. But what he said couldn’t escape my mind.
She’s back? Already? I thought she would be staying there longer. Jeez, why didn’t she die?
That poison was meant to get rid of her. That’s what I’ve been told. It was strong enough to kill a werewolf, that’s for sure. But she had to be a bloody Lycan, didn’t she? I bet she feels so freaking special. At least it landed her in the hospital. If only she could have stayed there.
Ever since the finality of their divorce, I’ve secured myself as an emotional support rock for Conroy. I was everything he needed. Someone pretty and available who he can talk to without being judged Conroy said himself that my support had made a lot of difference.
After a few months since then, Conroy saw all my good traits. It was only natural that he developed feelings for me, even if it couldn’t surpass the feelings I had for him. I felt like I was dreaming when He asked me out on our first date. Ever since then, we’ve been together for seven months. At long last, I was where I belonged by his side.
But Conroy can never find out the truth about me.
He didn’t need to know that I was the reason his parents died.
I didn’t mean any harm. My plan was so simple. I couldn’t use any of Daddy’s cars so I had to buy one of my own the day before I knew his family would be taking that trip.
The day came and the skies were dark, but I had no choice. I was convinced that this was the best idea I ever had.
The plan was simple. I needed to create a tiny accident, just enough to damage a small portion of his family car and get his attention. The skies were dark, the rain drizzled down, but when would I receive a better chance than this?
Then it happened. It was a huge mistake. I underestimated how slippery the road would become on that cliff when it rained. I got out of the car and saw the blood before I saw the bodies. Conroy’s father was hanging out of his windshield. His mother was knocked out.
I didn’t mean for things to go that far. Why would I want to harm my possible in-laws? How would I know that taking such a sharp turn would cause them to drive into that railing? I ran back to my car and left the scene as soon as possible.
The accident remained in my mind for weeks afterward. I rarely left my room. Then, I heard that Conroy was the sole survivor and was in recovery.
It was as if the clouds parted and rays of sunlight shined on my face, filling me with hope.
“Ella, are you okay?” Conroy caressed my cheek. “You’ve gone quiet all of a sudden.”
I gazed up at his handsome face. Mine. I smiled. “Conroy, do you promise you’ll stay by my side forever?”
His lips stretched upward. He kissed my head. “Of course. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here for as long as you’ll have me.”
Content, I sighed and moved the conversation to something else. Yes, you will be here, because I’d rather die than let you go.
None of these clothes seemed to fit. I held one dress up in front of me. It went well with my reflection in the mirror, but I had a thing against ruffled sleeves.
I used to love them when I was younger. I played with the sleeves continuously, daydreaming of a comfortable life with a prince charming who understood every part of me and loved me endlessly.
That’s the part of myself that I want to keep at a distance.
I sighed and lowered the dress.
“That looks great on you, Miss!” The store attendant said with enthusiasm. “Your skin tone is perfect for pulling off that shade of blue.”
I shook my head. Turning to her, I asked, “Do you have any dresses that have a similar design but without the ruffled sleeves? The colors don’t matter.”
“Yes, Miss! I’m going to check for some right away!”
She left to go search for them. Maybe she remembers my face from all the times I’ve shopped here and knows that I’m not the kind of customer who orders her around and wastes her time.
As I placed the dress back on its rack, three girls entered the store. Another store attendant approached them.
I didn’t pay them any mind because this is the mall, customers and window shoppers come in all the time.
What caught me off guard was that I could recognize the voices. I tiptoed and glanced over the racks. There they were.
I knew who the three girls were because we used to all hangout. We kept in contact after high school but we really stopped talking to each other after the divorce. They didn’t want their names associated with me, which I understood despite not agreeing with them. Werewolves and Lycans no longer occupied the forest, but it is still survival of the fittest in this concrete jungle. Who you hung out with said a lot about you. Although their rejection of me did hurt, it didn’t hurt enough for me to desire revenge.
I sighed internally. As long as they hurry and get what they came here for, then I should be able to shop in peace. My wardrobe needs a major update.
“Yeah, but didn’t she visit Conroy right after the accident?”
I froze. Instead of minding my own business, minding theirs seemed like the better option. To avoid suspicion from the other shoppers, I browsed through the clothes, pretending to be purely focused.
“It’s so weird, right? Doesn’t Riley’s brother hate him with every core of his being? He never once said one good thing about him. Yet his sister is running around trying to get information about it and bribing the police. Well, allegedly.”
Another girl giggled. “Right, allegedly. Misty, be so for real right now! Riley isn’t here to hear us. She and her brother Mason are sus and everybody knows it. They’re kind of weird, not gonna lie.”
“Yet you still tried to screw him.”
“Oh my god, would you just shut up! Did you find what you were looking for? Are you done?”
“Pretty much. The dress I wanted hasn’t arrived yet. Jeez, these people are so slow. Why do I even continue to shop here?”
After Misty told the store attendant to hurry up with the order, she and the girls left the store. Not only were they now gone, but I also had something new to think about.
The attendant who was helping me came back with the dresses I asked for as well as some new designs that she thought would look good on me. After paying, I grabbed my bags and headed straight for the parking lot beneath the mall.
While making a beeline for my car, I searched for a specific contact on my phone. It rang twice. On the third ring, he finally answered.
“And here I thought you’d forgotten about me,” Avery teased.