

Timidly, I entered my boss's office, and to my surprise, Thomas Werneck was there too. He was sitting comfortably on the couch, which was positioned in one of the corners of the CEO's huge office while scrolling through his phone. Mr. Hickmann was seated in his imposing CEO chair, completely absorbed in reading on his computer. He didn't even pay attention to my entrance.

"Do you need something, Mr. Hickman?" I asked, without receiving so much as a glance in my direction. He continued absorbed in his reading, exactly as I expected him to be. Meanwhile, Thomas remained focused on his phone, oblivious to my presence in the room.

"I would like you to—" Hickmann began, but suddenly stopped mid-sentence. He looked up and finally glanced at me, genuinely surprised by what he saw. His eyes seemed to sparkle with surprise, and I could understand him perfectly.

In the face of Hickmann's intrigued gaze, I felt slightly uncomfortable and apprehensive. It was evident that he was surprised to see me in that outfit, which only increased my feeling of embarrassment. I shouldn't have been dressed like that during working hours, especially since I hadn't officially ended my shift yet.

My brilliant idea didn't seem as good as before. I had thought about making things easier for myself, but now I might have dug my dismissal. Since I wouldn't have time to go home before leaving the company, I decided to freshen up and change out of my sober work clothes into something more appropriate for the romantic encounter awaiting me.

Now, upon reconsideration, I didn't think my choice was appropriate at all. I was wearing a red dress that hugged every curve of my body like a second skin. The fabric accentuated my thighs, toned from hours spent at the gym. The daring neckline revealed part of my full and naturally perky breasts, with no room for a bra, as the chosen style left the sides of my breasts and part of my cleavage completely exposed.

While Hickmann remained silent, I noticed Werneck's surprised gaze, who, upon realizing the sudden change in atmosphere, also lifted his head and caught sight of the back of my dress. His exclamation of "Wow!" expressed his surprise clearly.

"What can I do for you, sir?" I asked, encouraging him to continue with the subject he had in mind.

Then Hickmann turned to me, his gaze filled with interest as he observed my body without trying to disguise his desire.

"Are you going somewhere, Isadora?" he asked, making clear his interest in my presence.

"I have an appointment scheduled for eight o'clock, Mr. Hickmann," I explained, indicating the urgency of my departure if I wanted to make it in time for the meeting.

At that moment, Werneck intervened with a direct question, diverting my gaze towards him.

"Would this appointment happen to be a date?" Thomas Werneck asked this time.

Thomas stood up from the couch and approached, coming up behind me until he was very close, but maintaining a small distance, his face almost brushing against my neck. A wave of anxiety, something unfamiliar to me, coursed through my body.

"Yes, it's a date, Mr. Werneck."

I had no reason to deny the truth, as I was just an employee, like any other in the company, and had every right to go on dates during my off hours if I so desired.

I noticed they exchanged a glance between them, and I was curious about the message they seemed to convey to each other. Silence now dominated the room. I wasn't sure what my bosses were thinking about my revelation, and it left me feeling unsettled.

Could this be a reason for dismissal?

Suddenly, without warning, Vincent also stood up from his chair behind the desk, and slowly, like a predator ready to pounce on its prey, he approached me. Unlike Thomas, Vincent stopped in front of me, while his partner remained behind my body, also very close.

I couldn't fully understand what was happening in that room, but besides the feeling of anxiety that had accompanied me since my bosses stared at me dressed like that, there was now also the anticipation of what was about to happen. At that moment, I realized I was between two wonderful men, and it was beyond any expectation I had ever created since joining H&W.

I felt the breath of both men closer to me, and my breathing became faster. Just as Vincent was a handsome and seemingly hot man, Thomas was no less, with both of them being almost the same height. However, Thomas had a body even more sculpted in muscles than his partner, and even wearing a suit, it was noticeable that his arms were huge.

With blonde hair and blue eyes, Thomas exuded charm and masculinity. His neatly trimmed beard added a touch of ruggedness to his face, contrasting with his lovely personality. It was hard not to be attracted to him, even knowing how wrong it was to allow oneself such thoughts.

As the two of them came even closer to me, I felt my panties getting wet, such was the anticipation that had built up inside me. I remembered my near experience with Lucchese and Benny, anticipating that what I had wished for that morning was apparently about to come true now, in my boss's office.

However, this time I didn't intend to give up. I was so aroused just by the sexual tension that had settled in that room, and just the thought of being alone with those two men aroused an uncontrollable desire in me like never before.

The fact that everyone in the building had already left and that they were practically surrounding me with their huge bodies was something that had never crossed my mind, not even in my wildest dreams. But I was simply loving the thought of all the possibilities of what the three of us could do.

"I believe you can have much more fun if you stay here, with both of us," Vincent suggested, speaking very close to my ear.

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