The Savior

Emily woke, feeling refreshed and good as brand new, she yawned and slipped away from the bed covers, and opened the door, the smell of good food hit her, Sam was already at the table, eating with relish, her mother was dressed for work, she beamed when she saw Emily.

“How are you feeling, honey” her mother asked, and Emily grinned.

“I feel like a new car,” Emily said.

“Cos you are one” Sam chipped in and his mother smiled at his remark.

“I don’t see any tires,” her mother said looking at Emily.

“I could fix that, we could tear her limbs off and fix sticks then connect it to a tire, then we are good to go,” Sam said, grinning wickedly.

“Sam!” His mother chided, “That’s horrible” she said, Sam shrugged and shoved lobster roll into his mouth and chewed, relishing the taste.

Emily glared at Sam, she dug into her food and ate. Emily had gotten an email asking her to come clean a restaurant. The pay was massive, and Emily couldn't afford to miss this, after eating, she grabbed her backpack and headed for the door,

“Wait” came Sam's voice, he shoved something into her palm, and when she looked it was a small pocket knife.

“In case you need me and I don't come in time, you keep them occupied with this,” he said seriously and Emily nodded and slipped the knife into her waistband. She waved to Sam who nodded back then slammed the door shut.

The restaurant was massive and Emily could not help but be impressed by the splendor of the restaurant, she greeted the person who called her to work and set to work. She cleaned everything in sight she stood and turned and crashed into a hard body, strong hands steadied her, and then she looked up to stare at his face, and for a moment she forgot how to breathe, green eyes like emeralds stared back at her, oh God! He was so handsome, he had long blond hair that fell to his shoulders, his nose was narrow, he had lips that seemed to be calling for attention, and his build was everything a woman ever wants. Emily instantly fell in love.

“I am so sorry” she blurted out, blushing, he nodded and stepped back.

“It’s alright” came his voice, deep and powerful; like someone of authority. Emily was still staring, even as he sat at a table and stared ahead, she hurriedly cleaned the restaurant and headed upstairs to collect her pay, she glanced one more time at the handsome guy and smiled if only she knew his name.

Emily, after collecting her pay came down to see if the guy was around, but he was gone, disappointed, Emily headed outside as he passed a dark alley, a hand snaked out and grabbed her.

“Finally,” a growly voice said and whipped Emily around, it was the monster from last night, it growled and looked Emily up and down and licked its lips, “I get to have my fill of you then chew your head off, master’s orders, wish I could keep you, I’ll bang you forever,” he said laughing at his joke, the creature red eyes glinted.

“Master isn’t interested in you, looks like he wants to use your death to get to someone,” the creature said.

“Master?” Emily said hoping to keep the creature talking, in time to whip out her knife, but the creature was smart, he didn’t say anything but just pulled down his pants and approached Emily who backed away, he grinned revealing his shark-like teeth then lunged for Emily, they crashed to the ground and the creature pulled at her Jean, but before he could do anything, the creature was sent flying, he crashed into a wall, groaning.

Emily turned to look at her savior, it was the guy she had crashed into at the restaurant. The guy stalked towards the creature grabbed him by the neck and hoisted him high.

“Go back to hell demon,” the guy said and tore the creature's grotesque neck off its body. The guy turned back to Emily, “Are you alright” he asked and Emily nodded while resisting the urge to scream, he helped Emily up.

“You could see that thing for what it was right?” The guy asked and Emily nodded, so she was not hallucinating, after all, this guy could see it too.

“Who are you,” Emily asked, “I mean you are not human are you?”

“I am not fully a human,” the guy said, he stared at Emily as if deciding if he could trust her. “I am a werewolf half human, half……….”

“Wolf?” Emily asked, the guy stared at her, his face was expressionless.

“That’s right, what are you” he asked and Emily stared at him in confusion, “I mean, you could see that thing wasn’t human, which means you are not fully human, yourself, so I am asking what supernatural being are you,” he said, Emily shook her head.

“My parents never told me anything,” she said and the guy glanced at her, he sniffed.

“I smell a wolf on you, you might be a werewolf,” he said and my heart soared, Emily was glad that she could be a werewolf like this dude.

“My name is Emily what’s yours?” She asked and his green eyes darkened for a second before they softened.

“Logan” he turned and walked away, Emily didn’t care how he walked out of her, she was only glad, she had gotten to know his name.

When Emily got home, Sam who sat on a chair suddenly rose he rushed up to her checking for injuries.

“Did it come?” Sam asked and Emily nodded, Sam stared at her.

“It wanted to rape me and bite my head off afterwards” Emily teased but Sam was not joking.

“Did he do it?” Sam asked.

“Is that necessary………”

“ANSWER ME!” Sam roared out and Emily scowled.

“He didn’t do anything, okay, I was rescued by someone, who could also see the monster for what it is,” Emily explained and Sam relaxed and unclenched his fists. “Is mom back?” She asked and Sam shook his head.

“She said she would be teaching extra hours,” Sam said, and picked up an old journal, he raised it for Emily to see, “This is Dad’s, I haven’t opened it though, but I think we would find the answers to dad’s death and you being able to see monsters here,” he said and tucked the book back into a shelf.

Emily stared at the place where the book lay. What was her dad not telling them? What had he hidden from them, she picked up her backpack and headed to her room, but she didn’t see the note that slipped from her backpack and fell to the ground.

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