The Attack
Emily stared at the note, she had seen in a corner when she was cleaning the house, she unfolded it and read:
You managed to escape, you can’t this time.
Emily dropped the note, she quickly dialed Logan’s number, and he picked up the first ring.
“What’s up” his voice was gruff, Emily explained what she just read, Logan paused on the other end, I’ll come over soon, the line went dead.
Emily smiled as she pictured Logan's powerful self, last week, he had saved her from a bullet, how he knew a bullet was coming, Emily didn’t know. He had watched her ever since, he even escorted Emily’s mother to work, Sam who always thought he was a man, felt inferior anytime Logan came by. Logan was way too tall and more powerfully built. The door crashed open and Logan rushed in.
“I can’t find your mom, Emily,” Logan said and Emily's eyes widened.
“What!” Emily yelled and Logan looked around.
“Where is Sam?” He asked, Emily put on her shoes.
“He left for college earlier,” Emily said, she struggled to keep up with Logan's stride as they headed to a car Logan had rented, he slipped in and Emily followed suit, they drove, suddenly Logan stopped, then quickly swerved the car to the right and in seconds where the car was exploded as a rocket launcher found its mark.
Logan narrowed his eyes in concentration, he slammed his foot on the accelerator and the car roared as it increased speed, two sedans were hot on their tails, Logan growled, the sound chilled Emily to the bone, reminding her that Logan was not fully human, something she tends to forget when she stares at his face; Logan turned the wheel sharply causing the car to spin round, then he reversed with that same momentum, the other sedan didn’t see the trick Logan did, and rammed into the second sedan, the impact was so strong that both cars exploded, Logan was already speeding away even before both cars collided.
“Are they gone?” Emily asked, frightened, Logan kept his eyes on the road, and he swerved sharply again.
“No” He stared at Emily, “They are after me too, they seem to know we are werewolves.” He said.
“Oh God” Emily muttered, “I don’t want to die,” she said, Logan smiled, then his expression changed, the car picked up and sped, Emily turned to look, four sedans were chasing them now.
Logan muttered a curse when one dude in the sedan brought out a bazooka and aimed for them, Logan slammed his foot on the brakes, and spun the car into a passageway, luckily the car fit, and a few seconds after, came the sound of an explosion. He gave Emily a grenade, she stared at it in fear.
Logan's eyes were like stone, and instead of green, they were a solid yellow.
“Chuck it out the window, Emily” Logan's voice was deeper and gruff, the car suddenly lurched forward and Emily counted up to five then reached out and threw the grenade, as the sedan passed it the grenade exploded lifting the sedan into the air, Logan grinned and turned to look, he whipped round sensing something but it was too late before he could swerve out of the way, a black sedan crashed into them sending the car flying.
Emily was still strapped to her seat, then rolled then landed upside down, grunting in pain, Emily loosened the seat and crawled out.
“Interesting,” a voice said and Emily lifted her head to stare at a thin man in a red suit, he held a rifle in his hands, “Finally, another potential werewolf” he crouched to her level.
“Where is the alpha” he asked, and Emily glared at him.
“What alpha? Logan” She looked around but Logan was nowhere to be seen.
“Yes your new bodyguard is the alpha of the werewolf, a bit sneaky but I’ll kill him I promise, now let’s be over with you” he pointed his gun at Emily, “Your blood will make me a new mutant” his finger pressed the trigger slowly and Emily closed her eyes, the gunshot rang out but Emily felt nothing she opened her eyes to see Logan holding a bullet.
“Oh” the man grinned, “The alpha is not a coward after all, boys!” He called and around them ghouls surrounded Emily and Logan, Logan snarled, dark fur started erupting from his arms, and his eyes were a golden yellow. Logan closed his eyes and held down his wolf, he turned to Emily
“Stay down” he ordered and the ghouls charged Logan stood calmly then let out a roar of challenge and picked up a car, Emily stared in shock as he hoisted it high and threw it at the charging ghouls killing them instantly, the man on suit fired at Logan who dodged and ran to grab the man but a ghoul tackled Logan sending him off-balance, no matter how many killed they kept coming but as Emily watched Logan body started to glow, his eyes were like miniature stars and he yelled out defiantly and everything turned white, Emily was momentarily blinded and when her vision returned all the ghouls were now barbecued piles of ash. Logan turned to the man in the suit, whose face was half burned from the blast
“You aren’t human” Logan observed circling the man, the man threw back his head and laughed.
“Who said I was,” the man said, Emily watched as the man slowly placed his hand on the trigger, Emily couldn’t help but feel that, whatever the bullet in that gun was, it was lethal to werewolves, “I am Finn, and I hunt wolves for fun and business, wolves like you and the lady,” the man said.
Logan's eyes turned yellow, his wolf didn’t like the insult, so he stalked toward the man who kept his gun in front of him. Emily sat up, Logan then lunged for the man, but the man must have been doing this for a long time he fired a bullet into Logan’s stomach, Logan howled, and at the same time punched the man hard sending him crashing into a car, the man groggily got up and ran off. Emily rushed to Logan who lay staring silently as if he hadn’t taken a bullet, blood gushed from the wound.
“You are bleeding,” Emily tore off a fabric of her shirt and staunched the blood, Logan smiled at her.
“You did nothing,” he said
“I threw a bomb” she countered. He grinned at her for the first time then opened an SUV door.
“Let’s get out of here,” he said and slammed the door close, as she skirted around the car, she saw a note. Emily picked it, up and read:
I will be back.