Visiting the SIns of the Father on the Daughter
Aurelia's Pov
Crack! I flinched in pain as the captain 's whip sliced through my back, making me clench my teeth and my eyes closed, while in endured the pain.
How I ended up in this scenario was absolutely ridiculous. I couldn't defend myself against the allegations made by some of the pack members, after they told the captain that I had stolen their clothes.
I was never a thief and once again I was framed by these people because of the sheer hate they possessed for me.
"You are a disgrace to this very pack that you call your home." The captain mentioned, after repetitive lashing of the same whip, which was solely cutting through my skin. "We feed you, and clothe you despite your father act of murder against the Alpha's father, and what do you turn around to do? Steal from the pack members." The impact of this whip had me hissing. I had vowed never to cry again for the things they were doing to me.
"I am innocent Captain!" I managed to say through the sheer pain I was going through. "They framed me up" I added further with tears in my eyes.
"You are also a liar and I don't think I will believe you." He continued lashing till I could barely feel my skin anymore. I hated how this was almost an everyday routine and I didn't make an attempt to even stare at my skin anymore, as it has been washed away with severe bruises.
After long hours of lashing, the captain stopped and walked to my front to look at my face. He was in rage seeing my face that my face was covered in his spit, after making a disgusting face.
"You should call this mercy. The next time anyone reports you to me, you are going to die in my hands." He finished off and was about leaving, when he turned again to stare at me.
"Get yourself out of the ground now!" I could barely move, my body was stiff and the pain at my back was too intense. However, the fear of what he could do, if I disobeyed his order propelled me to stand to my feet.l
"For your punishment, you are going to clean the hallway and every single room in this mansion immediately!" I could barely stand properly and now I had to clean up the rooms and also the hallway all by myself, a routine that took long hours to accomplish.
Once he left my small room, tears fell down my eyes, as I realized that there was no hope for me in this world. I was completely useless and the sins of my father seemed to completely hunt me everywhere I go.
I was young, when my father had murdered the alpha and I didn't even know what he looked like. I didn't know what happened to my mother as no one seemed to care about me. Everyone saw me as a murderer and this fueled a lot of hate in the hearts of the pack members.
Summoning all the strength in my body, I managed to move my body a bit, but it was agonizing. My muscles were screaming in protest as I moved my legs and I could feel dried blood caked on my back from the heavy lashing.
As I appeared at the hallway, i discovered it was still sparkling clean and it made me wonder, what else needed to be cleaned up from this place. However, I couldn't disobey the Captain's order.
Heading to the kitchen, I found a bucket and while I leaned to get it, I felt a presence behind me, rocking my bosom, while breathing very hard.
"I have been looking for you everywhere little slut." The familiar voice of Simmons, the Beta came through my ears.
"Please..." I hissed in pain as his hands roamed against my bare skin, which had bruises all over them.
"Someone has been a little bit stubborn as of late..." Simmons commented feeling the bruises on my skin. "I like it when you are battered, it makes your body more suitable for me.." There was no denial that he was the most brain-twisted member of the pack and his attraction towards me, was irritating to say the least.
"Please master Simmons, I cannot do this.." I begged, trying to fight through his grip on my body, even though he was stronger.
"You are mine little Omega..." I tried to wiggle free and almost succeeded, when he grabbed inch of my clothes, pulling me back to his body and smacking me hard on the face. "You don't question your master, just do as I have said.." he stated with a growl.
"What is going on here...." He let go of my body upon hearing the voice of the future Alpha of the pack; Alder StormCrest.
"This little Omega here attempted to steal from my pocket and I had to teach her a lesson." I couldn't believe what was coming out of his lips. He had assaulted me and now he was lying to the future Alpha of the Pack.
I didn't dare look at the face of the Alpha, as he approached me slowly like a predator coming for its prey. He held my neck and forced me to look at him.
"The captain told me earlier today that you stole from some of the members of the pack and now you tried to steal from the Beta as well?" He growled in my face. "You clearly haven't learned any lesson from your father's incident on mine. Maybe I would do you the honor of teaching you a good lesson."
I felt the sharp claws dig into my eyelids, and a white-hot pain exploded in my head. I screamed as he pushed further down my eyes. "This should teach you to look away from people's property murderer!" I could feel the blood running down my cheeks, and the scent of it filled my nostrils.
I clutched at my eyes, trying to stem the flow of blood as both the Beta and Alpha Alder left the kitchen. I dropped to the floor, trying not to scream my lungs out in agony.
I found myself cursing at everything, from my father who placed me in this predicament, to the pack members, who felt that I should suffer for my father 's sin.
Loosing one eye only meant that I will never look presentable for my mate; if I ever got one at the end of the day. My whole body was a mess and the realization that my eighteenth birthday was near meant that I would definitely be seeing my mate.
I didn't know what to expect from this feeling and knowing that he could be from this pack. A part of me wanted to hopeful that he would take me as I am, another part simply diffused the hope, seeing how much of a mess i had become.