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Chapter 1: The Heiress

Ana Salvatore

The city lights flickered across the screens that surrounded my small room. Code flowed through my fingers like water between rocks, each line a step closer to freedom. One click, and the virtual door swung open. Access granted.

"And we're in." I smirked, satisfied. This time had been faster. "This company will fall faster than I thought."

I was grateful to my mother for many things, but especially for getting me involved in the world of computers from a young age. Sometimes I miss having conversations with her about systems and all that stuff, or maybe I just miss her. I wish she was here.

A metallic sound startled me. The doorknob turned and my heart skipped a beat. It wasn't visiting hours.

The door burst open and the imposing figure of my uncle Marco stormed into the room. His normally serious face was pale and his eyes seemed to crystallize.

"Ana, I need to talk to you," he said with a trembling voice.

"Uncle Marco!" I rushed to hug him. I figured he didn't bring good news. "What's going on?" A chill ran down my spine.

"Your father..." he began, but the words choked in his throat. He cleared his throat and continued. "Your father is dead."

The world froze. The screens, the code, the room, everything blurred. A void opened in my chest, a sharp pain that left me breathless.

"How?" I whispered, barely audible.

"An accident," he replied gravely. "A car accident."

I couldn't help but remember the last time I saw him. His cold stare, full of disapproval, when I told him I didn't want to be part of the family business.

"I can't believe it," I said, more to myself than to him.

"Neither can I," my uncle murmured. "But now is not the time for regrets. There's much to be done."

My uncle's words hit me like a wave of reality. My father's death, the head of the most powerful mafia in the city, created a power vacuum. And I, his only remaining daughter, was next in line.

"I don't want this," I said firmly. "I don't want to be a part of this."

My uncle's eyes met mine, full of an intensity I had never seen before.

"Ana, you have no choice," he spoke sternly. "You are the heiress."

But I didn't want to be.

The next few hours were a whirlwind of activity. Funeral arrangements, calls to family associates, meetings with the rest of the mafia members. Each step brought me closer to a destiny I didn't want, to a world I repulsed.

On the eve of the funeral, I found myself in my father's room, surrounded by memories of a life that wasn't mine. Trophies of victories I hadn't celebrated, photos of men I had no connection to.

I found a notebook hidden in a secret drawer. My father's handwriting filled the pages, hurried scribbles and cryptic drawings. It looked like a diary, a record of his innermost thoughts.

I began to read, and the words ensnared me like a spiderweb. I discovered secrets my father had taken to the grave, betrayals he hadn't even imagined.

And then, I found it. A page with a single sentence, written in trembling ink: "Ana, the truth will set you free."

I closed the notebook with trembling hands. The truth. That was the key to escaping the destiny that had been imposed on me.

That night, under the cold moonlight, I swore that I would find the truth, no matter the cost.

"I'm sorry, Dad. This isn't the destiny I wanted." I was aware that no one would answer, but I felt the need to confess it. My life was about to change.

My father's funeral was a solemn event, a gathering of the underworld's major players. Eyes followed me every step of the way, filled with expectation, fear, and greed.

I was the heiress, the young Salvatore who now controlled the criminal empire. But I would not bend to the expectations. I would not be a puppet in the hands of the men around me. I swore that I would use my position to dismantle the empire from within, to destroy my father's legacy and build something new, something better.

The sun set over the city, painting the sky a deep orange. The cemetery was a sea of wilted flowers and somber faces. My father's funeral was over, and with it, a chapter of my life.

My uncle Marco approached me, his face serious as ever.

"Ana, we need to talk, it's important," he whispered.

We walked in silence to the family mansion. The night breeze made my skin crawl, a chill that wasn't just from the cold.

We entered the library, a dark and dusty room filled with ancient books. My uncle sat down across from me, his eyes locked on mine.

"Ana, as you know, your father was a powerful man," he began. "He led the organization with an iron fist and was respected by all."

I nodded, unsure of what to say.

"His death leaves a huge void. A void that someone must fill."

He stared at me intently, his eyes filled with an intensity that made me uncomfortable.

"That someone is you, Ana. You are the heiress."

I felt like the world had stopped. A sharp pain in my chest, a wave of nausea that rose up my throat.

"No," I said with a trembling voice. "I can't be. I don't want to be."

My uncle leaned forward, his hands clenched into fists.

"You don't have a choice, Ana, this is what your father would have wanted and you know it, he always made it clear to you."

"Just as I made it clear to him that I didn't want to be a part of this."

"You are your father's daughter, the only one who can maintain order and unity."

"But I don't want that world," I protested. "I don't want anything to do with the mafia."

My uncle's eyes filled with sadness.

"Sometimes we can't choose our destiny, but we can control it."

He was silent for a moment, as if searching for the right words.

"Your father prepared you for this," he continued. "He taught you everything you need to know to lead."

"He didn't teach me to be a monster," I said bitterly.

"No, Ana, he taught you to be strong, to be intelligent, to make tough decisions. Those are the qualities you need to be a good leader."

I was speechless, without arguments. What my uncle said was true. I couldn't escape my destiny.

"I'm not going to leave you alone," he put a hand on my shoulder. "I'll be by your side, guiding you and advising you."

I thanked him for his support, although inside I felt lost and disoriented.

I needed to talk to someone, someone who understood this dark world and its consequences. I took out my phone and dialed Valeria's number, my best friend.

"Ana, what's wrong?" she asked with a worried voice.

I told her everything, from my father's death to the conversation with my uncle.

"I can't believe it!," Valeria exclaimed. "You have to get out of there, Ana. You can't be a part of that."

"I know, I want to, but I don't know how."

"I'll help you. We'll find a way to get you out of there."

I hung up the phone and headed for the door, hoping to escape the mansion and the nightmare that my life was becoming.

However, when I opened the door, I collided with a tall, handsome man. His brown eyes looked at me with surprise.

"I'm so sorry," I said, embarrassed. "I didn't see you coming."

"Don't worry," he replied with a kind smile. "I'm Dante Di Marco, your new bodyguard."

I froze. A bodyguard. More control, more surveillance.

"I don't need a bodyguard," I said reluctantly.

"It's an order from your uncle," Dante replied firmly. "Your safety is my priority, Miss Salvatore."

I stared at him, unsure of what to say. This man was a stranger, a stranger who would now be my shadow.

I sighed, defeated.

"Fine, then come with me."

Dante smiled at me again, a smile that made me feel a little safer.

Together, we left the mansion and entered the night. The wind blew, but it was not enough to calm the fire that burned inside me.

Dante walked by my side, his constant presence a reminder of my new reality. I was not free, I was not the master of my own destiny.

"Don't worry, Ana," Dante said softly. "I will protect you."

I glanced at him, looking for any sign of falsehood in his words. His brown eyes shone in the moonlight, and for a moment, I felt safe.

"Thank you, Dante," I murmured.

We walked in silence for a while, each lost in our own thoughts. The city stretched out before us, a sea of lights flickering in the darkness.

Suddenly, Dante stopped.

"This is where I live," he said, pointing to a small apartment building.

"Are you going to stay here?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes," he replied. "I need to be close to you..."

"Orders," I completed. "Yes, I know."

I didn't know what to say. The idea of having a bodyguard living a few meters away from me made me uncomfortable, but at the same time, it gave me a sense of security.

"Good night, Ana," Dante said, bowing his head slightly. "Sleep well."

"Good night, Dante," I replied.

I entered my apartment, exhausted physically and mentally. I sat down on the couch and let myself fall, with my hands on my head.

What was I going to do? How was I going to escape this world that imprisoned me?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I would not give up. I would find a way out of this hell. I swore it by the memory of my mother, the only person who had loved me unconditionally.

That night, I slept with a restless sleep, plagued by nightmares and shadows. The image of my father haunted me, his eyes full of reproach.

I woke up at dawn, soaked in sweat and my heart pounding. I knew I couldn't go on like this. I had to make a decision.

I got out of bed and went to the phone. I dialed Valeria's number, hoping she could help me.

"Ana, what's wrong?" she asked with a worried voice.

"Valeria, I need your help," I said with a trembling voice. "I have to get out of here."

"I know," Valeria replied. "And I'm going to help you."

"I don't know if we can do it, the only way to escape all this is by being dead."

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