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First Meeting

Several miles away from the Pacific Ocean, nestled away from the prying eyes of the public, lay Spring Island—a sanctuary steeped in the rich history of the martial arts world. While the rest of the world gravitated towards peace and tranquility, embracing a life free from the clutches of conflict and combat, the remnants of martial arts families sought refuge on this secluded island.

Among them was Kyler Young, scion of the esteemed Young Family and the current leader of Devil—a name that struck fear into the hearts of many within the martial arts community. Renowned for his combat prowess, Kyler possessed a striking handsomeness, yet his demeanor remained as cold and indifferent as the icy depths of the ocean, rendering him unapproachable to most.

Within the headquarters of Devil, a typical morning found Kyler engrossed in perusing documents detailing the treachery of families who had turned against them in the northern regions. His focus was interrupted by the sudden intrusion of a young man clad in a flashy neon blue suit, his words laced with frustration and concern.

"Say brother what were you thinking when you let that bastard go away?" the young man exclaimed, his voice tinged with agitation. "It was so hard to lay a trap for him to get into, but then you just had to let him go."

"I am telling you bro he is up to no good, he just has a honey tongue, but the brain of fox."

"Bro, are you even listening to me?"

"Are you done? ", Kyler's icy gaze met his brother's fiery demeanor, and with a single glance, he silenced the younger man's tirade. "I have my reasons," Kyler stated calmly, his tone brooking no argument. "Sometimes, you must release the smaller fish to catch the bigger prey. And next time, And most importantly, don't directly barge in without knocking next time."

"Huh! bro how could you say this to me? am I your real younger brother?" the man retorted, his hurt thinly veiled beneath his anger.

Then he went out crying without looking back, leaving Kyler to resume his work.

That's right the young guy was Kyler Young's younger brother Stephen Young. He cut a stark contrast to his older sibling. While Kyler exuded an air of brooding intensity, Stephen possessed a more easygoing demeanor. His youthful features were complemented by a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, hinting at a playful nature beneath the surface. With a mop of tousled brown hair and a ready smile that often graced his lips, Stephen had a charm that endeared him to those around him.

Later that evening, Kyler ventured to the North branch to oversee operations, ensuring that matters were dealt with swiftly and decisively. As the night wore on, he found himself drawn to a sound emanating from the abandoned area behind his residence—a sound that led him to a lone figure standing above the wall.

Dressed in all black, with a knife strapped to her thigh and gloves adorning her hands, the girl appeared both out of place and oddly determined. Kyler observed her silently as she attempted to breach his security.

But then, plop, she fell down!

"Ay, what a clown I must be looking like right now! Thank God Marcus is not here or he would be in stitches if he saw me like this!"

"A Gang leader and falling by slipping from the wall!"

She was just talking to herself when she heard alarms ringing in her ears. When she heard them, she immediately panicked.

"Shit! Don't tell me they were caught just like that when they didn't even start the attack yet!" As she was mumbling to herself, she tried to find an escape route.

Kyler Young looked at the wall in front of him and plainly said, "Why don't you take the same path back?“

The girl scoffed incredulously, her gaze flickering to the towering wall that loomed before them. "Are you kidding me?" she shot back, her frustration bubbling to the surface. However, when she looked back, all she saw was a man clad in an all-black suit that blended seamlessly with the night. His fair skin caught the moonlight, accentuating the darkness of his intense, dark brown eyes. His short hair framed his face, and his slim, tall nose led to cherry-colored lips pressed in a firm line. Despite the darkness surrounding him, his aura radiated strength and authority.

As she beheld Kyler's imposing figure in the dim light, a rush of conflicting emotions washed over her. Despite the gravity of their situation, She couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of apprehension and curiosity stirring within her. His piercing gaze seemed to bore into her soul. There was an undeniable magnetism about him, an aura of power and mystery that both intimidated and intrigued her. She found herself captivated by his presence, unable to tear her gaze away, yet wary of the enigmatic depths concealed behind those dark brown eyes.

"Am I?" Kyler responded, interrupting her thoughts.

"If not, do you want me to climb a 20-foot-tall wall?" The girl's voice carried a hint of incredulity, her tone reflecting a mixture of disbelief and resignation with a blend of frustration and desperation, her mind racing for an alternative escape.

She looked at the wall, then at Kyler Young and thought to herself, 'What do I do now? How would I get out of here the way we planned?'

As she was thinking this, an idea popped into her mind, but damn it, do I really need to use a honey trap now? The problem is, he didn't even look at my face or seem like someone who could be easily seduced. But still, I need to try.'

Suddenly, Kyler's commanding voice broke through her reverie. "You have thirty seconds to leave!" he called out, his tone firm and authoritative. The warning hung in the air, a stark reminder of the imminent danger surrounding them. Arielle's heart pounded in her chest as she processed his words.

Hearing the thirty-second warning, Arielle gritted her teeth, determination flooding her veins. She knew there was no time to waste, but an overwhelming surge of emotion compelled her to act. With a resolute breath, she took a step forward, her eyes locking onto Kyler's.

Under the pale glow of the moonlight, their surroundings seemed to fade away. The world narrowed down to just the two of them. The silvery light cast a soft, ethereal glow on Kyler's face, accentuating the chiseled lines of his jaw and the intensity in his eyes. Arielle's heart hammered in her chest, and she felt a surge of courage unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

Without a second thought, Arielle closed the distance between them. She reached up, her fingers brushing against his cheek as she pulled him closer. Time seemed to slow as she stood on her tiptoes, her lips inches from his. The anticipation hung heavy in the air, and for a brief moment, everything else ceased to exist.

Then, with a boldness fueled by her emotions, Arielle kissed him. Her lips met his in a tender, yet passionate embrace. The kiss was a whirlwind of feelings building between them. The world around them disappeared, leaving only the sensation of their connection, the warmth of his lips against hers, and the electric current that seemed to flow through them both.

Kyler, initially taken aback, responded with a frozen expression. For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as he processed what had just happened. His eyes widened, and his breath caught in his throat. The unexpectedness of Arielle's bold move left him momentarily stunned.

As their lips parted, Kyler's intense gaze bore into her, a myriad of emotions flickering in his dark eyes. He looked at her with an intensity that seemed to pierce through to her very soul.

Arielle felt a wave of vulnerability wash over her. She had acted on impulse, but as she searched his eyes, she saw no anger or rejection. Instead, there was a flicker of something she hadn't seen before. She took a deep breath and continued, “Pretty please, show me the exit. I promise I will owe you a treat next time we meet.”

Kyler Young frowned at her words.

She tried to think how she could convince him then she heard Kyler Young: "Follow me."

With no other viable options, the girl followed Kyler's lead and they navigated the intricate maze of obstacles together. Eventually, they reached the exit, and the girl took a moment to gather her thoughts before turning to Kyler and started to introduce herself, "Hey, my name's Arielle, What's your name?" Her gaze met his, hoping to catch even a flicker of acknowledgment from the enigmatic man before her.

However, Kyler Young didn't react and then turned around and left.

Seeing him leaving, she shouted from behind, "Heyyy... at least tell me your name..."

Her words fell on deaf ears as Kyler disappeared into the darkness. Disappointed but undeterred, she muttered to herself, 'Huh, so what if you are handsome, you don't need to be rude. Wait till I go back and conduct deep research on you. Hehe.'

Little did Arielle know, the man she was so casually conversing with was none other than her target for the night's attack. As she made her way back, a sense of determination filled her, fueling her resolve to uncover every detail about him, no matter the cost.

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