Chapter 6
Megan had been more talkative now which was good. It had been a week since we had seen her dad and I personally think it was the best because she was more alive. I was now on my way to a meeting with her grandfather, he was still trying to think of a place for her to stay where she’d be happy.
I opened the door and sat down in the usual seat I sat at when I saw Megan. She had gone for another bout of therapy for her ankle. She could walk on it but not for long.
“So basically does anyone have any ideas as for her to stay with me is only a last resort as she doesn’t want to stay with me,” her grandfather said.
“It is best for her to stay with someone she knows and has some communication with,” her psychotherapist said, looking at us all. Melanie, Eric, Lynn, the head teacher and I were in the room. “So who does she mostly talk to since waking up?” she asks. They all looked at me; I sigh slightly and put my hand up.
“But for her to stay with me would be a little hard as I have a housemate and well I am her teacher,” I state. I heard Melanie clear her throat and mutter something under her breath. I glared at her and she smiled slightly.
“Well I have a house not far from Megan’s old house and you can live there. All you will have to pay is your bills, I will be giving you money every month for Megan to pay for her clothes, psychiatrist sessions, her food, school and any hospital funds for her. Does that seem reasonable?” Carlton asked.
“Well yeah but like I say I’m her teacher it may be a little weird for her and doesn’t it need to be ok with the school?” I ask .
“I’ll have to check with the board but I’m sure it will be ok given the circumstances,” the head mistress said. I sigh slightly and look at them all.
“Ok,” I say and look at them “but only if she’s ok with it,” I state.
“She will most likely be as she’s probably more dependent on you,” The psychiatrist said. I nodded showing I understood.
It wasn’t like I didn’t want her to live with me, I just didn’t trust myself with her. I had told her I loved her and all I hoped was that she didn’t remember it as it would cause her to feel awkward with me. Although there was a part of me that wished she did remember so she knew how I felt about her and that I would never hurt her.
Listening to them telling me how much it would mean if I finally spoke out about what my father had done to me for the millionth time was really getting boring. They didn’t understand how I felt, they kept telling me they did but they hadn’t gone through it. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to tell them, I was just scared to tell them, it took me months for me to finally tell Logan and even now I feel scared to speak about it with him. He doesn’t tell me that he understands how I feel, he just tells me he understands why I feel the way I do.
“Megan,” My grandfather said, looking at me.
I looked at him blankly, I hadn’t said a word to any of them; I didn’t feel like talking as every time I did I could feel myself breaking down. This was the time of day I hated the most, Logan wasn’t here he was at his physiotherapy sessions. Watching the clock wasn’t doing me any good, I just wanted him back here he was the person that would keep me safe he had told me himself. He promised he’d never leave me and never let anyone hurt me but every time he went to the sessions I felt almost alone.
The blonde police officer sighs deeply while looking at me; I looked down at my lap and felt fresh tears start to prick my eyes.
“I’m sorry,” I say quietly and then I felt someone take my hand and lean in to hug me. My body froze and I gulped. The person seemed to have felt me tense up as they pulled back.
“Sorry,” they muttered and by the voice it’s my grandfather, I got out of the bed I had been in for weeks and walked to the window. I sat on the window sill and brought my knees to my chest, hugging them tightly and laying my head on my arms. I sat silently watching the rain fall.
An hour had passed and I hadn’t moved. I knew Logan would be back soon which caused me to actually look around the room. The police officers and my grandfather were still in the room which sucked. I always had someone in the room with me after all I was on suicide watch at the moment.
The sound of the door clicking open made me jump up, I looked at the door like a dog waiting for its beloved owner to come home and pet it. I watched the tall brunette man walk in and shut the door behind him, he looked straight at my bed first and a hint of panic slowly laced his face and then he looked over at me from the window. A relieved sigh escaped his mouth and he walked over to me.
“What are you doing sitting here?” he asks.
I shrugged and moved closer to him, hugging him tightly. He sighs slightly and patted my head.
“Will you talk to them?” I shook my head at his question. “Why?”
“I’m scared,” I say quietly, holding him tighter.
“Nothing bad will happen,”he states, I looked up at him “I promise you,”he says. I nodded an ok and he lifted me up bridal style and laid me on what had been my bed for weeks.
I sat looking down and stared at my lap. Silence covered the room like a blanket as I tried to convince myself that it was ok to say something and he wasn’t going to hurt me not now and not ever again.
The door opened again and Melanie walked in, she had left about ten minutes ago to get a drink. She sat on the end of my bed crossing her legs. I slowly looked at her to see her look away from me. I sigh and look down and take a deep breath.
“How about you just tell us what happened the night you came into the hospital? And you can tell us the rest another day when you are more wanting to talk,” the blonde suggested, giving me a sympathetic look.
I nodded “he called me out of school and when he picked me up, he didn’t say anything but I knew what he was going to do...”
I got in the car and looked at my father to see him glaring at me. I gulped and put on my seatbelt and sat perfectly still. I felt his hand touch the side of my face, I flinched slightly but he didn’t care. He tucked a bit of hair behind my ear and then moved his hand to my leg. I moved my leg away from him which caused him to growl. Even though he growled at me he still moved his hand back to the steering wheel and started the car.
The car hummed to life and we drove home. The car ride was silent which meant he was in the worst mood possible. I unknowingly got out of the car and walked to the door closely behind him. He walked in and I walked in after him.
“Sit down,” he snapped. I sat down on the couch and looked up at him to watch him walk into the kitchen. After so long he returned with a glass of water and placed it in front of me and some pills. I looked at them then at him. “What have you done today?” he asks.
“Just lessons,” I mutter.
“Tell me the truth,” he snapped.
“I told the teacher you hate, everything you have done to me and then I had sex with Tyler,” I state looking at him. His mouth went wide and then closed and went into a thin line. A small smile crept along my face. I
had lied because we didn’t have sex.
-End of flashback-*