Interview for the Job
[Rain's POV]
I startled awake, half-closed eyes, and staggered into the restroom as soon as the alarm went off. It was 6 am already so I hurriedly shut the door behind me, undid my shirt, and ran the faucet in the hopes that the steam would startle me into complete consciousness. After taking off my sweatpants, I entered the shower and prepared myself for the chilly water. Even after the initial shock, I felt more awake and energetic. I put a towel around my body and turned off the water when I was done showering.
My eyes were seemingly fully awake as I looked at my reflection. I didn't really get a good look because I was too busy getting ready. I decided to wear the same white boots with a pistachio green shirt and a standard white skirt, that I had bought especially for this special day a few days ago during a 50% off deal with Eva for work today. I adore how it highlights the pale tone of my complexion. I've not worn light colors in a very long time, but this year will be different. I'm returning to my usual self. I spent the whole summer learning how to pull my long, dirty brown hair back into a high bun.
I say boring because it's boring as hell when you have no friends and have to work all summer. I applied light makeup, a bit of highlighter to my cheek bones, mascara, and a little bit of lip gloss. "Let's face it Rain, I look good.” After my parents died in a car accident, I moved to Arizona to my aunt’s home. Not my biological aunt, but my mom’s best friend, aunt Noel.
I grabbed my files and CV as I went down the stairs. My aunt and her son, Celeb, one of the night walker pack's Alpha Lycan, are already sitting at the table having breakfast. I say one of the pack's alpha because he has two more brothers who were still on their night shift. All three were the triplets and renowned heart surgeons of Arizona. Celeb is reading from the newspaper and drinking his coffee. He looks just like his mom, same dirty brown hair and light amber eyes. He is 10 years older than me, handsome yet rude and arrogant. He is constantly trying to piss me off and make rude comments in his mom's absence. But I care less because after my break-up with Lucas I am not interested in men's things. Well, how I met him is another story.
“Good morning honey,” my aunt sings from the table.
“Good morning aunt.” I said to her as I slid into a chair at the bar top.
She slid a plate of bacon and eggs to me, and I smiled brightly at her. She is so sweet. Always taking care of me. Her dark brown hair is tied up in a messy bun on the top of her head. She's still in her pajamas. As a mother of triplet Lycan's she doesn't need to do work. The triplets make enough to support her.
“Are you excited about your job interview?” She asked me, her warm brown eyes shining with her smile.
I gulped. She had no idea about what happened to my pack and why I came here for the job rather than doing it in my own city, California. All she knew was that my parents died, and now I need a fresh start and moved here. I had to tell her this because I was really depressed after this. Thankfully, she didn't press me about it. My aunt just told me that she would always be here if I needed to talk. Honestly, I wish I could have. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone. Besides, I made it through just fine on my own.
“Yeah I am very excited about my interview. And since Celeb recommended this job to me, I'm eagerly awaiting it.” I told her.
My aunt rolled her eyes at me. “I had also said that you should enjoy a little while doing the job later. You just broke up, but why do you have to listen to me?” She teased.
“That's not a bad thing mom.” Celeb said without taking his eyes off the paper. Always rude and talk less, I sigh and take a bite of my egg.
“Yeah aunt, actually Celeb is right it's not a bad thing. Besides, I haven't just broken up, it's been a year, and I've moved on.” I blinked rapidly as I lied and tried to hide my tears. It's true that I hate Lucas and I don't want to love again, but I haven't moved on. I loved him with my whole heart. Even gave him my virginity, but he left me without any words.
“I know honey that you are very brave, but you should also socialize a little.” she said with a warm smile on her face. My aunt believes I should be sneaking out, breaking curfew, drinking, all that. Even before I became a social pariah, I wasn't into all of that. I liked hanging out with my pack friends, don't get me wrong, but I was also focused on my pack as their future alpha. Getting a new job and making enough money for my pack was a big deal for me, I know my pack mates can earn their own money, but still, I want to save enough for their bad times like these.
Despite what happened to me over last year, I wanted to remain close to my pack, but I have no other choice except to move into Arizona. My pack, the Silver blood pack, wasn't like this. We were strong and capable among other wolf packs, but last year something happened to us that I have to move on. Now I want to become a capable Alpha for my pack.
After that, we finished our breakfast in silence. Celeb put the newspaper to the side and checked his wristwatch for time. Just then there was a loud hook of a car horn outside. Celeb jumped to his feet and grabbed his white lab coat.
“That's my ride. See you later.” He said as he exited the room.
“Why don't you drop Rain for her job interview?” My aunt called after him.
Celeb stopped by the door and looked at me with a serious expression on his face. “You want to come with me Rain?” He asked. He knew I was going to say no. I don't know why I'm scared of him. My heart was beating fast when he looked directly into my eyes. Our eyes lock for a few seconds when a voice interrupts us.
“Of course she will come, she is new to this city and doesn't know your friend's office where you recommend her a job,” I turned my eyes to look at a Damein who looked exactly like Celeb with the same dirty brown hair and light amber eyes. But his nature was opposite of Celeb. He is not rude and arrogant. Damein has actually been a safe haven for me in his presence. He is the only one in this house who knows the truth. Or I can say I trust him in this house after my aunt. He is also 10 years older than me and always protects me and I appreciated it.
“No, I'm good. I enjoy walking.” I said with a smile. “Thanks though.”
Celeb nodded. “Okay, then I am going.” He said.