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Chapter 202

Thighs clenching at the feel of it, so erotically foreign, yet so right, she writhed between kisses and moaned. In response, Rhye coils his tail around her leg, guiding her to widen her stance. He slipped a thigh between her legs at the same moment he cupped her breasts, as he sucked her earlobe into his mouth. Moaning in delight... "Oh, God..." Livia growled.

The multitude of sensations had her crying out into Rhye’s mouth. Pressing her breasts into his hands, she ground down against his thigh, needing the pressure where she was so wet and swollen for him.

Like an extra set of arms, she felt him wrap his majestic tail around her, enclosing her in a cocoon of warmth, safety, and need. Even with her eyes closed, she knew he didn’t surround her completely. She didn’t have to wonder why. The knowledge that he’d left a gap so she could breathe and her inner demon could watch unimpeded had a new rush of wetness slicking her core. It was like she had been transported to a different dimension where it was only her and Rhye. Passion, desire, lust, and needs all mingled together.

Lost to his kisses and drowning in pleasure, she was so surprised by the first tickle of his pureblood power that her eyes flew open. He felt stronger like this in his true forms, with Rhye’s power being brighter and clearer. Purer and heavenly.

Rhye released her lips to stare down at her, his breaths harsh, his pupils dilated so only a thin ring of golden magic could be seen. "Easy, little witch." "I've got you."

Exhaling a shuddering breath, Livia let her lids fall closed again and relaxed back into him, trusting in him to hold her up while she gave herself back over to the pleasure.

Like vines, their powers twined around them: Rhye’s, cool and electric, whispering against her like a midnight breeze; his was warm and sinuous, washing over her like sunshine in the spring.

The contrast of sensations was exhilarating, but more than that, it awakened the power inside her in a way nothing ever had before. As though it had been waiting for exactly that mix of cool and warm, it rose to meet them, escaping her in soft, little wisps to twist and play with theirs.

Rhye’s low groan was echoed by her own curse as her power danced with him. Bonding, and mating. Marking the alpha as her mate. Her soul mate.

Hands tightened on her hips and breasts. Movements became more demanding and hungrier. Rhye’s lips crushed against hers. Teeth set into the muscle of her shoulder, eliciting a sharp cry from her throat.

As the passion between them grew, her power became bolder, more hungry, and more demanding. It wanted his pleasure. It wanted him so badly. It knew what she didn’t.

He was hers.

Livia’s eyes flew open, and she sucked in a breath to warn him that her power wanted to bind him somehow. She didn’t understand it, but the intention was clear.

She never got the chance.

Like a predator, it struck, taking a tiny piece of their power and pulling it into her, then blending a part of itself with his and pushing it back into them.

Rhye threw his head back and dropped to his knees, kissing his way through her wet haven. Gasping, afraid she was hurting him with her magic, Livia tried to draw the power back inside herself.

Rhye’s voice cut through the building panic: "No. Don’t stop, Livia. You’re not hurting me." "Open yourself, give me all your magic; let me taste it." He sighed and waited, looking at her like she was the moonlight. "More, little witch, be mine."

Then he stood nuzzled his face against her hip, then nipped at her ass cheek through her leggings and growled, "I swear to fuck, if you stop, I’m never making you pancakes again."

A breathless laugh escaped her, but she immediately followed it with, "I want you." "My magic wants to bind you with me forever, Alpha Rhye."

"Gods, yes. I’m so fucking here for that," he panted.

He pulled her shirt up and dragged his tongue across her skin, leaving goosebumps in his wake. "It won’t be permanent, Livia. It can be undone. If you wish."

Peering down at him, she searched his face. Seeing only honesty and naked desire, she nodded and stopped fighting it. "Okay. I want you to mark me…"

What she didn’t say was that she didn’t wish for it to be undone, that there was a part of her, a dark, greedy part, that wanted to bind him so tightly he wouldn’t ever be able to leave her.

Rhye drew her attention back to him. "Release more, Livia. Draw it out. Push it to them. Focus on the feeling of your demon power. Light and Night touch you at once. Witch and demon, all in one…"

There was something in his tone, something curious yet disbelieving, avid yet incredulous.

What did he know that she didn’t?

She didn’t have time to question him because just then, he pushed more power at her, and hers immediately responded, surging to meet him.

The pleasure was overwhelming, leaving her gasping at the intensity of it. In the same second, Rhye’s control snapped. With a hissed curse, he spun her around and buried his face between her legs.

Livia had just sucked in a sharp breath when he opened his mouth over her and bit her pussy through her leggings.

It wasn’t pain that had the breath bursting out of her on a scream. The sudden, unexpected heat of his mouth against her core and the shock of feeling his teeth slide over her clit through the thin layer of her leggings, threw her into a shattering orgasm.

With it, the world exploded.

The first wave of pleasure-infused power threw him across the room, his big body making awful, stomach-twisting thuds as he impacted the concrete walls. Instead of crumpling to the floor, her feet left the ground, her body slowly lifting into the air.

The second wave shattered the bulb above her, sending sparks raining down as the concrete walls rumbled and cracked.

With the third, the color bled out of her eyes, leaving them perfectly white and sightless. The sound of distant thunder filled her ears, deafening her to the yells of Rhye around her. Her body felt both light as a feather and heavy as stone as she floated several feet above the ground.

The fourth wave of blissful power bowed her back and threw her arms wide. Blinding light erupted from her palms, scorching the walls and ceiling, narrowly missing Rhye. Inky shadows seeped from her skin. Above ground, a storm appeared over the warehouse, as if by magic.

Within the gilded shadows filling the room, electricity crackled threateningly, raising the hairs on her arms and biting at the men clawing their way through the waves of power, trying desperately to reach her.

Livia was aware of the chaos around her, but only distantly. It felt like a terrible dream or, perhaps, a beautiful nightmare.

It wasn’t real. It couldn’t be her who was hurting Rhye; Leon and Joseph helped Rhye to his feet in a blink. It couldn’t be her who had thrown Rhye against the wall hard enough to split the skin on the back of his head. It couldn’t be her who had burned Joseph’s palms when he shielded himself from the light beaming from hers. It couldn’t be her who had shot lightning across Leon’s chest, leaving a jagged streak of black and blistered skin behind.

It’s a dream, just an awful dream.

Except it wasn’t a dream. She was actually hurting them.

These men who had shown her such kindness, who had taken her in when she had nowhere else to go, who had made her feel safe and accepted for the first time in her life, were bleeding, bruised, and burned because of her.

And they were powerless to stop her.

As though from far away, she could feel all of them trying to contain the surge, trying to tame it and urge it back inside her. She could feel that they were failing.

Ecstasy, horror, regret, and fear coiled inside her like poison.

She’d been right. Her demon's pureblood power was broken. It was too wild and too strong to be trusted, and she was too weak to control it.

Gradually, bit by bit, the chaos erupting from her quieted. Her senses returned in increments as her climax waned. The scent of burned flesh and the copper tang of blood hit her first, making her stomach roll and turn in on itself. Her sight returned slowly, revealing the scorched ceiling and cracks running up the walls.

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