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Obey Me…Or I’ll Break You!

Nalani's hands trembled, “what did you just say…?” her pulse quickened immediately, and a cold sweat broke out on her skin as a deep sense of dread crept over her, sending shivers down her spine.

“You heard me. You’re not going back, ever.”

The hair on the back of her neck stood on end, and a knot of fear tightened in her chest, making it hard to breathe.

“Bu-but why?” Her voice stuttered.

“Because you’re here to be my bride, why would you want to go back?” He lifted an eyebrow.

“But I don’t wanna be your bride, alpha…I want to go back home…” Soar water filled her eyes.

“It doesn’t matter to me what you want.”

The alpha's cold eyes glinted with a sadistic pleasure as he watched Nalani's distress unfold before him.

His lips curled into a smile, realising the power he held over her.

“You don’t have a choice in the matter, my dear. Your desires are insignificant compared to what I want,” he taunted her.

Nalani felt a surge of defiance rise within her despite the fear that gripped her heart. “You can’t just keep me here against my will! This is wrong, you have no right—”

“Rights?” he interrupted, “You have no rights here, little one. In my pack, my word is law. And you will obey.”

Tears welled up in Nalani's eyes, her chest heaved with anger and despair.

She clenched her fists, her nails digged into her palms as she fought to control her emotions.

“You're a monster,” she whispered with a raw trembling emotion.

“Hah!” The alpha's laughter echoed through the room like a chilling sound that sent another shiver down Nalani's spine. “Ah, but you misunderstand, my dear. I am not a monster. I am simply a man who takes what he desires, consequences be damned.”

As he advanced towards her, Nalani backed away, her body trembled in fear. “Please...please don’t do this. Let me go. I beg you,” she pleaded to him.

But the alpha's smirk only widened, his eyes alight with a twisted pleasure. “Oh, but where would be the fun in that, my dear? You are mine now, and I will enjoy breaking you.”

Nalani's heart sank as she realised the full extent of her choice to come here.

Trapped, surrounded by cruelty and power, with no hope of escape, she knew that her only option was to endure whatever the alpha had in store for her.

As the alpha loomed over her, like a predator poised to strike, Nalani closed herself to close her eyes.

Nalani's heart pounded in her chest as the alpha drew closer, his icy breath made her spine shake.

She could feel his oppressive presence suffocating her, his cruel intentions were obvious in this thick air.

As he reached out to touch her, she pushed him away with all the strength she could muster, fear was flashing in her eyes.

“No, stop!” she cried out.

The alpha furrowed his eyebrows. He was angered at her resistance, his grip tightened on her arm as he forced her back against the wall.

Ignoring her protests, he leaned in and captured her lips in a forceful, possessive kiss…reeking of dominance and control.

Nalani's mind was in disgust, her body stiffened in response to the violation of her boundaries.

She pushed against his chest with all her might, a surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins as she fought to break free from his hold.

“Get off me!” she gasped with a voice strained with anger.

The alpha chuckled darkly, his eyes seemed to fill with a twisted satisfaction. “You can struggle all you want, my dear, but you belong to me now. And I always get what I want.”

Tears welled up in Nalani's eyes as she realised the depth of her powerlessness in the face of his cruelty.

“Please...please don't do this,” she pleaded, her voice trembled. “I don't belong to you. I have a life, a family...please let me go.”

But the alpha's expression remained cold and untouched by her fear towards him, his gaze pierced her with a chilling intensity that felt like a sharp knife. “You will learn to obey me, Nalani. Resistance will only make things harder for you.”

Nalani knew that she was trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape.

The alpha's abuse of power and disregard for her feelings left her feeling small and vulnerable, a mere pawn in his control.

The alpha's eyes gleamed with delight as he cornered Nalani.

"You're just a toy to me, Nalani. A plaything to be broken and discarded," he sneered.

Nalani's hands trembled as she stood her ground.

"I will never be yours, you monster," she spat.

The alpha's grin widened, "Oh, you will be mine, one way or another. Resistance only makes it more enjoyable for me."

Quickly, he grabbed her chin forcefully, his grip bruised as he forced her to meet his eyes. The gleam in his them sent a chill through Nalani's skin.

"You will learn to obey, Nalani. And I will enjoy every moment of breaking you," he whispered, and as icy tendrils, his words wrapped around her heart.

Nalani's breath caught in her throat, her spirit stayed the same against the darkness before her.

Despite the fear and despair gnawing at her soul, she vowed silently to herself that she would never surrender to the sadistic whims of the alpha, no matter the cost.

The dining hall fell silent as the girl with silver hair swept in. Her eyes locked on the Alpha holding Nalani. She had a small of disapproval look on her eyes. "Alpha," she said firmly, "we need to talk."

The Alpha turned towards her, “What is it, Karina? Didn’t I tell you to not interrupt me?" he asked, his grip on Nalani loosened a little.

The girl took a step closer, her silver hair was shininh in the dim light. "I've received news about the neighboring pack. They're planning an attack, and we need to prepare."

The Alpha's eyes narrowed. "When is this supposed attack happening?"

"Soon," she replied, her voice was urgent. "We must gather our strongest warriors and fortify our defenses."

Nalani, now free from the Alpha's hold, spoke up. “I hope you die during this war…”

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