The Mafia Queen Comes Back

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Chapter Five

*Evelyn’s POV:

Kelly jumped up and hugged me, I felt my body tense at her touch. I wanted it to relax, but it seemed to take a moment for my body to react to my will. “Okay, okay, please tell our servants to set you up a room. They can get you whatever you will need.” I said as softly and kindly as I could. I gently pushed her back away from me and looked at the winning smile on her face. “Hey Greta!” I called one of the house servants. She came promptly to the door. “Could you take miss Kelly to a vacant room and make a list of what she will need for her accommodations please?” I asked. I saw the face of my servant soften and sadden all at the same time. I believe though she was warmed by my hospitality she knew that this was a hard situation for me as well. Greta had come along with me from my father's home. She had known me for many years. I could remember the way she looked at me before, one of the few who didn't always look at me like I was Satan. I needed to change the way other people had seen me before, when I was alone. When I was the mean woman down the hall that wouldn't help a poor sad pregnant girl. I need the support of all the people that surround me. Kelly turned around and looked at me, “I really do appreciate this, Evelyn. I know this must be so hard for you. You are a truly amazing woman.” I nodded at her as she turned back to Greta. I wanted to make sure I smiled at Greta as she walked Kelly out of the room. I knew she was probably worried, but she would never ask me about personal things. All of the servants stick to the “no one talks about fight club” mind set. They don't ask questions, and they all sit under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). When they were walking out, someone danced around them to walk in. My heart swelled and my eyes teared up. It was Sana, who I hadn't seen since she lay dead before me. When she tried to help me, Kelly came after me. When Kelly killed us both. I jumped from my seat and threw my arms around her. I knew it would seem over the top, but I was just so happy to see her. We watched as Kelly walked down the hall with Greta. “Thats her huh? The pregnant girl?” Sana said, plopping down on my bed. I smiled at her, nodding. I couldn't stop smiling at her. I thought about telling her everything I wanted to. I knew she would think I was crazy. She was my best friend, surely, she would at least listen. I looked at Sana with gratitude as she tilted her head at me confused by my behavior. “What’s up Eve?” She said smiling at me. “I need to talk to you. Please listen to me before you tell me I am nuts.” I said walking over to shut and lock my door. I turned around still getting the strange look from her. “Okay.” She giggled a bit. “I woke up a few days ago and knew I had died.” She sucked in air quickly at my words, and I held up a hand to stop her from speaking. “I am serious Sana. Kelly had worked behind my back to set me up and then she killed me. She is malicious. She is brutal. She wants my place here. You came to help me, and she killed you. The last time I saw you, you were lying on the ground bleeding. You died trying to protect me.” I felt the tears starting to glisten in my eyes. Her eyes were wide, she almost looked afraid. “Something sent me back to the beginning, giving me a chance I think to change it all.” I took a deep long breath. I moved my hand so she could speak. “Are you sure this isn't just one bad dream. Some dreams can feel real Eve.” I shook my head no, “Sana, I know I sound nuts. I feel crazy as hell, but what I am telling you is the truth. I have a plan. I might need your help. If you can just believe me, please, I have never lied to you.” At this point I was crying. Sana reached out for me and pulled me into her. “Don't cry Eve. I believe you. Tell me this plan. I will do anything.” I sobbed into her sweater. The first time I allowed myself to feel this pain. The grief of my death. The fear of what is to come. I felt comfortable enough for the first time. It felt good to voice it out loud.

I told Sana of my plan to take over my gang and separate us from Grey. I told her I was going to play my part until I got enough support to divorce Grey and take everything that was mine with me. She ran her hand through my hair and smiled at me. “We got this Eve. We will win.” She said squeezing my hands in hers. “I told you so many times to leave him. I knew he was going to bring you pain. I have never liked that SOB. I knew he would do this. I don't know why you have been given the chance to do it right this time, but I am so thankful you were. I am behind you one hundred percent, I love you, Eve.” I told her I loved her too. She looked at me with the same look that Greta had given me moments earlier. I was gaining admiration from many, but the fact that Sana believed me despite how crazy this all was, I knew she was truly my best friend. “So, what's the first step?” She asked. I sat there for quite a while explaining to her what went wrong the first time. How Kelly had the opportunity to turn everyone against me and take all of Grey’s focus. How I wasn't going to allow any of them to see my distaste for her. I had decided that she could have Grey and whatever is left of his gang and territory when I am finished with him. She smiled from ear to ear at the thought of destroying Grey. She had never liked him, that was the truth. I wouldn't listen to her. I loved Grey for such a long time. Blinded by that love, I couldn't see all the destruction to my life, to my legacy. I didn't see any of it coming, not with Kelly, not what he had done, I just wanted to love him. Dante was right, I had done this to myself. I will show him and Grey that I am smarter and stronger than they know. “So, let's think of what's first?” Sana said bringing me out of my mind. “First thing is bringing all of the gang leaders to my side. I need them to come to my aide. I need them to want me to be in charge. I need them to lose confidence in Grey.” Sana was nodding at what I was saying. Agreeing with my every word. “I was at work the other day and I heard something special is coming up, something that may be a good opening statement for you.” She seemed excited about what she was thinking. “What’s that?” I asked ready to jump up and down from adrenaline. “There is a ball coming up. Some kind of charity cover for the gang leaders to all come together. That would be a good place for you to go to meet up with all the old and new leaders. Get our support built up some.” Sana was beaming with pride at her intelligent suggestion. I smiled and nodded, “That’s perfect.”

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