Chapter Eight
*Evelyn’s POV
I walked around the room looking for new leaders, and old ones to bond with. I sat down at a table with a group of men and smiled at all of them asking them who wanted to dance with me. I got dizzy and placed my head in my hands. I thought I had been drinking too quickly accepting all the drinks being bought for me, but the flashes rushed into my mind. It played like a movie in my mind. Grey and Kelly swirled around the dance floor, while I sat respectfully alone. A plain black and white pants suit and flats. I didn't even have make-up on. I sat alone, with a drink, sipping it slowly. I watched all around me as the world kept going. I felt stuck, like I was suffocating there. I didn't stay the whole time. I left hours before Grey and Kelly did. I opened my eyes to the men at the table staring at me. “Are you okay?” The man from New York asked, a charity leader. He was committing crime but covering with charities. He was a smart man. “I am, thank you. I got dizzy for a moment. the alcohol, I assume.” I laughed it off. They laughed too, but I could tell no one completely bought what I said. The man from New York stood up and walked over to me reaching out his hand. “Ready for a dance?” I shook my head yes, taking his hand gladly. His name was Wilson, and his looks were striking. He was clean cut with a perfectly lined ducktail beard. I know Sana would just fall head over heels for him. She loved a man with a clean-cut beard. I couldn't disagree with her. If the man kept it up, cleaned it, and it smelled like that beard oil stuff, well I was hooked as well. He pulled me close to him for the slow song. I could feel the eyes on me, judging the woman who is dancing with men she isn't married to. An unfair observation as her husband sits at a table with another woman carrying his child. I'm sure no one is aware of that. “Why aren’t you dancing with your husband tonight, Evelyn? I noticed you have made a round with all the leaders here. Smiling and speaking to all that has noticed you, like you used to before the husband. We all know you won't take anyone home with you, so what are you working for?” I closed my eyes at Wilson’s words in my ear. “I haven't spent much time socializing since my father’s death. I feel I am not meant to live the life of a domesticated wife. I wasn't raised for it. My father raised me to run an empire, not to serve drinks to the men who do.” I felt Wilson chuckle. He leaned back to look into my eyes. “I was wondering where that fierce little firecracker went to, I remember.” I smiled back at him, winking, before laying my head on his shoulder. I caught a glimpse of someone familiar watching me while I danced.
After I finished my dance with Wilson and handed him the same card, I had the others I had spoken with. I walked back to the bar and had a drink waiting on me from a man out of Baltimore. I looked back at him, giving him cheers in the air, before taking a sip. Two older women, wives, walked up to the bar as well. They looked at me and then at each other. “It’s just disrespectful to come to a ball like this and throw yourself at all the men with an obvious wedding set on your finger.” One of them said, aiming her words at me. Like arrows they hit me right in the stomach. I wasn't intending to throw myself at anyone. I wanted to get the attention, yes, but as Wilson said these men know I don't want to take them home. The fact is, these men, pay attention to strong women who know what they want. I have dealt with men like this my whole life. They have women throwing themselves at them every night. Women who want their money or protection. Hell, they may just want the name. They need someone who is going to leave an impression. They need something they will remember. If I want them to listen, to help, or to be on my side, I need them to pay attention to me. I don't care how it looks to the people in this banquet. I don't care what they say about me or what they want. I came here with a purpose, and I will accomplish what I came to do. I received another drink from the man from Baltimore while I stood by the bar, only feet from the women and their public announcements. I looked over at them and smiled. They gave me a disgusted look. I looked over to Grey who was prancing around with Kelly, like she was a show horse. I rolled my eyes and sat my drink in front of the woman with the loud comment. “Here doll, I simply cannot drink anymore if I am to get where I want to be tonight. Think of it as charity. You are a bit up tight, loosen up!” I didn't wait for a response before walking to the Baltimore table. They didn't follow.
When I got to the table, I just sat down. Two of the men looked familiar, other than the one that sent the drink. “Do you fellas care if I rest here a moment, these heels are killing me tonight.” I asked loudly over the music. “Thank you for the drinks. I need to slow down my consumption, so I donated one to someone in need of fun.” The man laughed, seeing the drink sitting in front of the woman at the bar. “You are Evelyn Moretti; I knew your father.” He said loudly back to me. I nodded my head, “and you are?” His name was Lucas Sarro. That name sounded like Mobster material to me. I nodded again. “Have you heard of me?” I had heard of the Sarro men, but not specifically of Lucas. He laughed at me when I told him that. He told me his father was getting older, so he sends his sons to handle most of his business now. “I am the oldest.” He seemed proud of that fact. “Well, I am my father’s only daughter. The Moretti gang has high standards, so it took me some time to get invited in.” I took a deep breath, “because I am a girl.” No one said anything until one of the brothers spoke up, “Evelyn, your father was so proud of you. He couldn't wait to hand you the keys to his empire. He told me once that his daughter would be the ultimate queen and we wouldn't have to worry.” His words warmed my heart. I loved my father very much. He was my superhero and to think he talked so fondly about me when I wasn't there, to these men, made me feel stronger. He trusted me to take care of his empire, before Grey, and that is exactly what I intend to do without him. I sat there for a while, smiling stupidly, listening to stories of my father and the Sarro family. “I am so glad the relationship was so strong between my father and your family.” I said, giving my card to Lucas. “Keep in touch.” I smiled and walked away from the table.
I was doing so well with the attention I was longing for. Gaining the support I had come here to gain. Another leader of a smaller gang walked up to me, reached for my hand asking for a dance. I smiled, nodded and watched the man traveled my body with his sharp blue eyes. I giggled a bit, knowing inside he didnt stand a chance. "Hello, Ms. Morett" He said as he wrapped his hands around my waist. I smiled, feeling happy he used my maiden name. Though I hadnt changed it when I married Grey, I had always been addressed as a Mrs. At one time it made me feel special, not anymore. As we danced he tried to almost witness to me about his little gang that could. I politely listened and smiled. I watched as his eyes danced with the lights. He looked behind me. His eyes changing. He looked as if he had seen a ghost. A man, who I recognized as Beck, luitenant to Dante Stryker had stopped our dance. "I am afraid you will have to find another dance partner. Lord Dante Strker asked for Miss Moretti . " He wore a friendly smile yet somehow menacing, so menacing that the leader stepped aside, giving us room to leave.
I was surprised- had he come too?
I followed up the stairs towards the balcony while pretty much everyone in the room, including my husband, watched him open the curtains, motioning for me to enter.