Chapter 05: For love!

While Bella and Dylan were having their most intimate moment, they were suddenly interrupted.

"What's going on here?" a woman came storming in.

"Rebeca?! How did you get in here?"

"I know the password, have you forgotten that I lived here with you?"

"Who is that blonde and why is she talking to you like that, Dylan?" Bella looks at her boyfriend nervous as she disentangles her body from his.

"Calm down, Bella, I'll explain everything."

Without saying much, Bella began to jogen the piece together with another, remembering the locked room next door, she turned to the newly arrived woman and asked:

"Are you the owner of the room next door?"

Rebecca doesn't miss the opportunity to plant the seed of evil and replies dryly:

" Yes!"

"How is?? Are you crazy, Rebeca? Get out of here, wait for me in the living room, or rather get out of my house, now." Dylan gets so angry that he doesn't even notice that the sheet covering him has fallen off.

"Looks like you're still working out, Dylan. I love it." Rebeca smiles mischievously

"I've already told you to leave."

"I can't. My godfather told me to stay here, so if you want me to leave you'll have to deal with him first."

"Damn it! Wait in the living room." Dylan was so rude that Rebecca had no choice but to obey him.

Bella remained sitting completely naked on the bed waiting for what her boyfriend had to say and it didn't take long for him to do so.

"The first thing you need to know is that I didn't lie to you. I said that some friends were spending the night here and that room is for those friends, including Rebecca."

"What kind of relationship do you have with that woman? She acted as if you were cheating on her."

"My father sponsored her after her parents died when she was still little."

"You still haven't answered my question, what kind of relationship do you have?"

"We exchange a few kisses and fondles, but nothing serious."

"Does she know that it was nothing serious for you? Because the way she came into your room, approached you and looked at me didn't seem that way at all."

"Don't worry about, love. I'll sort out." Dylan tries to reassure his girlfriend as he watches Bella get up from the bed and walk towards him.

"I just want to know if you made love to me like you did to her, if you talked nonsense in ear like you do to me or If you caught her hot, how do you catch me?”?"

"Ah Brunette! Of course not. Rebeca was just an escape valve for those days of boredom or stress. Now it's different with you, I want to be with you, love you, make love only to you." Dylan says lovingly, feeling Bella's body join his.

"Then promise me that anything you had with Rebeca will stay in the past and that from now on I'll be your future."

"I promise!"

While Dylan and Bella kissed, Rebeca raged from behind the door, having to restrain herself and promising revenge.

"Exhaust valve, you bastard. DK, you pay me." Rebeca went downstairs quietly, sitting on the sofa to wait for Dylan as if nothing had happened.

"Did my father send you here to keep an eye on me?"

"Of course not. I missed you and came back to be with you."

"It's not going to happen. I'm with Bella now and I want some peace. Get your bags and go back where you came from."

"My godfather told me to stay here and that's what I'm going to do. If you think it's bad, call him."

"Rebeca, I'm not in the patience, don't make me use force." DK grabs the cheeky woman's arm and abruptly pulls her off the sofa.

"Let her stay. I don't want to cause trouble between you and your father, I'm just not responsible for the excessive noise during the night and the inappropriate scenes you'll probably have to live with." Bella teases standing next to her boyfriend who hugs her, placing his hand on her waist, observing Rebeca's look of hatred, but having to keep her expression calm and friendly.

"Fine. Now open the room for me, I'm tired, it's been a long trip." Rebeca walked past her rival staring at her and when she reached the middle of the stairs a vague memory came into her mind.

"What's your surname again?"

"Daves. Why?"

"Interesting! I had the impression I'd seen your face somewhere before."

"Really? You're no stranger to me either." Bella frowned, trying to get out of the awkward situation.

"Anyway... Good evening, Bella Daves"

While DK was unlocking the door, Rebecca took the opportunity to ask a few questions:

"Where did you find this woman you call your girlfriend?"

"Miami Beach."

"A neutral place for both families, you can both go there."

"What are you implying?"

"Nothing yet. I'm just jealous that you're dating and even living together. But we can still reminisce about old times from time to time, can't we?" The woman tries to run her hand over Dylan's chest, but he stops her.

"I'm sorry, but the two of us never again. I love Bella, she's the woman I chose for myself. Please understand, we're only going to have a family and professional relationship, from now on talk to me formally. Do you understand?" Dylan is cold

"I understand."

"Perfect! The room is open and here are the keys, you know where the sheets, towels and everything you need are. Good night!"

Rebeca goes into her room and opens the window to let the air in. As she tidies up her room, she tries to remember where she met Bella, but she can't remember and ends up falling asleep. The next day Rebeca woke up late and realized that neither DK nor her love rival were at home, so she decided to go into the couple's bedroom and look for anything that could compromise the beautiful brunette. Opening the closet, she found clothes and a bag at the bottom, she opened it and found the fake ID loose inside the bag, but she also found a family photo where she was with her father, mother and brother.

"I got you, you bitch."

The unscrupulous woman wastes no time in going to Alexander's house and exposing the whole situation.

"How did this happen? My son is involved with the daughter of my greatest enemy."

Alexander calls his son and says: "Leave everything you're doing and come home now."

Before long, DK was facing his father in his home office, Alexander turned to his son and, showing Bella's false identity, asked him:

"Is that your mystery girlfriend?"

"Why is Bella's identity with you?" He hadn't yet seen Rebecca, who was in a swivel chair with her back to him, but when she revealed herself... "Oh, I see! And you said you didn't come to my house on my father's orders. Once a liar, always a liar."

"I'm sorry, Dylan, but I'm not the liar here." Rebecca shows Bella a photo of her family.

"Why is Bella in this picture with the Malones?

"Because she's Anthony Malone's youngest daughter. And her name is actually Bella Malone"

"And now, you're going to bring that bitch here. I want the pleasure of finishing her off myself." Alexander is furious

"No! Please, Father. I've never asked you for anything and I've always been faithful to you. Bella doesn't know who I am and until this moment I didn't know who she was either. I beg you, let me resolve this situation, I promise I'll get rid of her and I'll never have contact again, I'll do anything you want, but don't kill the only woman I've ever loved in my life." Dylan begs on his knees, humiliating himself at the feet of his father, who is surprised by his son's attitude and ends up giving in.

"Fine! But you have until tonight to get rid of the bitch."

"Rebeca, can you help me?"

"Of course!"

Bella goes back to the apartment, it's already night time and it's raining hard, she can see the lightning through the windows, she finds it strange that everything is quiet and goes upstairs, then she hears noises and the voices of Dylan and Rebeca:

"Dylan, why did you do this to me? You promised." Bella looks at Rebeca, fitted completely on top of Dylan, who was shirtless but wearing pants; they were both on the edge of the bed.

"It was in your face, Bellinha, you just didn't want to see it." Rebeca scoffs

"Dylan, Have you ever been honest with me? You loved Me?" Did you love me?"

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