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7- Club Ambrosia- Part 3


“Looks like daddy dearest left out vital information” grunts Lucus. “Find out why”.

“On it. And based on where she was heading, she was heading for one of the residential penthouses that we have here at the Marino Hotel & Suite. I’ll send an image over to Marco and see what he can find,'' I say, curious to know as to why she was there.

“Okay. Bye” was all Lucus said before hanging up the phone. Keeping my word I move to ask Marco to look into our Principessa (Princess) hoping to figure out why she was there. Before turning and heading for the office and the supposed meeting I had.

4 Hours Later

“Boss, I have the information that you’ve asked for,” Marco says as he walks into my office, handing me a file on our Principessa (Princess).

“Speak” I say, focusing my attention on the file that he gave me.

“From what I’ve gathered from the footage of the security feed to that of the door handler, she was their to visit a Ms. Angel Franco, who currently stays on the 10th floor” answers Marco who wished he could offer more but couldn’t.

“Did Matt say why?” I ask.

“No” was all Marco said.

Sighing, I move to toss the folder and its papers onto my desk letting them scatter. Well, two can play this game Principessa (Princess). Soon you will be ours.



-Later that Day-

Today has been long. After meeting with local suppliers to discuss upcoming shipments I discovered there was a mole within their group. The person in custody was trying to give out information to one of many Greek Mafia families. Amused, I slowly watched the scene unfold before me as the leader of my supplier, Declan, ordered his men to take the mole to one of their local hangouts. Well this should be fun, lets see him try now… with no eyes or head I don’t think he’ll be leaking out any information anytime soon.

After the show I was now here sitting in the back seat of one of our bulletproof SUVs, as it slowly pulled up to one of Grant’s businesses. Our main business if you will, the Romano Empire. No sooner do we arrive does Grant come out with Marco on his tail as both move rush towards the vehicle, Grant sitting next to me just as the door closes.

“Hey” he says. His face devoid of sleep as his once bright green eyes a bit duller than usual. His raven black hair tousled and a small 5 o’clock shadow playing at his once crisp clean chiseled jawline.

“Rough day?” I ask. After all he was my friend and blood brother. So it wasn't hard to not know when something was bothering him or any of them for that matter as we had been trying to finalize things with the Moretti Family and their daughter for sometime now.

“Hmmm” is all I get from Grant, as he moves to lean against the seat, his eyes closing.

Tonight we were supposed to meeting Tony and Alex over at one of our clubs, Club Ambrosia. It’s one of our favorite clubs we own. The staff are great and the VIP lounge magnificent, only the elite get access into that area. And while our club is so ever popular we even have an RSVP list going and if you're not on the list you're not allowed in.

Besides we all could use a little down time. We haven’t seen much of each other lately. So it was suggested that we use tonight to go out, since these idiots can’t seem to take care of themselves in the process. But to be fair we’ve all been pretty busy with work, and as much as it pains me to say it, Marco had been hitting a lot of dead ends with our Principessa (Princess) lately, her life all but private to all those except her family. With tempers hot and fuses even shorter, everyone was on edge around us. As they should be. For we weren't top dogs for nothing.

Alex though, has been the worst. His constant need to kill someone has all but been unbearable. For only a week ago he murdered fourteen people just because he could. Utter Chaos. Granted none of us have slept with any other woman since our proposed engagement to Mr. Moretti’s daughter. But I fear that if we don’t get it going soon the whole city could be in danger.

Soon shortly, we’re all but pulling up to Club Ambrosia. The big flashy lights flashing as our bouncer stands guard just outside the front entrance clipboard in hand. A list of names held securely upon it as a line of people wait to get in.

Excitement filling the air as soon as we move to exit the vehicle, Alex and Tony all but approaching us, exiting a second car that had just arrived shortly after ours. Our security team flanking our sides as we move to stroll right in. The bouncer greeting us as we did, head bowed.

“Mr. Romano, Mr. D’Amico, Mr. Marino, Mr. DeLuca. Please, your VIP spot is waiting for you. Please allow me to show it to you” smiles a server as she moves to show us to the VIP section. Glancing to the server, one could tell she was short, standing maybe 5 '2 even with heels. But always did amazing work.

Making our way through the crowd, we slowly make our way towards the stairs leading up towards the VIP section of the club, music bumping as the night went on.

“When you have a second Elise, could you bring us our usual?” I ask just as we make our way up the flight of stairs. “But of course Mr. D’Amico” and with that she moves to do as asked. A few minutes later she returns with our drink of choice.

Enjoying the scene, we each move to sit and just relax in one of the booths, taking the occasional sip from our drinks until suddenly we hear voices as they slowly walk up towards the VIP lounge. Drawing our curiosity as they did.

Suddenly, Grant gasps. “YOU!” he exclaims. At the sudden movement she looks over to us. Her eyes widening. Those eyes. Beautiful and doe like. Blue-gray eyes like a calm before a storm as the club lights dance slowly within them. Her sultry lips slightly parted. As if she wasn’t expecting to see us. Gods, I can already feel my shaft hardening as I think about what I’d do to her mouth. Glancing to Grant he smiles.

“We meet again Principessa (Princess)” he says. Wait, hold the phone. Doing a once over we all but take in her appearance before finally, it dawns on us. We finally have our fiancee.



“We meet again Principessa (Princess)”. There it is again. That lone endearment that both annoys me yet makes my heart flutter every time.

“I’m not your Principessa (Princess)” I snap, trying to look anywhere but them- Ooh, the scene below us looks nice. My cheeks are blushing. Come on Isabella, get a grip, they aren’t your fiances.

Yet the one I ran into this morning only raises an eyebrow to my response. His luscious lips smirking, his appearance breathtaking.

Clearing my throat I move to the side with Angel and Caleb. Their eyes boring into my back as if trying to studying me. Struggling to keep it together, my body begins to feel warm as I feel those eyes. Those beautiful green eyes. NO I need to remain strong.

“Principessa (Princess).” A deep velvety voice boomed. Hearing the voice makes me voluntarily shiver and my panties all but dampen.

“Look at me, Principessa (Princess).” The voice commands. Closing my eyes I move to shift my body, my breathing becoming heavy. What is happening to me? That’s when I feel it, a calloused finger touching my chin. It’s gentle yet firm as it slowly lifts my face. “Look at me.” The voice is still soft but also powerful. Feeling compelled I do just that. I look.

Oh. My. God. There standing before me was a beautiful piece of art. Breathe hitching, I take in all of their features. The first thing I notice are their eyes. Deep blue, almost black. One could easily get lost in them if not careful. His face sculpted that I can’t help but notice his small, trimmed beard, framing his jawline perfectly. Next comes the hair, short, blonde with just enough at the top to play with. Looks soft, I muse getting the urge to reach out and play with it. The smell of sandalwood and bergamot hitting my senses as I take in his men's cologne. He’s clearly tall, tall just like sexy green eyes, easily 6’4. His suit designer which fits snuggly on top of his already sculpted muscles. A few tattoos peeking just slightly out from behind his white button down shirt. A gold Rolex sitting pretty on his left hand while metal rings rest against my skin, making me shiver. Dangerous thoughts now coursing through my head at the thought of what he could do to me if I let him.

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