Read with BonusRead with Bonus



From birth Papa was never there, the mafia lord who took over the west he was called, feared, like the Godfather, if he wasn’t the God father himself, with one look men and women knew that he and I were related, the ,man they called him Hombre Peligroso, a dangerous man, a man of ruthlessness and wickedness that stretched to his family, women meant nothing to him and my mother was one of those women, I was the unclaimed bastard, Hijo Bastardo, the bastard child.

Though women meant nothing to him he had a wife, but he really never loved her but then my mother was his sweetheart, his one and only, she was called his heart, Corazon, but now look at us in the slums when he drives big cars and flaunts cash in casinos and bars.

At five I waited for him to arrive for my birthday, my mother was sincere, she told me about my Papa and all I needed to know, she made it known to me that it was just me and her but I still longed for a father, as boys become of age, they will step up from just a child to the father pleaser and that was where I was at 10.

Mama had put me in a school, she hoped I will be a good boy but I was always getting the stick up. Luckily it started with me being the best in school till I graduated but not just at my studies but also some other things.

It was my first year in high school and I was about to eat lunch when these group of boys came to my table.

“I see you are the new guy.” They said to me but I offered them no reply.

“Hey boy I’m talking to you” they said to me. it was funny because we were all boys so what was the hey boy for?

I still failed to reply them and that’s when they made a move.

“I’m talking to you.” One of them said taking my juice box and putting his few them out on my straw,he slowly drunk it and I watched.

this morning specifically, Mama told me no fighting.

“no pelees, bien.” She said as I nodded my head in understanding.

But these boys were tempting, These boys were tempting to beat, but I give them no reply, Mama said so I have to obey, she’s the only one I’ve got.

They took my food also but I watched them do it can I watch them eat it. They called me weak, foolish but the biggest mistake was when they called my mom.

“Eww, ¿Quién cocinó esto?” One of them said asking who cooked this.

“¿Qué es? Déjame probarlo.” He said, saying he wanted to taste it and then he also said, eww.

In my defense this was just veggies, vegetables always taste bad but they are good,.

“Quien haya cocinado esto no sabe cómo hacerlo.” One of them said, saying whomever cooked this doesn’t know how to cook.

“Did you just call my mom a bad cook?” I said to them as they turned back.

“Ohh, so you can talk.” He said.

Then I held him by the shirt, with my eyebrows raised, I asked again.

“Did you just call my mum a bad cook?” I said to them as the two stepped back a little.

The one who I held, had a bigger ego.

“Don’t touch me.” He said trying to get my hand off his shirt.

“I said what did you call my mom….” I said when he then slapped my hand and pushed me and I fell to the floor.

“What did you..” I was about to say when he said it himself.

“Yes I called your mommy a bad cook, what are you gonna do cry about it.?” He said, looking at his two friends and laughing, that was all I needed, that was all I was waiting for and it was at that moment I attacked.

For the big kid, he was smart, he knew I was going to attack, so he quickly retaliated but I’m not like every other kid here, so I dodged his punch and I went straight for his belle.

“THWACK!!” The sound made after I made impact with his soft skin. It was big basically shock absorber but it moved him back and it hurt like hell, you could tell by his face but he was trying to prove something, every other kid in the cafeteria paid attention to us and since he was being looked at he wanted to prove he was powerful.

He walked forward but his two friends try to stop him, you should have listened but he didn't he told them they were weak and he charged at me. I don’t like fights except they are necessary, except insulted me, not because I am a pussy but because I hate how good I am at Aiming at critical points.

He dashed forward, coming at me with everything he had but I was calm looking for a spot to punch, a place to hit, Then I found it, the side of his neck if I gave him an uppercut he may as well bite his tongue, I was trying to make the damage minimal because of Mama and so I did.

“Woosh” The sound of him passing after I dodged his attack, if I had given him the punch while he was running he may as well die but I was considerate of Mama.

“Thhhhchh" He breathed out as steam followed.

This time you walked slower to me and I will slower to him, it was a matter of whose punch was going to hit and just like always he went first.

“Whoohh.” I dogged To the left and executed my attack.

“WHAM!!” I made impact again, but this time it was a direct hit but not so critical, I held back.

“Hhhh, ckkkuuhhh,hhhhuhhh" He was on the floor holding his neck and grasping for air heavily then I picked my bag and I walked to class.

That made me popular in school and reduced the bullying rate around the first years.

Fast forward to 14, where I already had a Gang, THE BIG CATS, that was our name back then, we were big in the underground fighting system.

Known in the street as Jaguar, I fought men bigger than me, I was fast they said, and I always aim for critical points.

Mama will tell me, I’m not trying to say you shouldn’t be a fighter, fight for what you believe is right don't fight to prove you are right, fight to defend your right.

She would say.

“The reason why men fight is to prove their ideology, if no one wanted to prove but defend then there will be nothing to fight for but there will be something to protect.” She always told me things like a wise man, she developed her mind like this for me to be raised properly but I was stubborn.

I lived in the slums, sometimes I don’t eat, we both starve together and we sing songs to make us forget but I never forgot, I slept late on nights like that, sometimes I don’t go to school because I have to help my mum transport her food that a lot of people underpriced.

It was also the same age I met one of the best additions to my life, and it was not a woman but it was a brother I never had, door started when a new kid came into school, it wasn't scrawny looking but wall baggy clothes to hide his physique, He entered as a transfer student and he was in my class.

By that time I was in my third year and I was not always present in school, so bullying found a way to Creep back in but then one day I saw him. She sat at the back of the school, eating alone, The back of the school had old asphalt as its ground and it's Had weed growing out of it, There was a stool there and some wooden disposed Furniture, formally used by the school.

On that day he Sat there And was approached by 2 seniors, they both came outside from the back door and met him there, since they were there he decided to give them space but they stopped him.

“Nice sandwich you got there.” One of them said attempting to take it from him but he was quick he moved it out of the way before his hand could get there. This is why I said he was hiding his true strength.

“.What did You just do.” He said to him, and then he responded.

“Ohh umm sorry.” He said stretching forth his sandwich and handing it over to the one who asked the question.

“Give me that” He said, Forcefully taking it off his hands.

“News flash.” The other one said And before he could pay attention.

“Whamm!” He got punched and they laughed and walked back into the school.

I could see him clinging to the wooden chair but the minute they stepped in he sprung up and hit the first thing he could see and he broke it.

Yeah that’s when I knew, he had strength but he was concealing it.

getting home from school that day, entered the house greeting Mama normally but she wasn't looking good.

“Are you okay Mama?” I said to her as she looked down at a letter.

My mama been having some weird cough, so she has not been working for the meantime, what I have been providing, so I asked.

“Mama is it the Bills?” I said to her when she said.

“No, Mi amore.” She replied, and tried to smile but I walked closer and then I saw a mail.


“Mama what is this.” I pointed, and then she noticed it and tucked it away.

“Its nothing, Mi amore.” She said but I looked back at her in denial.

“What is it? Mi dulce nino" she said back at calling me her sweet boy.

“Nothing” I replied her with a smile already swayed by her sweet names.

“So what will you eat, how was school, I hope you did not fight today.” She said, as she walked to the kitchen but like I said I was stubborn and curious.

I know we keep our mail, so I decided to go check it later because the name I saw there, sounds like the name my mother always called him, the name my mother always called my father.

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