Read with BonusRead with Bonus


“🎵🎵Te Quero Muchooooo🎵🎵”

“🎵🎵Te Traigo En El Pensamiento Vida Soy Hombre🎵🎵”

“Ugh,” I whispered under my breath as my senses started to function again. I have a headache, and that song is literally unbearable. I don’t know if it’s the song. Or the speaker.

“Ugh,” I whispered under my breath again as my eyes slowly regained sight.

“…” I was silent, I was confused, and I was stunned. Where am I? Who is this? What car is this?

“Ah, Esta Cosa Vieja.” The driver said, hitting the radio as the song cracked and cracked again, then he looked up at the back mirror.

Our eyes jammed, and he was silent. He said nothing; he only stared at me, occasionally looking at the road.

“Hola, Viejo.” The man sitting by his side shouted.

“Mira el Camino!” he shouted, moving his hand over the mirror.

Where the fuck am I? I was freaking out; no one would tell me; I don’t even know this person. My heart rate increased, and anxiety raised its ugly head. I looked to my side and...

“Uuuu!” I exclaimed as my breath seized. I wasn’t sitting alone; there were two guys at the back, and they just sat quietly looking at me, They said nothing, and their faces depicted no fear or surprise; they were just straight and creepy. Then it hit me, The guy at the front stopped talking but before I could look forward,

“BAM!!” I was hit again, and this time, I went blank immediately.

“From one pain to another, I hope you will remain sane.” The voice I heard before jolting up was that I was in a new room, facing a staircase; my hands were tied to a chair and the crazy part was that nobody was there.

“Who said that?” I said to myself as I tried to more or less recognize my surroundings. I was in a big house, and I noticed as I moved my head from side to side.

“ouch.” My headaches aren’t getting any better and they sting on the side, That’s a beautiful icing on the cake.

"Bro, I am telling you that stuff was fire; I am not gonna lie, I would go again.” A voice I heard from behind me was a little distant, but it was getting closer and closer.

“Yeah, bro, I get you.” The guy replied and walked past me, going upstairs.

Wait, huh? Is he just going to ignore me?

Who the hell is this 5:8 poser? I need to be nice. I need to get out of here.

“Hello,” I said at the top of my lungs, planning to strike a smile when he turned back.

He ignored my call, closing in on the staircase. No, no, this may be my only chance to know where I am.

“Hey, please, can you help me, hello?” I said it at the top of my lungs with a rather soft but audible tone.

He stopped.

Yes!! He finally got the message.

"Yo, bro, let me call you back, alright.” He said he was finally concluding his call.

"Hello, can you help me, I am stuck; I don’t know where I am, Can you help me?” I said with a softer tone as he turned back.

“Yeah, what the fuck do you want.” He said it with a look of Disgust on his face.

Who the fuck does he think he is… Let's just play it calmly.

“ I am so sorry I bothered you but can you help me get untied?” I said, carrying on the show with the cute puppy eyes.

“Why?” He asked, squinting his eyes a little and acting like I said something foolish.

Who the fuck is this? Just swallow it up and carry on, I was telling myself.

“Well, because it’s kind of uncomfortable being tied and restricted, or do you like being restricted?” I asked, with a deceiving smile. I swear, I can feel my body crawling doing this.

"Well, no,” he replied, walking closer to me.

Ugh, he finally got it, I can’t wait to be out of here.

“Exactly so would..." I was saying when the next thing I thought was.

“But I like you like that.” He said he was closing the space between my chair and him, taking his time with every step.

“Huh?” I said out of confusion.

“Yeah, you heard me.” He replied to me, finally reaching my destination.

“I don’t understand,” I replied to him, wearing the face of innocent confusion. What the fuck is wrong with this dude?

“Hmm,” he let out a soft smile, going around me and stopping at my back. He did a 180-degree turn, and you could obviously see his eyes take off my clothes.

I was irritated and disgusted, so I hid my face by looking down.

He then touched my left shoulder and gently went down to my waist. Then he came forward to my lap, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I had goosebumps, and he made my skin crawl. I was unhealthily irritated.

“Get your hands off me, you single-celled midget.” I abruptly said it with a thicker and more authoritative tone.

“Yes, exactly, that’s it.” He exclaimed and lifted his hands off my body.

“Excuse me,” I replied to him, now playing the uno reverse, with my face filled with disgust.

“You ain't excused you, little bitch; I knew you weren’t kind and sweet, lol. Girls like that don’t end up here, or wait, they do, but you, Nah, I know you kind, rich girl, sassy, and most especially rude to the core.” He said this as he walked around, demonstrating.

“So? Now that you know me,? What are you going to do?” I said with no fear in my mind, Fuck him and Fuck his ideology; I will not bow to the rubbish of this calibre.

“I do to you; I can’t do anything to you; besides your smell, you pig, plus I was touching you to just bring this you out because I know you; I mean, I can’t feel pleasure touching a smelly sack of meat.”

“How dare you call me that? You short stack, you are a small man; you are nothing, an empty little fool; that’s who you are.” I lashed out at him as he backed me up and walked forward.

“Yes, yes.” He said that and then stopped moving. He turned around, wearing a face of confusion.

“I think I am forgetting something.” He said, looking confused as he walked close to me.

"Oh, now I remember... SLAP!” A direct hit to my cheeks.

“That’s for calling me.” He said, then.

“SLAP!!” That was for abusing me and lastly,.

He said he was pulling out a gun in front of me. But that did not stop me, it only made me more and more agitated, in fact, I dared him.

“Pull the trigger, mark my words; if you don’t pull that trigger, your mom is a whore, you are a bastard, who the fuck do you think you are to lay your filthy hands on me, You are nothing.” I challenged him at the top of my lungs over and over again.

“Hmm.” He replied, letting out a smirk and cocking the gun.

"Yes, that’s right pull it, you small man, you empty prick who tries to fake his life to be accepted. you,” I said, taunting him more and more, saying that I really did not care about my safety. Nahh, fuck that; he just violated me for what reason? Who the fuck does he think he is?

“Pssst, guess who is tied up.” He said it with a smile and before I could utter a word,.

“BANG!!” He shot the gun to my right side, the sound deafening my ears and my headache skyrocketing into a migraine.

“RRrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg.” That was the only sound I could pick up from the blast; he didn’t aim at me but he might have as well destroyed my ear drums.

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” I screamed, unable to hear myself properly, The louder my screams got, the farther they were from my ear, and my own high-pitched scream sounded muffled, At some point, I heard nothing, I only felt pain as tears gushed down from my eyes, I couldn’t even hear myself sob, I couldn’t hear my own self cry. I cried and screamed but I heard nothing except muffled noise.

While this was happening, he stood there laughing, then turned back and walked upstairs.

“what time is it,” I said in my mind and I know I said it out loud but I could barely hear myself, My tears had become a river and my heart was officially tired of feeling. From one pain to another, what day is it? How long have I been on the road, Why the fuck am I here, Why was I chosen?

Wait, I am being trafficked. I remember being hit by the guys in the car; they had guns, and I remember now that they had assaults.

Ugh, I said, As the ringing noise commenced again in my head and the weakness in my body grew, sleep started to set in but as my eyes closed, I saw someone walking from the corner of the room, I wasn’t sure I was seeing things but my eyesight gave out on me and my brain went blank before I could analyze a thing.

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