Chapter Nine
Emil's POV
I stepped out of Andrea's room with my heart racing and a particular part of my anatomy feeling very uncomfortable.
I could not believe I had allowed myself to get carried away but it was hard not to, not when she looked like she did, her lush black hair against the white pillow was a vision that almost made my heart skip a beat and there was also how mad she made me.
When I had asked everyone to leave the room,it had not been my intention to try anything with her but seeing in that sheer red nightgown had been too much of a distraction and her skin was simply calling out to me.
I had to touch her and feel what body felt like against mine and now that I had felt what it felt like to have her in my arms, surrendering to my touch and kisses, I wanted her more than ever, she was like a drug that once an addict got a whif, he wanted more and more.
"Good morning Don Ferrari" Dr Martin greeted me with a smile on his round red face.
Normally I had no problems with Dr. Martin but this particular morning I wanted to wipe that smile of his fat red face.
With no more small effort I schooled my facial features into a smile and said "Good morning Dr. Martin, thank you for coming on such short notice"
The good Doctor his head cheerfully and said "You need not worry yourself about the Donna, I assure you she is in good hands"
I managed a tight smile before I said "Thank you Doctor, I always feel reassured when you are handling things"
The man gave me a happy nod before he walked into the room followed by Wilma who gave me an apologetic smile.
I let out deep breath before I went in the direction of my study.
I needed time to think and process what was happening between Andrea Severino and I because I was not someone that enjoyed being confused or bothered about things and this particular situation was both bothering and confusing all at once.
"Emil, we have a problem" I heard Marco say as he walked toward me.
I almost groaned in frustration, why was everyone's timing from hell today?
"What's the matter?" I asked.
"We just found out Valentino has been stealing from us and it has been going on a while now" Marco said.
Valentino Perez, he was the foreman of the Ferrari plantation, I knew him to be a hardworker and was someone who always delivered, his only negative trait was his arrogance and I had always ignored that as long he delivered but now, stealing was something I did not forgive especially if you had no reason to.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"He is being held at the back of the house" Marco answered.
I turned in the direction where he was being held and when I got there, I found him with a bruise on his eye and his normally sleeked back hair was pretty rumpled now, he looked like he had received some handling and I was certain Antonio had something to do with that because he stood close to where Valentino Perez was tied on the floor.
"Mr Perez, it's a fine morning we are having this morning don't you think so? I asked as I took my seat on the armchair that had been placed for me.
Valentino Perez scrambled to his knees quickly and said "Don Ferrari, please, I ask for your mercy and forgiveness" his deep set eyes looking directly into my face.
"What I will like to know is why? Have I not been kind to you and your family? Was your salary not enough to satisfy your needs and if that was the case, why did you not speak to me or my brothers about your concerns? Because you know for certain, we always listen" I asked as I kept my eyes fixed on Valentino Perez.
He avoided my gaze and lowered his head "I am sorry Don Ferrari, I have no excuse for my actions" he said.
It was pathetic really, there was just no reason for his actions, it was simply greed.
"You accept that you were wrong, you agree to the crime of stealing my family's money and so your punishment is certain" I said.
"I am sorry Don Ferrari, please I have to take care of my family, I ask for your forgiveness" Valentino Perez said as tears clouded his eyes.
I shook my head and said "For every misdeed, a punishment must follow suite and you know this"
"Mercy Don Ferrari, mercy" he said.
"You and your family are to vacate my lands before sundown and that is after you have returned every single penny you stole, if you do not do that, you will die, am I understood?" I said.
Valentino Perez sobbed quietly but said nothing.
I gave him one last look before shaking my head and walking away.
Marco and Antonio could handle it from here, they will see to it that everything was handled as it should be.
I had barely sat in my study when a knock sounded on the door.
"Come in" I called.
The door opened and Wilma walked in "Sorry to bother you Emilio but I just wanted to inform you that the Doctor is done with his examination of the Donna"
"How is she?" I asked, I was surprised to realise that I was genuinely worried about her wellbeing.
"He said she has a mild fever and prescribed some medications for her and he also told her to get complete bed rest for the whole day" Wilma said with a smile on her face.
I nodded and said "Thank you Wilma"
Wilma gave me a smile and tunrned to leave but then turned back to face me.
"Can I ask you a question Emilio?" She said.
Wilma was just like a mother to me and she normally noticed when I had things on my mind.
"You can always ask me anything Wilma and you know this already" I said with a smile.
"Why did you get married to the girl?" She asked.
I thought about it for a while and said "I got married to her end the conflict between her family and mine" I said.
"No other reason??" Wilma asked.
"Is there supposed to be another reason?" I replied.
Wilma smiled and said "My dear Emilio, I was really hoping that it was for a different as well, I have seen you carry the burden of leading this family since you were just a young boy and you have done an excellent job with your brothers but you also need someone whom you can share your worries and thoughts with, someone you can lean on when things get tiring, I was hoping Andrea Severino could be that person to you"
A chuckle escaped my lips "Andrea Severino does not wish to be anything to me Wilma and you and I both know that, you saw for yourself this morning" I said.
"I did not ask if Andrea wishes to be anything to you my dear, I want to know what you want her to be" Wilma said, the
smile never leaving her face.
I wondered about Wilma said, I had no idea what I wanted from her, I just knew that I did not like her being sad or unhappy.
"I do not know the answer to your question Wilma but when I do I will let you know" I said with a smile.
"I hope you have the answers soon my dear" Wilma said with smile before she turned around and left me alone in the study.
The old man tucked away the photograph he had been looking at into the drawer of his table when a knock sounded on the door of his study.
The photograph of a young lady with dark hair and silver eyes, the photograph of his dear Andrea.
"Come in" he said in his deep baritone voice.
A few seconds later the door opened and a young man with a handsome face walked in.
"Hello father, I was hoping I could discuss something with you" Angelo said to his father.
Dante Severino gestured to his son to have a seat.
"It's been a while since Andrea got married, I was hoping I could pay her a visit" Angelo said.
Dante Severino wondered how it was possible that he and Angelo were having the same thoughts but he did not feel the need to let his know this information.
"Why would you visit her? She is in matrimonial home now, the Ferraris are her family now" Dante Severino said, his deep voice steady and controlled betraying not a single emotion.
"She is my little sister and I will like to know how she is doing" Angelo said.
"You are being unnecessarily worried, the girl is fine I am sure" Dante Severino said.
Angelo was quiet for a while then he said "I was not aware that you intended to sacrifice two children in order to achieve peace with the Ferraris, I was not prepared to lose both a brother and a sister"
Dante Severino raised a brow, he had not expected Angelo to say anything, the boy usually did what his father wanted without arguments but somehow it pleased him that the boy was developing a spine.
"If you wish to visit Andrea, you are free to do so, you do not need to ask my permission" Dante Severino said and proceeded to read the reports on his table.
What Angelo will never know was that his father could not read a single word on those papers because his heart was breaking because of what he had said.
Angelo got up from the chair and said "I will be sure to give Andrea your best"
Without waiting for an answer, Angelo turned around and left the room.
Dante Severino slowly put down the papers in his hand and let out a sigh, the role of a leader was difficult but the role of a father was the most difficult role of all.
Angelo stepped out and released a breath of frustration, he wondered how his father could abandon Andrea so easily, the girl had wanted nothing more than to please her father and her reward for her obedience was abandonment from her family.
He turned to look at the bodyguard standing beside him "Lorenzo, get ready we are going to the Severino mansion"
Angelo did not see the look on Lorenzo's face, it was one that clearly showed his displeasure with the order he was given.
He was trying to stay away from Andrea and now he was definitely going to see her whether he liked it or not and there was also the issue of running into Emil Ferrari, this was going to be a bothersome day for him with all indication.