Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

smell was this really good smell. I was not sure what it was until the doors were opened and there I saw the lone guy standing in front with the justice of the peace. And all the while Ash was going crazy in my head and I couldn't focus at all. The man was breathtaking I couldn't breathe. And than my world shattered around me when I said mate out loud.

Zander's pov

It was the day I was getting married I didn't want to but I was forced to because of my dads terrible finances and I had to be the one to fix it. I had to marry a girl I didn't know and live with and be with her. I wasn't sure how too feel but a part of me a as excited. I was getting married and maybe I would like her. Lately I have been bored by women and their antics. I have always wanted somthing real but all the girls I dated just wanted s*x and I really didn't want to so I quickly broke them off. You see I have this image that people belive I am but really im an virgin and I have waited for marriage. I have always been to embarrassed to say that to anyone so I just paid the girls off and told them to not say a word to anyone. I have to keep l with this image but finally I might have a chance at something real. I was at the church and alot of people were there and the ceremony was about to start so I went to the front and than a few minutes later the music started and people stood up and then the doors opened and I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I couldn't see her face because it was covered with the veil. But she was tall and had wonderful curves. And the dress just hinted at the body underneath that. I stared at her and I don't think I could have liked any more than at that moment. And than I heard the strangest thing I heard a growl and the word mate. I looked around and tried to see who could have said it but I really didn't know so I left it at that. She was standing in front of me and I took her hand from im guessing her father and we turned to the guy who was talking.

Allison's pov

I can't belive I said that out loud and thank goddess that nobody else seemed phased by it. Zander was king around I was holding my breath when it seemed he gave up I was relived. He couldn't find out that he was my mate or that I am a werewolf. So I finally after what felt like forever I was standing in front of him. He took my cold hand in his warm one and sqeezed my hand. I felt the tingles run up and down my arm and it felt so good to be touching him. I wasn't really listening to the man who was talking and than we got to the vows. We each said ours and then the rings. My ring was simple but beautiful. It had three small diamonds on the band and it was a white gold. I placed a simple band with one bigger diamond in the center on his hand. Than we were pronounced husband and wife and we were told to kiss. I wasn't sure i would want to kiss because I had never kissed anyone because I was waiting but he has kissed so many girls and now we have to kiss. He lifts up my veil up and gently places his hand on my faces as he is leaning down. He doesn't go too far because we are about the same height. And he ok ces his lips on mine and that is when I wanted to melt. Ash was going crazy in my head and the kiss felt so good but soon it was over too quick. I looked up at his eyes and he had gorgeous blue eyes. I would have gotten lost in them if he hadn't turned and started walking while still holding my hand and while I tried to get him to let go he wouldn't. We walked down and everyone was clapping and some people were crying. We were standing there awardly when people started to congratulate us and I was introduced to some of his family. I noticed that my parents were dragging Lydia and Stacy away before I could even say good bye to them. I watched silently as I couldn't say anything. Finally we could go and we got our things and went to find his car. We both got in and I didn't feel like talking so I stayed quiet.  And than before I knew it I had drifted off too sleep.

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