Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 9

After we both got in the car and the driver was driving us toward the quaint town Huntington which is an odd name for a town but never mind that. I look around and I can see what looks like water in the distance and hills on the other side and it makes me want to go into wolf form and run cause I haven't been able to do that for a few days. I see people walking around and it seems like it's a smaller town but it is very cute and I have never really been in a human town before.

"Zander were are we?" I ask.

" We are in California." He says with a smirk when he sees that I'm smiling.

" Who arranged this?" I ask.

" My father thought that you would like this spot because all girls love California or so he thinks." He says.

" I have never been here before but this should be a lot of fun! I can't wait to see all there is to see!" I say with excitement in my voice. I had never been anywhere but home before and I rarely saw humans because the pack house and my pack were always very secluded back in the woods.

"Well I thought maybe we could go out to eat and than take a walk around town and see all the shops." Zander says.

"I think that is a great idea."

I stare out the window and I can't keep y eyes from drinking everything in. It is so very different here than my home but I'm excited to see what we will do. I look at Zander and he's not paying any attention to his surroundings, instead he's looking at his phone and typing away on it. I figure maybe he's bored so I go back to looking out the window cause I want to see everything! We soon get to what I guess is our hotel because the driver opens the door and I step out while thanking the driver because I'm not used to someone opening the door for me. The hotel we're staying at is shaped like a house with two story's and and porch on the front with a door and several windows. We walk to the door and Zander opens and walks through it and than I do and we step into a foyer with a little desk in the corner and stairs leading up and a hallway that I assume leads to the back of the hotel. Just than a tiny older woman with gray hair in a bun walked in and greeted us.

" Hello dears welcome to my hotel. What can I do for you two?" She asked in a cheerful voice. As Zander was telling her we had a reservation there I could smell something different about this place and the old women smelled different two. I thought maybe I was tried and imagining things so I left it at that. We go up to the second story and our room is the second door on the right. We open the door and it's a very cute room with wooden flooring and white walls and a big bed. As I'm looking around there is just one bed and I was about to say something when Zander beat me to it.

"As you can see there is only one bed but it's big enough so we can both sleep on it without being in each other's way in the night." He said with no emotion at all in his voice. I nodded cause what else could I do. We bring our things up to our room and than get ready to go to a little cafe we passed on our way to the hotel. When we got there it was so cute and it looked very traditional. It was very clean inside and out. The waitress that greeted us showed us to a booth to sit and gave us menus and than she left. We were looking over all the food and my mouth was watering but I'm the end I just went with salad because I try not to eat to much because I never was allowed to. Zander noticed and gave me a weird look but said nothing. We got our food and he got a burger and fries while I got a fresh salad which was really good but I just felt sick afterwards cause I hadn't eaten anything of substance in a few days. Zander went to get up and came back with a roast beef sandwich and some soup and than he placed it by me. I looked at him in shock but he didn't say anything he just motioned me to eat it. I did and the roast beef was amazing and the soup was very good. I told him thank you and he didn't say anything.

"I have some business to do in a town about an hour from here so you stay and look around or just rest or do whatever you would like. I will most likely be gone for a few hours so  just enjoyed your time."

"Ok, that sounds good to me." I was a little disappointed that he was working on our honeymoon but again this was a forced marriage so he could do what he wanted.

"Here before I forget give me your number so you can call me in case something happens."

"I don't have a phone." I say in a quite voice. When I say that Zander is obviously shocked.

"How do you not have a phone when you are 21 years old?"

"My parents always thought I didn't need one so I never got one."

"What about with the money you got from your job I'm guessing you had couldn't you have used money from that to get yourself a phone."

How do I tell him that my parents always took my paychecks and never used it for anything good.

"My parents never let me have my paychecks." I say in a quit voice. Zander is quite and he looks mad so I just stay silent and not say a word because from past experiences if I said something to an angry wolf I most of the time was beat badly. And I didn't want to find out what Zander could do if he got angry enough. Zander doesn't say anything else and just gets up and pays and than motions me to go with him. We leave and than he drops me off at the hotel and tells me what time he'll be back around. He leaves and I decide to walk around and decide that I could go for a walk and maybe a run in wolf form if there aren't a lot of people up in the hiking trails this time of day. The sun is shining and it's hot out but not too bad. I'm at the base of the hill and I choose a more challenging trail and go into some trees and change and my wolf is so excited that we start running without a care in the world. We run for what feels like hours when I remember that I should head back before Zander gets back and sees I'm gone. I go back to the trees I changed before and than I walk back towards the hotel. I can just see Zander's car speeding towards the hotel and than I see him park and he gets out and walks toward me. I wave and he waved back and I see he has a package with him and he's holding a pizza box.

"I didn't know what pizza you like so I went with meat lovers so I hope you like it." He says with a smile.

"Yes I love meat lovers pizza, it's my favorite."

"That's good, it's my favorite too."

We go back to the hotel and eat in the common room and we talk for awhile.

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