The Cruel Prince's Bride all 56 chapters

  1. The Start of All My Trouble
  2. Preparing for the Evening Ball
  3. Being the Prince's Special Guest
  4. The Wedding Preparations
  5. Waiting for the Wedding Ball
  6. The Wedding Ball
  7. The Diversion
  8. The Wedding Night
  9. The Trip to the Country Estate
  10. The Country Estate
  11. Jacob's Expectations
  12. An Unsavory Night
  13. Agony
  14. Katherine's Retaliation
  15. The Doctor's Visit
  16. The Coronation
  17. Jake's Wedding
  18. The Escape Plan
  19. The Great Escape
  20. Jacob's Arrival at the Castle
  21. Jacob Finds the Cabin
  22. Returning to the Castle
  23. The Ex Queens Lessons
  24. The Peace Treaty
  25. The Ex-Queen's Punishment
  26. The Banishment
  27. The Secret Garden is Revealed
  28. Meeting in the Secret Garden
  29. The Invasion of the Castle
  30. The Funeral
  31. Learning About the Assassination Attempt
  32. The Execution
  33. The Abduction
  34. The Escape Attempt
  35. Katherine's Return to the Castle
  36. The Doctor Visits Again
  37. Jacob's Suspicion
  38. Jacob's Disapproval
  39. The Birth of the Prince
  40. The Aftermath
  41. Eighteen Years Later
  42. Katherine Talks to a Spy
  43. Katherine's Nineteenth Wedding Anniversary
  44. Adeline's Twelfth Birthday
  45. Jacob's Anger
  46. Adeline's Sixteenth Birthday
  47. The Spy Returns
  48. Adeline Is Married Two Years Later
  49. Adeline Returns a Week Later
  50. The Visit to Adeline's Castle
  51. Preparing for Adeline's Ball
  52. Adeline's Ball
  53. The Queen's Unexplained Illness
  54. Katherine's Request
  55. Katherine's Secrets
  56. Happily Ever After in the Afterlife