“Good evening,” Gabriel said to Nicole after they had stared at each other for what felt like hours.

“Um. How may I help you?” she managed to reply.

Nicole was glad that he broke the silence between them because she honestly had no idea what to say to this 6ft2 guy standing before her.

“May I talk with you?” he asked.

Nicole looked at him confused, wondering why this class of guy would want to talk to her.

“I. Um. I’m sorry, I think you've got the wrong address,” she said with a nervous chuckle.

“Actually… I'm at the right address. May I come in?” he replied.

Nicole couldn’t hide the surprise on her face, ‘what guts he had' she thought to herself.

“Wait, wait, wait a minute. I don’t know you and I don’t think you know me, so why would I let a total stranger into my house just like that at this hour?”

Even though he was screaming wealth, Nicole wasn’t going to let him have his way that easily.

“Pardon my manners. I’m Gabriel Oliver Harrison.”

Nicole just stared at him with a raised eyebrow. How would that name be of help to her? She thought. The name doesn’t even ring a bell, neither does he look like an old schoolmate because the guy standing before her looks like he’s in his late thirties or wait!

“Harrison. Do you mean Harrison, Harrison?”

It was now Gabriel’s turn to look at Nicole with a questioning eyebrow because he had no idea what she was trying to say.

“Um. I mean, are you the same Harrison from Harrison’s construction company and all that stuff?” She asked fidgeting with excitement.

Gabriel looked at his left and right hoping there was no one in the hallway because he didn’t want his identity revealed.

“Yes. May I come in now?” he asked more seriously this time making Nicole step away from her door, giving him access to her apartment.

Gabriel walked into her apartment and quickly scanned it. He noticed it was simple and surprisingly tidy for a lady who lives alone.

“Please take a seat… can I offer you anything?” Nicole offered.

“No thanks, but I would like to know your name since you already know mine.”

“Um. I’m Nicole Robinson… but there is nothing special attached to my name.” she jokingly replied.

Gabriel nodded at her response, repeatedly saying her name in his head so he wouldn’t forget.

‘He’s pretty much the serious type' Nicole thought to herself after she didn’t earn even a little smile from him after her small joke.

“So…” she began, breaking the awkward silence that was already growing.

“Since you don’t wish to take anything, what was it you wanted to talk about?”

“I have a proposal for you,” he said in a way too serious manner.

Nicole knew she shouldn’t be afraid of this stranger. There was no reason whatsoever for her to be scared since she was in her apartment and he was the visitor at this odd hour but she couldn’t help it, this so-called proposal was beginning to send shivers down her spine even though she had no idea what the proposal was about. She straightened herself to conceal her fears

“Okay?... Spit it out”

“I want you to act as my fiancée for six months and I'll pay you ten million dollars,” Gabriel said.

“What?!” Nicole yelled in surprise, she was taken aback by his request.

Was this guy being serious?

“Excuse me. Is this some kind of sick joke?” she asked shaking her head back to reality.

This is a dream, none of this is real.

“I don’t joke,” Gabriel replied with a straight face.

“Give me a minute okay?” Nicole said, settling herself on her couch, as her legs were getting weak.

“Why would a man like you want an impersonator for a fiancée?... I mean, you can have any girl you want crawling at your feet. Forgive me for saying this, but a man like you ought to be married by now.”

“My personal life is no business of yours.” he sternly replied.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. But how do you expect me to believe you? I don’t even know if you’re the real deal or some kind of psychopath on the loose.” Nicole said, trying as hard as she could to also sound serious.

Gabriel on the other hand felt insulted, how could she call him a psychopath? He never should have brought himself this low. He knew from the start that this was a bad idea but he had no clue why he still went ahead to do it.

Meanwhile, Nicole felt bad for what she called him, she didn’t know how to apologize. What was said couldn’t be undone, she concluded.

“Um. I don’t think you want a stranger in your house.” she nervously said.

“That is for me to decide.”

This guy wasn’t going to back down after what she said?

“I’m sorry you’ve got the wrong girl.”

“I'll make it twenty-five million.”

To say Nicole’s mouth was wide open was an understatement, her jaw dropped. This can’t be happening, it only happens in movies.

“Here is my card.” he continued,

“If you accept my proposal, give me a call and I’ll send my chauffeur to pick you up so we can sign the contract. I'll deposit half the amount into your bank account, then when you’re done with the deal, I'll deposit the rest."

Nicole quietly collected his card, taking a look at it, she realized he was indeed who he claimed to be. She stood up from the couch and nervously ran her fingers through her hair.

“Look. Um. About what I said earlier-”

“Have a good night, Miss Robinson.”

With that, Gabriel left a stunned Nicole.

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