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Chapter 4 Mysterious Gift is Catgirl?

There was a small square in front of the castle, already crowded with over two thousand people, all fixating on the two figures emerging from the castle.

Henry saw the feeling of disgust, apathy, and hatred in the eyes of the crowd, which startled him. He glanced at Carter, realizing he was dealing with a ruthless lord.

Carter, however, maintained his cheerful demeanor, unaffected by the people's hostile glares. "My lord, these are the commoners of Eldoria," he said to Henry with a smile.

"Make the announcement," Henry nodded. Despite the tense atmosphere, he felt a strange calmness. There were lots of problems in Eldoria, which traded by five glass cups.

Carter cleared his throat and, in a hoarse voice, addressed the crowd, "Dear dwellers, I, Baron Carter, now pass my title to Baron Henry. From now on, he is your new lord."

With that, Carter stepped back, a radiant smile on his face, making way for Henry.

A moment of silence was followed by a flurry of discussions among the people, some of which made Henry feel annoyed.

"Another poor guy deceived by that tyrant, Baron Carter, and his schemes."

"We're the ones who suffer. Let's hope this new baron won't increase our taxes, or we'll have to move too."

"Damn it. They are all incompetent, even if they are one after another. They're all leeches, sucking us dry."

Such words reached Henry's ears without decoration, and he cast a skeptical glance at Carter.

Carter coughed, "My lord, they are always like this. They only complain but dare not show disrespect to you."

Before Henry could respond, Carter continued, "My lord, I've left a gift in the castle's dungeon for you. I'll leave now."

Without waiting for Henry's reaction, Carter departed, boarding a carriage with a group of about thirty or forty people, heading out of Eldoria.

Henry silently watched the group, then turned to the awaiting crowd. It was his first time facing so many people that he couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Everyone, please disperse," Henry said, trying to straighten his body.

As the crowd dispersed, Henry observed the scene. He was still a stranger here, with a little understanding of the situation.

Returning to the castle, Henry found it empty. "Finally, this territory is mine," he smiled.

Carter's departure brought him a sense of relief.

Though the land was impoverished, it was a good deal for the five glass cups he had traded.

Moreover, a castle like this would cost billions back on Earth.

"I don't know what Carter is planning, but I have no intention of giving up everything in my hands now," Henry thought, feeling satisfied.

"Oh, the gift Carter mentioned," Henry murmured.

He immediately began searching the castle for the dungeon. After half an hour, he found the entrance in a secluded corner.

It is a low house with an ancient lock on the door. Under Henry's efforts, the door opened. He cursed, "Carter didn't give me the key."

Upon opening the door, a damp, musty smell greeted Henry, which made Henry wrinkle his nose. He felt a sense of dread about Carter's gift.

With a flashlight, Henry discovered that the dungeon's walls were made of granite and adorned with various torture devices.

"A corrupt noble's dungeon?" Henry sneered, proceeding deeper into the dungeon, which made him feel ghastly. At the deepest corner of the dungeon, he found Carter's gift.

In a dark corner, a small figure was curled up. Henry estimated the person's height to be no more than five feet, and she appeared frail.

"Hey, are you still alive?" Henry knocked at the cell door, only seeing the person's back.

The sudden sound made the figure tremble. She turned around, her eyes squinting under the light. Soon, she opened her eyes, meeting Henry's gaze.

They were a pair of light blue eyes, beautiful but filled with deep disdain. Her dirty face showed no sign of fear.

But what caught Henry's attention the most were the pair of upright ears on her head, a pair of cat ears.

"An orc? A catgirl?" Henry's eyes widened in astonishment to look at this catgirl. He had heard of orcs and catgirls in this world but had never seen one.

Unexpectedly, he saw a living catgirl in the dungeon.


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