Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3 Public

The man glanced at the person in the passenger seat out of the corner of his eye and casually asked, "Do you regret it?"

Regina smiled lightly, "I do. I regret not giving up earlier." After all, her years of affection had been betrayed.

Douglas looked at her meaningfully but didn't say anything. He dropped Regina off at her apartment building and took out his phone, "I have some work changes to deal with during this time, and there are many things to handle. We probably won't have time to meet. Let's exchange contact information so we can call each other if needed."

Regina gave him her phone number and WhatsApp ID.

When she saw him change her contact name to "Mrs. Semona," Regina's heart was touched. She was really married to a man she had only met once.

Just as Regina was lost in thought, the marriage license in her hand was suddenly taken away. The man's delicate hand held the license and took a picture.

Regina asked him in astonishment, "What are you doing?"

Douglas replied casually, "Just settling a matter."

Regina figured he meant he was reporting to his family. She thought she should report to Tasha as well.

However, Douglas was busy with work in the afternoon and couldn't go with her to visit Tasha. Regina understood and could only take the marriage license to show and reassure her.

And so, the two parted ways at Regina's apartment building. Regina went to the hospital to see Tasha Brook with the marriage license. Tasha looked at the good-looking man in the permit and fell into deep thought.

After a long while, Tasha still couldn't believe it and asked, "Regina, is this really your husband?" Regina nodded vigorously. Although she had told Douglas not to mention their marriage to anyone, she thought Tasha would probably forget by tomorrow.

"Douglas?" Tasha suddenly said with a smile, "I think he's like a god."


"He's here to save you."

Regina remained silent. It was rare to see a smile on Tasha's face, so Regina just smiled and went along with it. Time passed quickly. What Regina didn't expect was that after they got married, they didn't see each other for a long time. In such a vast city, if they didn't make an effort to meet, they might never see each other in their lifetime.

Moreover, Regina was not used to taking the initiative to contact others. Just when Regina occasionally forgot that she was already married, he would suddenly contact her. As for Philip, Regina had already deleted his contact information after leaving the Peace Club that night.

After spending two days with Tasha at the hospital over the weekend, Regina was not in the mood when she rushed to the company early on Monday. As soon as she entered the office, she saw a few colleagues who had arrived early, chatting happily while drinking coffee. They only glanced at her casually when she entered, then continued their conversation.

Regina was a bit puzzled. The people in the office usually kept themselves busy with work. Why were they chatting today?

Regina had no interest in joining the conversation. She was really tired and, feeling drowsy, she heard her colleague, Lucia Jones, say excitedly, "I heard the new boss is not even thirty yet." "He's actually twenty-nine."

"So, what if he's twenty-nine?"

Lucia sighed, "Some people in their fifties or sixties can't even reach such a position! But that's not the point. The point is, he has a good looking!"

Although the soon-to-be boss kept a low key in his personal life, there were only a few photos of him online, none of which showed his face clearly. But even his profile was very attractive!

Lucia took out her phone and immediately shared the latest photo of him with her colleagues. It was a little bit blurry picture. At a private gathering of celebrities, a group of well-dressed, extraordinary men stood there chatting.

But he easily became the center of attention with just his side profile. The man was about six feet tall and had a great figure. The well-tailored black suit he wore gave him a charismatic aura. And his profile was as if it had been carefully sculpted by God. Several female colleagues were quickly drawn to him.

"He looks incredibly fine even in profile!"

"Do you have more photos? I want to see his face!"

Everyone in the office was discussing this person. The female colleagues were all excited, except Regina, who was resting her head on her hands, feeling drowsy. There were still twenty minutes before the end of the workday, so she decided to close her eyes and catch a quick nap.

Hearing that the new boss had a low-key personal life, everyone immediately picked up their phones to search, hoping to find some clues about him in this information-rich world.

"This is so exaggerated. I can't even find his name."

"He's really low-key."

Everyone was discussing. Just as everyone was searching up empty, someone suddenly exclaimed, "Wait. I found something."

"What?" Lucia was the first to rush over.

A colleague opened a social media app and discovered a sudden piece of news: [ Michael was spotted having an intimate dinner with a male friend, and they left the bar together late at night.]

Michael Clinton is a very popular singer. Some netizens said that the man who dined with Michael, who was only seen in profile, is the newly appointed CEO of Century Group! The netizen didn't mention a specific name, but the CEO of Century Group has already attracted a lot of attention! This news headline sparked endless speculation. Everyone started discussing.

But everyone's attention quickly focused on the two men's sexual orientation. This news was widely discussed. Michael has yet to respond, but Century Group immediately took a PR measure.

However, their approach was even more shocking. They directly released a picture of the cover of the marriage license and solemnly clarified.

[The CEO is married, and his spouse is female.] Everyone was a little confused. Was such a shocking piece of news made public so casually?

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