Chapter 2
Odette’s point of view: Our daily routine and dad’s warning.
Odette: “No more laziness for me!”
Stop pondering over our history as fairies and the existence of all living creatures within the three realms and the mysterious eternal beings that lives in the universes that exists between space and time.
It’s early morning and time to get out of bed and go wake up my mom and dad, so that we can start our day with a delicious breakfast.
The door was closed so, I knocked first, before turning the nob and entering my parent’s bedroom. Mom and dad were barely awake when I entered their room, nevertheless they still greeted me with warm, inviting smiles on their faces.
Odette: “Good morning mom, dad, it is time to make breakfast.”
Charlie: “Good morning our little early bird, I hope you are just as famished as I am this morning!”
Dad said with a playful twinkle in his eyes. Mom and I nodded our heads and just lovingly smiled at him, before mom turned her attention towards me.
Sofia: “Morning sweetheart, we will be there in a minute.”
After we ate breakfast and cleaned up, my mom hugged me tight, before saying goodbye at the front door. I was halfway out of the gate, when my dad suddenly stopped me in my tracks.
Charlie: “Odette, please be careful when you go down to the lake today. If you see or hear anything strange, gather all the girls, come straight home and immediately inform me about it.”
Odette: “I understand dad. If something strange happens, I will do as you say and get everyone home safely.”
Charlie: “Thank you my darling, I know I can always count on you to do what is needed. Now go and enjoy the rest of your day with the girls.”
My dad is part of the council in our small village. The council consists of three members. Each member is the head of their households, with strong personalities and a sense of leadership skills. They were directly appointed by the royal family of the fairy realm.
Their duty is to look after the well-being of our community members and to inform the royal family if anything out of the ordinary happens in their kingdom. My dad is very serious about his responsibilities as a council member and as head of our family. He would not have alarmed me if there was not a possibility of real danger in the area.
Our cottage is situated a little further away from the rest of the cottages in our village, so it takes a bit longer to get to the heart of the village, where everyone always gathers. Luckily for me, I love walking!
Afterwards, I hurriedly made my way to the center of the village, to meet up with the rest of the fae girls, so that we could go down to the lake, as a group and start our work for the day.
With permission from the council members, the girls made me the leader of our group a few hundred years ago, because of my sense of responsibility and healing abilities.
We went down to the lake today, to work on all the plants, trees, flowers and rocks in the area. At first glance, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, so everyone started their daily routine.
Although it turned out to be a beautiful day, I still could not let my guard down completely. The day went smoothly so far and everyone is enjoying themselves. In the afternoon, we all came together and had a picnic under beautiful trees, near the lakefront.
After the picnic, everyone resumed their responsibilities in their own respective divisions. Suddenly, one of the girls started weeping… I lifted up my head to see what happened, when she quickly ran in my direction, with her one hand clenched around her other arm’s elbow. When she was close enough, I could see the tears flowing freely down her cheeks. With compassion and understanding in my heart, I thought to myself: she must have gotten badly hurt. I will try to calm her down first and then I will take a look at her arm.
When she stood in front of me, I softly rubbed her back until the tears in her eyes dried up and she could finally tell me what had happened to her. In detail she explained to me that she was growing moss on the rocks near the lake, when she heard a scraping sound and felt an instant pain in her elbow. After a few moments of just staring at the blood-covered wound in shock, she finally came to the realization of what happened to her… She accidently brushed up against a sharp-edged rock and it cut deep into her elbow!
After she told me what she experienced and calmed down a little, I slowly lifted up her arm and gently placed my open hand on her wound. Then I closed myself off from everything around me and concentrated on the wound. Immediately I felt a burning sensation traveling up and down my arm, before a beam of white light irradiated from my hand, enveloping her whole arm…