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Chapter 1 The Humiliation of James

In the hospital.

The doctor's expression was grave as he said to James Williams, "James, your mother, Michelle Garcia, has a malignant stomach tumor. She needs surgery immediately, or she will die. The surgery costs thirty thousand dollars. Go pay the money."

James was shocked. "Thirty thousand dollars! I don't have that much money. Doctor, can't you operate on my mom first? I will find a way to raise the money."

He pleaded with the doctor.

However, the doctor coldly refused. "Payment first, then surgery. That's the rule, and it can't be changed!"

He was desperate.

Life was just too unfair to him!

James was an orphan, adopted by his foster mother, Michelle Garcia , and his foster father, Virgil Smith.

However, Virgil went missing at sea a year ago and has since been unheard of.

Subsequently, his foster mother, Michelle, fainted due to a stomach tumor and was hospitalized.

James had just graduated and had to shoulder the burden of supporting the family. Moreover, he had to raise money for Michelle's medical treatment.

To treat Michelle, James used up all the family savings, maxed out all online loans, and even became a live-in son-in-law of the Smith family.

The Smith family promised him twenty thousand dollars if he agreed to become a live-in son-in-law!

For the sake of his mother's treatment, he had no choice but to agree.

Over the past year, he served the Smith family like a servant, losing all dignity just to get twenty thousand dollars!

However, this money was far from enough to cover Michelle's medical expenses.

Soon, this money was spent in the hospital.

Now, James had nothing left but a phone and ten dollars.

He simply could not afford the hefty surgery fee of thirty thousand dollars!

When the doctor learned that James had no money, a look of disdain appeared on his face, and he snorted, "Can't you afford treatment? Just die then!"

With that, the doctor turned away indifferently and left.

James could only squat helplessly in a corner and sob uncontrollably.

Michelle was only his foster mother, but she had been especially kind to him, just like his biological mother.

James could not accept Michelle's death like this!

Wiping away his tears, he stood up from the ground.

Crying was useless!

He had to find a way to borrow money; he had to save his mother!

He left the hospital and went to his uncle's house.

His uncle and aunt had seized Virgil's home and felt guilty towards his father. They may help him.

James knocked on his uncle's door, and his aunt opened it.

Upon seeing James, her brow furrowed immediately, and her face was full of unwelcome.

James begged his aunt, "Ms. Smith, my mom needs money for surgery..."

She interrupted him directly. "Are you coming for money again? Wasn't the fifty dollars we gave you last time enough? Don't be greedy!"

"Get out, and don't come back to my house. We don't have greedy relatives like you!"

As she spoke, she pushed James out and then slammed the door shut.

Hearing these harsh words, James trembled with anger, punching the wall.

He knew the world was cold, but he never expected that his uncle and aunt, who had taken his father's home, would refuse to help when his mother needed money.

It was just too hateful!

James had no other choice but to be cheeky and ask other relatives for money, but not one was willing to lend him any.

These relatives even warned James not to harass them again, or they would immediately call the police to arrest him.

Then, the landlord also called to demand rent, saying that if he didn't pay the rent within a week, they would clear out Michelle's room.

The online loan company also made several calls, urging him to repay the money...

James was very desperate and had no choice but to call Mary Smith, who was vacationing in the Maldives.

Although Mary was James' wife, she had no feelings for him.

When Mary heard that James was calling to borrow money, she hung up in annoyance.

He was in pain, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

There was no one willing to lend him money.

Was he really going to watch his mother die of illness?

After standing in the cold wind on the street for half a day, James wiped away his tears and went to the Zero Degree Bar.

This was the bar owned by his ex-girlfriend, Jennifer Johnson.

Jennifer was the university's beauty queen and was very pretty.

James also liked Jennifer, but Jennifer betrayed James, cheated with his college roommate, Brian Robinson, and was found by James.

At that moment, James felt so heartbroken he could hardly breathe.

He was betrayed by both his girlfriend and his friend!

Could there be anyone more miserable than him in this world?

Brian was a character title, and he had invested a million dollars to help Jennifer open this Zero Degree Bar.

Because Jennifer was the beauty queen, she attracted many people to spend money, making the bar's business very prosperous.

James did not want to see Jennifer again, as she had betrayed him.

But to borrow money for his mother's surgery, he had to come here to find Jennifer.

Perhaps, out of old affection, she would lend him some money.

Moreover, both Jennifer and Brian felt guilty towards him; perhaps they would help him out of guilt.

The bar was lively, with someone playing the guitar and singing.

As soon as James walked into the bar, the whole place suddenly quieted down.

A dozen fashionably dressed young men and women looked towards him.

Among them were Jennifer and Brian!

James also looked at Brian and Jennifer.

He saw arrogance in Brian's eyes, disdain, but not a trace of guilt.

Jennifer was wearing a low-cut tank top, revealing a swath of pale belly and the shortest of shorts on her lower body.

Her fair skin and long legs, coupled with her beautiful face, were very eye-catching.

However, her indifferent and arrogant expression made many people dare not make eye contact.

She looked at James emotionlessly, as if she was looking at a dog on the street.

Jennifer's best friend, Donna Martin, jumped down from the high stool and questioned, "James, what are you doing here?"

James mustered his courage and said, "I'm here to..."

"We don't need a janitor here. You can leave!" Donna mocked him.

She had always looked down on the penniless James, and she strongly encouraged Jennifer to meet with Brian.

James hurriedly waved his hands and explained, "I'm not here to be a janitor. I'm here to..."

Donna said, "Lemon water is ten dollars a glass. Cocktails are twenty dollars a glass. Can you afford it?"

Brian spat at James and said, "Get out! This isn't a place for poor people like you to afford!"

Seeing Brian not only had no guilt towards him but also humiliated him publicly, James was very angry.

But thinking of the money needed for his mother's surgery, he had to suppress his anger.

James looked at Jennifer and said, "Jennifer, I have something to talk to you about. Let's go outside."

James hoped to retain the last bit of face.

Jennifer crossed her long legs, her pale toes twinkling in the light without mockery or movement, but this was the greatest disdain.

Brian hooked his lips mockingly, saying, "Jennifer is my girlfriend now, not someone you can see whenever you want."

He also provocatively rubbed Jennifer's leg.

James pleaded, "Jennifer, I really need to talk to you. Let's go outside."

Jennifer's face was full of pride and indifference, looking at James as if he was an insignificant ant, saying, "Get lost! I feel sick just seeing you!"

Donna shouted impatiently, "Did you hear that? Get out now!"

Seeing that Jennifer was unwilling to go out with him, James could only grit his teeth and said, "Jennifer, I want to borrow thirty thousand dollars from you for my mom's surgery!"

James assured her and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely pay you back!"

"Thirty thousand dollars. What do you need so much money for!" Donna screamed exaggeratedly.

James looked at her and explained, "My mom needs money for surgery..."

"I know this is abrupt, but I really need the money to save a life. Please, I beg you."

He also took out his mother's medical records, hoping to move Jennifer.

Brian looked at him as if James were an idiot, saying, "Your dad is missing, your uncle took your home, now you're renting, you're a live-in son-in-law, and you're unemployed. How can you borrow thirty thousand dollars?"

For the past year since graduation, James has been busy with his mother's illness or serving the Smith family's every need, and he has not found a job at a company.

So he was still an unemployed drifter.

James said, "Once my mom's surgery is over, I'll find a job right away. I can pay it back!"

He was ashamed; he wished he could turn and flee, but at this point, he had to persist.

"Jennifer, I beg you, my mom needs surgery. She really needs this money..." he said.

At this moment, he felt as lowly as a dog.

Donna sneered, "We're not your dad; your mom needs money for surgery; what has that got to do with us?"

James said, "Jennifer, please help me."

He looked at Jennifer and begged, "The money, I will definitely pay you back."

Everyone looked at Jennifer.

Jennifer looked at James with a cold expression, and with a tone colder than her expression, she said words that chilled James' heart. "Are you coming to me for money? Don't you find it laughable? What does your mom's life and death have to do with me?"

She sneered, "Do you think there's still old affection between us?"

"Don't flatter yourself."

"Don't aim at the moon."

James looked at Jennifer in astonishment, unable to believe that these words came from her.

Jennifer looked at him with pride. "We are no longer people of the same class! My money is not something you can borrow!"

"I have no feelings for you at all!"

"By the way, when I was dating you, I got sick, and you gave me a jade pendant, saying it would keep me safe."

"Now, I'll give you back this jade pendant. Take it and wish your mom safety!"

With that, Jennifer took out a jade pendant from the drawer under the table and emotionlessly tossed it into his hand. "Go away, don't come here again!"

Her voice, calm yet commanding, seemed to pin people to the ground like ants under a skyward gaze. "Know your place, James "

Donna pushed James, saying, "Get out, toad!"

James was desperate.

He couldn't borrow money. Was he really going to watch his mother die?

At this moment, Brian suddenly spoke up, "I can lend you thirty thousand dollars!"

James' eyes lit up, his body trembling with excitement. "Really?"

Brian's smile was playful, saying, "Really, but you have to kneel for me!"

Anger flashed in James' eyes, but he quickly regained his composure.

James knelt to Brian.

It was humiliating, but for his mother, he had to do it!

Seeing James kneel, Donna and the others laughed out loud.

Some even took out their phones to take pictures, saying they would post them online.

Jennifer held her snow-white chin high with the pride of a princess, and her eyes were full of contempt.

She thought, 'A man with no backbone!'

Brian then went to the restroom and returned with a cup of yellow liquid inside.

It was Brian's urine!

Brian placed the urine in front of James and ordered, "Kneel and drink my urine, and I'll lend you the money!"

James was furious!

This was urine!

Brian, this bastard, was actually making him drink that!

He couldn't bear it anymore!

James was angry. He stood up from the ground and threw the cup filled with urine at Brian, Jennifer, and the others!

"You drink it!" he said.

The urine splashed on everyone, and Jennifer and the others screamed.

Brian was furious and ordered his subordinates, "Beat him up!"

As he finished speaking, seven or eight youths rushed towards James and knocked him to the ground.

James leaned against the wall, protecting his head with both hands.

He had no feeling in his hands, just instinctively holding his head.

He protected his head but not other places. After a few heavy punches, James started vomiting blood.

Jennifer and Donna watched happily from the side, even telling the seven or eight youths to hit him harder.

"Waste!" Brian said and stepped on James' head.

James' hands, which had been protecting his head, finally loosened, and his body slid down the wall powerlessly.

He passed out.

A stream of blood flowed from James' palm, seeping into the ancient jade pendant...

The jade pendant turned into a beam of light and entered James' body!

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