Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked me in his rough voice. My heart started to beat fast at his question.

“I–was here–” I stuttered once again, trying my best to explain to him, but he didn't let me complete my sentence.

“You were eavesdropping on me,” he said with that accusing look still in his grey orbs. My eyes widened in fear and anxiety when he said that. His huge frame shadowed me. His intoxicating scent lingered in the air, making me even more nervous.

“N–No!” I said it timidly while looking at him. I was not heard to eavesdrop. I was here to tell him what I could be expecting. I was here to tell him he was going to be a father. I was here to tell you we were going to be parents. Tears welled up in my eyes.

“I was.” I tried to tell him why I was here once again when his jaw clenched in more anger. His grey orbs moved all over my face.

“Enough! Go to your room, and don't ever try to eavesdrop on me again. Ever!” he said firmly. He had already assumed I was secretly hearing his conversation. He didn't even try to listen to me. He walked back into his office and closed the door with a thud. I closed my eyes, and my body flinched once again. That night, I cried myself to sleep. The next day, I once again woke up with a familiar feeling of nausea and ended up in front of the toilet. Like every day, nothing came out of my mouth. I do the same routine I do every day. I walked out of the shower when I heard my cell phone ringing loudly. It was from a packed hospital. My brows furrowed. Why am I getting a call from Pack Hospital? Did they discover I could be pregnant? An unknown fear pumped into my blood. No, how can it be possible? No one knows about it. I took a deep breath and took that call.

"Hello,” I said in my small voice. My heart was still beating fast inside my rib cage.

“Am I talking to Roslyn?” a monotonous voice spoke from behind. My brows furrowed even more.

"Yes,” I answered back. How do they know my name?

“Your grandma gave us your number. She has been admitted to the hospital. He held down drastically,” the person informed me, and my eyes widened in fear.

“Is she okay?" How is she now?” I asked immediately while holding the cell phone tightly in my sweaty hands. Grandma is the only family I have.

"Yes, her health is stable now, but she has been asking to call you,” the person informed me, and I took a breath of rebirth.

“I'm on my way. Please tell Grandma I will be there soon,” I told the person before cutting the call. I changed my clothes and then pocketed my cell phone. I have a few dollars left from my last part-time job. I've yet to receive my payment. I pocketed them too. I need to leave soon. I need to inform him before I leave. I don't think informing him of my whereabouts will change anything. I was on my way to his office, lost in my thoughts when I ended up bumping into him. My head collided with his hard chest. There was no strength in my body, and the sudden collision made my body move backwards. My eyes widen, and I wrap my hands around my stomach. Scared something will happen. A firm arm was wrapped around my waist, and I was pulled to a hard chest before my rear touched the hard floor. His intoxicating scent engulfed me in a tight grip. Sparks! I felt them all over my body when he touched me. My eyes were still closed, and I could feel his heated gaze on my face. My heart was thumping loudly inside my rib cage. Suddenly, he moved his hands away from me as if it had burned him. My eyes opened, and I looked at him.

“Can't you see and walk?” he said in his rough voice. His grey orbs held the same hatred. Saying that he didn't even wait for my answer. He turned around to walk away. My eyes widen when I see him retreating. I immediately held his hand, and it made his body still. Sparks. I felt them once. He slowly turned his head and looked at the hand I was holding. His jaw clenched with new-found anger in his eyes. I still kept holding his hand. I know that as soon as I let go of it, he will walk away.

“I'm going to pack the hospital,” I managed to say in one sentence. His brows furrowed when I said that. The grey orbs moved all over my face.

“My grandmother is ill. I'm going to see her,” I said in a small voice while swallowing hard.

“Go to hell. I don't care,” he said rudely, yanking his hand out of my hold. Saying that he walked away. A dejected feeling once again gripped my aching heart. Tears formed in my eyes. Even if I die, he won't care about me. His words cut something deep inside me. I whipped my hot tears from the back of my hands. I took a deep breath before walking down. Once, the aroma of bacon and coffee engulfed me. My stomach grumbled, and my mouth watered. I decided to walk away when my hand was grabbed. It made me look at the person.

“Where are you going in such a hurry? Come, let's have breakfast with me,” Hudson said while dragging me to the breakfast table. It was filled with food and fruits. My mouth watered again. I only had a small sandwich and juice yesterday. My eyes widen as he tries to make me sit on a chair.

“No, Hudson, I'm not hungry,” I said, even though my stomach was rumbling with hunger. I am trying my best to politely refuse him.

“Sit down,” he said, and he made me sit on the chair.

“I have been noticing how you have been not showing up at the table for food,” he said while filling my plate with lots of bacon and an omelette. He poured some coffee for me too.

"Eat,” he commanded me. I wanted to refuse, but then I remembered that I could not be alone now. Without a word, I started eating my food. He smiled, looking down at me. I took a sip of the coffee, and the taste exploded in my mouth. I was eating it after so long. I savour the taste of each bite. For the first time, my stomach was full. I was sipping my coffee when Hudson got a call. He excused himself.

“What the hell? How dare you sit here?” a familiar voice filled with hate said. I kept away the cup of my coffee immediately and looked at her. Theresa was standing there with an angry face. She is Mason's cousin. I immediately stood up from my seat. She walked in my way, and I grabbed the edge of the chair for support. Where is Hudson? My eyes tried to find him, but he was not there. I was scared of her. I remember how she used to bully me.

“You think a low-ranking Omega like you deserves to sit here,” she said, and then grabbed the cup of coffee and threw it in my face. I gasped when she did that. The coffee was still slightly hot, and it burned my skin. Tears formed in my eyes.

“Get off my face,” she said, anger radiating in her words. I didn't need to be told twice. I ran away to my room. I locked and cried my eyes out. Every day in this house, my self-esteem is stamped on by one person or another. I walked to the bathroom and cleaned myself. My skin had turned red. I hope it doesn't leave marks on my body. It stings when I wash my face with water. I need to be at the hospital. My grandmother needs me. It was a half-hour's walk from the pack house to the pack hospital. When I saw my grandmother, I cried, holding her. She kept moving her hand on my back in a soothing manner. She was happy to see me. I stayed with her the whole day. It was night now. I wanted to stay with her, but my grandma asked me to go back to the pack house. I walked out of the room, and when I was at Louby, I saw him. Standing at reception. Is he here for me? I don't see any other reason why he is here. My heart started to beat fast with a newfound excitement. My legs moved in his direction with a smile on my face.

“Alpha, Lilian is admitted on the second floor,” one of his soldiers told him. As if falling into my gaze, his eyes moved in my direction. They moved my whole frame. His jaw clenched.

“Let's go," he said, saying that he looked away as if I were invisible to his eyes. My steps were hauled, and my hope was shattered into a million pieces.

Leaving me devastated behind.

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