Chapter Six
Anyway back to my new friends. The female is a few years younger than me but you’d never tell that because we are pretty much on the same level. Her name is Tasha (Rosebud in the game) and her birthday is also in December and two days before mine. We are definitely going to hang out together one year and party until New Year’s. Josh (Ink of Kings in the game) is still in his twenties but I absolutely love him to death. His in-game name I still don’t understand but it doesn’t matter. The others are all great friends but I’m closer to these two and we have been helping each other out from the beginning. They’ve been very helpful in my growth in the game and in real life issues. We talk for hours sometimes offline and we’ve all been through so much in life that it almost seems like made up stories.
April has come and gone and after my last doctor visit I’m healing nicely but still a ways to go. I can move around better now but I’m still very sore but I’m off the painkillers. I’m very glad about that because I hate medicine. This past month I’ve really grown to love this game and some of the people in it, but there’s this one guy that has caught my eye. His in game name is Death Dealer and from what I can tell he’s very well liked by the other players and very funny. I’m not attracted to him in a romantic way or anything but there’s just something about him. I’ve never talked to him and probably never will but he seems nice. Little did I know that tonight things would be changing.
As I make my way to the kitchen to start making myself some lunch, I hear the notification on my phone go off and see that I have a message from my assistant. She’s asking when I’ll be back because the person taking over for me is pissing her off. I feel sorry for her but there’s nothing that I can do for two more months. I’ve been trying to help her as much as I can from home though but it doesn’t seem to be working. I message her back telling her to calm down and to just try to make it through these next two months and I’ll be back. She messages me back saying that she’ll try but if she’s gone when I get back to not be surprised. I shake my head making a mental note to call my boss later and see what we can do about this situation because I am not losing a great assistant behind this woman’s incompetence.
Once lunch is over I head to the living room and sit cross legged on my couch with my phone and turn on the television. There’s a movie that I want to see coming on later so I set the reminder on the television then flip through the channels until I find a show that I like and begin to watch. The movie is almost halfway over when I get a notification telling me I have a message waiting in the game so I log in and read the message. One of my friends is looking for me in the in-game chat room so I enter and we all start chatting. We have this party that we call KC After Dark. The “KC” stands for kingdom chat room and the after dark part is because it happens late at night once all the kids that play the game have gone to bed. Thankfully we only have one in our kingdom server and he’s not online that often even when he doesn’t have school.
In the middle of everyone talking and laughing that guy shows up again and everyone starts to tell him hello and ask how he’s doing and he starts telling them that he’s a little sad because his ex-girlfriend’s kitten had to be taken to the vet because it got a hold of some poison. I felt so sorry for her and the kitten that I don’t know what came over me but I said his name and that I was sorry to hear about the kitten and hoped it would get better soon. What am I doing? I never talk to him or anyone outside of our circle for that matter. I start to hope that he doesn’t notice the comment and we can just move on from my temporary bout of insanity. Looking at the screen I quickly notice that I have no such luck in that department. He says my name and then tells me thank you. I tell him “you’re welcome” then tell my friends that I have to go but I’ll be back on later that night. They tell me bye and I head back to my kitchen to see what I have in the refrigerator for dinner but I don’t find anything that I want so I decide to order a pizza. My mother calls and tells me that she’s coming over to visit and I know that she’s really coming to check up on me but I just say “okay” and then we hang up.
Twenty minutes later my food arrives and I give the driver a tip before getting ready to close my door but I open it back when I see my mother pulling into my driveway. A few hours pass and she finally goes home after asking me a million and one questions. She wasn’t satisfied until I started to yawn and she told me to get my rest and that she would lock the door for me. I was exhausted so I just put on my nightgown and climbed into bed. Lying down I put my phone on the nightstand and closed my eyes to go to bed but when I didn’t fall asleep after thirty minutes I just sat up and decided to play on my phone. Everyone was online and the after dark show was in full swing. The naughty talk was already happening and I laughed as I read some of the comments. Of course I said a few things as well and then finally my best friend showed up. We make up these virtual scenarios and it’s kind of like telling a story only everyone adds to it in some way, so when I logged in I typed that I shouted his name and then hugged him and sat on his lap. There were a few shocked people in the chat room because, well, we never do that even though the story had already been told that I live in his virtual house along with a few others but I sleep in his virtual bedroom. Sleep being the key word because unlike the way he talks to the other women, which is of a sexual nature, he has never talked to me in that manner. He’s my best friend and big brother so there is none of that kind of talk between us but we do love saying things that insinuate we have a sexual relationship but it’s all in fun. Once he did threaten to come to my house in real life because I wasn’t getting enough rest. I laughed and took it as a joke until he sent me a screenshot of him on his computer looking at flights. I quickly stopped laughing and promised to get more rest. He’s scary when he’s angry but not in a killer kind of way. He just doesn’t like it when I don’t take care of myself and he’s protective of me. We have made plans to meet up one day soon though.
Anyway back to the chatroom party. A few people made comments about what I had just typed and others went with it and during the time that I looked away from the screen to take a sip of my tea, that guy showed up. Seriously what is it about this guy that makes me happy when he shows up? I’ve talked to him once if you want to call it talking but otherwise we’ve never spoken. I do love reading his comments though because they show his intelligence, but like I said before, we’ve never spoken. So now everyone’s saying hello to him and asking if he’s going to be our bartender tonight and he says he’ll do it if they want him to and of course all the girls are saying yes. I stay “seated” on my best friend’s lap “drinking” my virtual glass of red wine. I’ve stopped paying attention to the guy and started talking to my other friends, when my best friend tells me to go and give that guy a lap dance. While I’m staring at the screen in total shock that he’s asked me to do this I’m noticing the comments of everyone telling me to do it and seem excited. I’ve never done anything like that since we’ve been having these little parties. I leave that to the other girls cause that is not my wheelhouse. The guy isn’t saying anything and I’m not sure what to do at this point. There’s a private message and I tell everyone I’ll be right back and it’s my Josh telling me to loosen up and have some fun. He also tells me that I need to hang out with some of the other men just in case he’s ever not around so I’ll be protected in the game. I was a little upset that he wanted me to act like a damn damsel in distress to get protection, but then again I had already been using that tactic so I let go of the anger. I just didn’t like that he suggested it which is insane thinking but hey that’s just how my brain works. I eventually answer him saying “okay” then go back into the chatroom and resume our storyline. I “get off of his lap and make my way over to him then turns my back to him and slowly starts to gyrate my hips and lower myself onto his lap” and watch the comments as some people shout “go Red Queen” and “give it to him good” while I’m trying to finish this without letting on that I have no idea what I’m doing.
He still hasn’t said anything as I bring this moment to a close after a few minutes. Honestly I think he was in shock as much as I was but he did seem to enjoy himself since he managed to type that he put his hands on my waist. I then type that I turn and kiss his cheek then walk back over to my best friend and sit on his lap. At this point Josh is killing himself laughing and I tell him that I’ll be sending him my bill in his inbox later. He laughs even more and just says “okay Red I got you” and we all go back to having a good time until my friend tells me that it’s time for me to go to bed in a private message. Any other time I would argue with him but I really was tired, so I said okay and that I would tell everyone good night. We go back into the chat room and I tell all my friends and the rest of the kingdom good night and then in a sudden act of boldness I tell my friend that I won’t be sleeping in his room tonight. He asks me where I’ll be sleeping and I tell him “in the room of the person I gave a lap dance too” and we both laugh. Finally the guy speaks and all he says is “okay that’s fine. I’ll sleep on the couch.” and again the boldness strikes and I tell him that he doesn’t have to do that because it’s his room plus we’d have the same arrangement that I have with my bestie. Remember I told you all that we only sleep in his virtual bed no matter what others may think.
The next morning I wake up and make myself some breakfast feeling really good for some reason. I mean not physically because the soreness is still there, but on the inside I was just really happy. I like it! After breakfast I go back to my bed not feeling like getting out of my comfortable room just yet. My phone goes off and I take a look to see what notification it is this time because the thing had been going off all night. Mostly it was emails last night but this time it was my game telling me I have a private message waiting. I open the game believing that it was either my Josh or Tasha or someone trying to get me to join their allegiance. I don’t know how many times I have to tell them that I am happy where I am, and not to mention better protected. My allegiance is like my family and I will not leave them for another one.
To say that when I open the message tab I was shocked would be an understatement, because I don’t think they’ve invented a word for what I felt. On my screen was an unopened message from him, Death Dealer. This has to be some kind of joke. Why is he writing to me? Was the lap dance thing too much? It wasn’t even my idea and now he’s probably about to tell me never to talk to him again. The thought kind of hurts my feelings. Why do I care about that? Honestly it may not be such a bad thing, us never speaking again. His first impression of me has to be horrible. I mean my best friend did basically pimp me out to him last night and I didn’t object at all. I went willingly like an obedient little prostitute.
Finally I just open the message and to my surprise he says good morning and asks how I am doing. I answer him and ask how he’s doing and he tells me that he’s well. After the pleasantries are done he begins role playing with me.
“Was my bed comfortable enough for you last night?”
“Yes it was very comfortable. Umm where did you sleep? I was pretty drunk and I only remember going to bed alone.” I type that I look under the covers to make sure my clothes are still on and he begins typing.
“I slept in my bed with you but don’t worry we didn’t do anything. I’d never do anything without your permission or that you didn’t want to do.”
“Oh no I was just checking to make sure I didn’t take anything off. You see I can’t sleep in a lot of clothes.” Why did I just tell him that? Hopefully he’ll just think it’s part of the game.
“Well that’s good to know.” Then he types that he leans in to kiss me but stops right before his lips touch mine. I type back that I lean the rest of the way in and start kissing him gently. Why am I blushing like he’s really in front of me? He types that he kisses me more deeply and passionately running his left hand down my left side putting his tongue in my mouth. I reply back that I push him onto his back and straddle him kissing him and running my fingers through his hair moaning softly. A couple of minutes pass and I don’t hear anything so I wonder if I’ve scared him off. I write that I climb off of him and sit next to him.
“I’m sorry was that too much for you? I guess I may have gotten carried away.” He writes back finally.
“No you’re good. I’m sorry I was answering a call.”
“Oh okay.” Then he writes that he starts to kiss me gently.
“Your lips are so soft.” He says to me and I reply that I’m blushing but keeps kissing him. We go on like that for a while longer before things get heavy again and we both start talking about how we take each other’s clothes off and touch and feel all over each other’s bodies. We spend the next hour or so having virtual sex and I must say that if this guy is that good in real life I know he has more than a few women sprung.