Chapter Seven
Once we finish we begin talking and telling each other some things about ourselves. I have no idea why but it just sort of happened naturally. We kept talking for hours and it was very nice. A thought occurred to me that maybe virtual sex was the way to go instead of what I’ve been doing with these men. All the fun of sex without any of the consequences. I think about that some more as we continue to talk until it is time for the after dark party again.
Tonight is very different and a little thrilling. The way we are in the chat room is so different. There’s this secret between us now and it’s kind of a turn on. We enter the chat room and I speak to all my friends as usual but I also speak to him. I stay in the room laughing and talking about the lap dance the night before and he’s the acting bartender until Josh finally gets off of work and then he takes over. Everyone is ordering pretend drinks and for some reason my mind keeps wandering to what happened this morning. How did we go from saying good morning to virtual sex? This has been one interesting day to say the least and I am starting to get tired so I tell everyone good night. Josh asks me where I’m sleeping and I tell him “With you as always” and he answers “Well you did sleep with Dealer last night so I wasn’t sure” and he bursts out laughing. I wish I could slap him through the phone. “Yes I did but that’s only because you seemed occupied last night and I don’t think three of us would have fit in your bed together.” He laughs even more and I look at the comments noticing that Dealer said he was leaving and going to bed. He seemed kind of sad so I quickly typed that I wouldn’t be sleeping with Josh tonight and asked him to make me a drink. Suddenly he seems happier and he makes me a drink and then I message him privately asking if he wants me to sleep with him again and he says yes. I told him that I was tired and about to leave the chat room but he seemed kind of off so I wanted to check on him. He confessed that he didn’t know why but he didn’t like it when I said that I would be sleeping in Josh’s bed. I told him that he’s just like a big brother and he doesn’t talk to me like he does the other women. Seconds later I tell everyone good night and then return to my messages to continue talking to him. We talk about life and my current condition and he tells me that he’s in the air force and a little of his background but not much. We tell each other basically what you’d tell a friend and not much more. After being quiet a few minutes he starts role playing again and we’re kissing and holding each other but it doesn’t end in sex. We actually ended up falling asleep and honestly that was the best sleep I’d had in a few days.
It has been a month and I am in Heaven. He treats me so well and I’m loving every minute of his attention. We’ve agreed to meet in real life soon but for now neither of us can make the trip so we stick to our in game love sessions which I honestly cannot wait to make reality. It isn’t all one sided though because I make sure to take care of him and his needs just as much as he takes care of me and mine. I’ve gotten no complaints so far and we don’t even argue. We’ve had some misunderstandings that have led to us both shedding more than a few tears and bearing our insecurities but I think that we’re stronger because of that and not weaker. I don’t see him as less of a man and he doesn’t see me differently either so basically everything is better between us now. A month is a little early for things to really be this serious, well at least to me it seems too early but that’s where we are and there’s nowhere to go but forward. Things were going so well that we even decided to see each other in three months and then something terrible happened.
I was playing my game and getting my team ready for pvp(player versus player) weekend and things were going great with our strategy and safety procedures. During my scouting for someone to take down I received a private message and went to see who it was, hoping that it was my love but that was not the case. A friend of mine was messaging to tell me that the person I cared about more than anything had been shot and was in the hospital. The doctors had him stabilized but that’s all he knew at the time. My heart immediately dropped in my chest and I felt like someone was suffocating me. “This can’t be real. It has to be a joke. I just talked to him last night. We hadn’t talked today yet but I just figured he was sleeping or working and couldn’t talk.” Quickly I get out of bed and walk to the living room trying to figure out what to do and how I could help. Forgetting to even answer him back he wrote me another message saying that he would keep me informed but he did hear a few seconds ago that they were taking him into surgery. I thanked him for telling me and then got out of my game for the rest of the day. I couldn’t think about anything but him. Should I go there or stay here and wait for more information? If I went there I wouldn’t even know where to look to find him and didn’t want to be searching for him in every hospital so I just kept praying.
Later that night we were all in the kingdom chat room because they were trying to keep me in good spirits I guess. Josh said we were going to have a party like we always do because changing would mean that we were thinking the worst would happen and that was not what we wanted, so we were going to party like we would if he was here. I agreed but I really didn’t want to participate, but once I did enter it was okay. Part of me was upset that people could party while he was in the hospital possibly fighting for his life. I kept trying to figure out when this sudden change happened inside of me. I mean sure I love him and things have been getting serious between us but now something just seems different. I cannot figure out what it is but I’m sure it’s nothing bad so I’ll leave it alone for now. Ever since I found out what happened a part of me has just seemed so hollow and missing. All of our friends are laughing and talking and I’m just sort of there reading the comments until finally Josh gets everyone's attention and says a toast basically saying that we’re drinking in honor of Death Dealer and wishes him a speedy recovery and everyone yells “Cheers!” and I smile a little at how many people care about him. My smile doesn’t last long though because my mind goes back to worrying about him. Josh notices that I’m not really talking that much and I receive a private message. He tries to take my mind off of things by doing our nightly lessons. He teaches me how to become stronger in the game and I ask questions if I need to but honestly I’m not into it tonight. At some point I close the messages section to go kill some creatures to keep my mind occupied and I notice a name in the kingdom chat that I know I shouldn’t be seeing and my heart drops. “It can’t be him. He’s in the hospital right now unconscious.” I enter the chat room and see tons of people saying hello and asking how he’s doing but I say nothing. This isn’t right. This must be someone talking on his behalf to let us know that he’s dead. That has to be it because what other explanation could there be for him being here. I wait a while as people still speak to him and when he finally responds to them I know that it’s him but I still wait before speaking. My messages go off again and it’s Josh asking why I’m not answering him and I ask him if we could continue our lesson later because Dealer is in the chat room. “Oh shit lets go!” is all he says and we both leave the private chat. Josh jumps right in being his normal silly self but I just can’t bring myself to do the same. I mean come on, the man was shot earlier that morning and it was touch and go for a while and now he’s in the chat room like nothing happened today. I have no idea what to make of any of what is happening at the moment.