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Breathe In My Girl’s Space

Elaine had recently found a way to kill a man without literally killing him. Find someone infinitely superior to him. That was exactly what she had in mind, but what if both men were cut from the same cloth? Both scumbags.

Xavier Romano had promised to come get her away from the Rock mansion. He promised. But it was already 9pm and she was still seated on the couch in her room, locked by her goddamn family. After the arguments with them the previous day, they’d immediately thrown her to her room and locked the door from outside, not letting her out even when morning arrived.

They locked her in, slipping food at intervals while she secretly waited for Xavier Romano to arrive and rescue her like a knight in shining armor, but as hours tickled by, her hope had crumbled on the floor. He must have forgotten her.

This was one of the times where Elaine wished their father was around, the man who’d abandoned them so many years ago at the amusement park in a fleeting promise for ice cream. It was only when their mother came to get them that they realized he ran away from home and perhaps the face of the earth as they’d found nothing about him. Perhaps, even a monster might’ve done better than her own flesh and blood.

Staring at the empty bottles of beer on the floor, Elaine slowly stood up from the couch. The beer she had hidden in her room was finished and if she didn't get something to drink and cool down her anger, the madness within would consume her. With wavering footsteps and blurry sight, she made her way to the door expecting it to be locked but as she held the handle, it pushed open.

“Goodness gracious.”

Elaine exited the room, taking slow steps down the stairs, the last bottle of beer wrapped around her fingers. Just a few stairs away from her destination, loud moans and groans reverberated from the living room, her ears picking up the sound, her face contorting in disgust.

She got to the end of the stairs, her eyes falling on the unspeakable slutty scene before her. Ria and Jimmy were on each other, their hands caressing their bodies, their mouths intertwined in a hot kiss. With hands folded under her chest, she watched as Jimmy kissed Ria desperately, whispering words of affirmation that made her cringe. He’d also told her those exact words.

It wasn’t until she cleared her throat did they pull away from each other, glaring at her while arranging their clothes.

“How shameless,” she started, her fist clenched in anger at Jimmy’s hand on Ria’s waist. If she had doubts about the rumors before, it all dissipated, replaced with anger, plus she was fairly drunk. “No one told me the Rock living room is now a Brothel for cheaters.”

Ria’s eyes flashed with indignation as she sprang up.

“Don’t you dare speak to us that way. It’s not my fault that he finds me more attractive than you.”

“Didn’t they say empty vessels make the loudest noise?” Elaine made her way toward the interconnected kitchen, opened the refrigerator and grabbed another bottle of beer. She popped the lid open before sauntering to them. “And Jimmy, the thought of you sickens me.”

“As if you’re any better. You don’t want to know why I dumped you for your sister?”

“I don’t give a fuck.”

“You’re nothing but a frigid pretentious bitch.” He stalked toward her. “You think I don’t know you’re fucking that old bastard?” His hand clamped down on her shoulder just as she took a sip from the beer.

“Get your hands off me.”

“Tell me, how much did he pay you?”


“I hate calling him this but how much did my fucking Uncle pay you to have you spreading your legs at the slightest opportunity? You’re no saint despite what you’d made everyone believe.”

“Let go.”

He held her tighter. In an instant, she spun her head, her forehead connecting with Jimmy’s nose causing him to release her, his hand coming away red with blood from his nose.

“What the fuck.”


Ria marched to them, pushing her aside and tending to her man’s nose. Her eyes snapped to Elaine, glaring daggers at her. “You little tramp. How dare you do this to my man?”

Ignoring the dizziness that threatened to overtake her, Elaine chuckled. “Man? Sorry to disappoint sis but Jimmy is all but a man. Big sis advice, real men don’t cheat, Ria. He’s a boy.”

One thing she knows fully well about Jimmy was his defining ego. He was blessed with a ridiculously large ego that no one could compare to. She knew she hit the bullseye when his fist clenched after her words.

“If you call me that one more time, you won’t like how this will end.” He gritted his teeth.

“I know you’re bored with Ria. The three girls in our family aren't enough to satisfy a boy like you, I guess.”

Just as she took three steps to make her way back to her room, Jimmy lunged forward, his arms gripping her arms, shoving her against the back of the couch.

“You dare me?” His fist cocked, ready to strike.

“I dare yo… ahh.”

Before his fist could collide with her face, a whooshing sound reverberated in the air and he released his grip on her. He collided hard on the floor, groans filling the air with Ria screaming like the world was coming to an end.

Elaine pried her eyes open slowly, heart threatening to explode from her chest as she took in the scene before her. Lying on the floor, beaten and bloody was Jimmy. And standing over him, fists stained with Jimmy’s blood was Xavier Romano. Why was he only just coming?

Xavier grabbed the bloody man to his knees, his hands clenching his jaw tightly that Ria feared for his bones. Jimmy kneeled before his uncle, his lips trembling.

“If you so much as breathe in my girl’s space, let alone touch her, I’ll make sure you never see the light of day again. Do I make myself clear?”

Jimmy nodded, fear overcoming his every being.

“I asked a fucking question. Use your mouth.”

“Ye..yes, uncle,” Jimmy stammered.

With his hand, Xavier pushed his head with just a flick of his wrist, Jimmy falling to the floor on his back.

The man in his glory strode to Elaine, grabbed her hand and without a word, led her out of the Rock mansion, heading toward his car. He opened the car door for her then rounded to the driver’s side and slid into the seat.

Elaine gulped a mouth full of the beer, then another and another until Xavier snatched it away, giving her a stern look.

“Hey, why…why did you do…do that?”

“You can’t even speak coherently. Be a good girl and shut the fuck up. You reek of alcohol.”

“You jerk, you didn’t let me take my belongings.” Her eyes peered at him, her lips pouting. “Give me back my drink.”

“You’re not getting it back.” He took a deep breath, still trying to keep his temper in check. He’d arrived late only to walk into the Rock mansion and find his Nephew with his filthy hands on her.


She hurled her body to the side, wrapping her hands around his neck and nuzzling into his shirt, sniffling his tantalizing cologne, her head hazy.

“I like the way you call my name, doll. Cute.”

“Cute? Your name?”


She suddenly straightened and tilted her whole upper body toward him, their gaze fixed. “You think I’m beautiful?”

He chuckled softly, leaning closer, she could feel his breath on her lips.

“You’re ethereal.”

She smiled and leaned in further so that her lips brushed against his chin.

“Then would you like to sleep with me?”

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