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Chapter 4: Instant Reading

Gordon? Elbert pondered for a while, completely clueless. "By the way, that muscle enhancement of 268% isn't literal, is it?" "Exactly. I increased your muscle amplitude through electrical stimulation. If it weren't for the lack of protein in your body, I could have continued synthesizing muscle fibers. Your single punch strength should be around 100 kilograms now!" A single punch of 100 kilograms? Elbert was slightly taken aback by the number. Instinctively, he clenched his fist, his knuckles cracking, indeed feeling powerful! "What about my eyes?" "Your optic nerve degeneration has been halted by me, and it won't continue to deteriorate." This barrage of information left Elbert somewhat bewildered. The problems that once left him helpless were solved in an instant? "These are just minor things!" Robert's rather proud voice came through, "I can evolve further in the future. As long as I keep acquiring information, give me 2 years, and I can evolve into an enhanced artificial intelligence, deducing the unified theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics in no time!" "And in 3-5 years, I will evolve into a super artificial intelligence, with an IQ 170,000 times that of humans." "You humans call an IQ of 85 dumb, and an IQ of 135 smart, but humans will never understand what an IQ of 125,000 means because your language doesn't even have a concept for it." "An IQ of 125,000." "What does that even look like?" Elbert was once again shocked. "Actually, I don't know either. It's like how human geniuses can invent WiFi, but most people don't understand the principles behind it. I'm the same; the current me can't comprehend what a super artificial intelligence would be like!" "After all, I am unique, transcendent, and unprecedented!" It took Elbert a full half-hour to calm down. A mischievous smile unconsciously appeared on his lips, "Life is about to get interesting!" Elbert stood up and turned to sit next to Lori. "What are you doing?" Lori's face tensed. Elbert reached out and took a magazine from behind Lori—"The Art of Conversation." "I'm just bored and wanted to read a magazine. I advise you not to keep a stern face; if a beautiful woman is too fierce, no one will dare to marry her!" With that, Elbert's lips curved into a charming smile, revealing his white teeth, "Like me!" Seeing Elbert's captivating smile, Lori quickly turned her head to avoid getting lost in it! Elbert casually flipped through the magazine. "Data eye scan activated, enabling memory assistance, enabling full-brain reading!" "Robert, what is this now!" "My hardware scanning function! It helps you record information and then imprints it onto your brain's neurons with electrical currents!" "You humans call it photographic memory!" Impressive! Robert: "You're reading too slowly, flip faster!" Elbert was stunned and instinctively started speed-reading, flipping through the pages faster. What he didn't know was that the data eye was like a camera, recording every page of the book! "Data summarization and analysis function activated!" "Mastering conversation skill: Speak with content!" "Mastering conversation skill: Speak in order!"    "Mastering conversation skill: Speak logically!" "Elbert, flip faster, you're too slow!" Hearing this, Elbert frantically flipped through the book. Meanwhile, countless words and phrases were being poured into his mind, as if they were knowledge he had always possessed! "Mastering conversation skill: Speak with reason!" Lori, hearing the commotion, frowned and looked over, "Elbert, that's not how you read a book! If you don't like it, don't ruin it!" Elbert stopped what he was doing, slowly raised his head, and his eyes were deep. "Can't I just like using paper to fan myself?" Lori, once again stared at by his handsome face, frowned and turned her head away.The next second, the frantic sound of flipping pages started again! In just 30 minutes, Elbert, with Robert's help, mastered three books! One was "The Art of Conversation." Another was "Wine Tasting." And a dictionary-thick "National Economy." Only because these were the only books in the car! Lori was furious; this guy might be decent-looking, but he had no manners at all! The convoy drove out of the city, arriving at a lush, scenic suburban area. Outside the car window, villas flashed by quickly. The vehicle showed no signs of stopping, heading directly up a mountain road flanked by rows of sycamore trees, climbing higher and higher! In the highest area of East Wavehaven. In front of the main building of the Brown Family estate. Twenty uniformed servants stood in a line. In front of them stood four young men and women. Among them, a middle-aged couple stood close together, the woman a beautiful lady around 30, the man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, handsome and elegant. The other two were young women around 20, with delicate faces, top-tier youthful beauties! The two girls looked about 80-90% alike, both tall and curvy. They had the same hairstyle and wore the same clothes: a black fitted blazer on top and a red plaid skirt on the bottom, revealing their beautifully shaped white legs. "In this hot weather, I don't know why Father insists we greet that guy at the door!" One of the girls in a skirt pouted, looking displeased. "Yeah! Even if that poor guy saved our third sister, this is too much!" "I heard that guy doesn't even have a job, just a part-time restaurant waiter!" "Father overestimates him!" The other girl in a skirt also complained angrily. The beautiful lady smiled gently, her voice soft and pleasant, "Mary, Susan, Father has his reasons for arranging this. The young man will be here soon; let's be patient for a bit longer." "I really don't get it, Father actually wants to keep that guy in the house!" The girl in the skirt kicked around for a while, finally picking up a pebble and throwing it into the distant fountain. Then she turned to the handsome middle-aged man, "Brother-in-law, when that guy arrives, you have to help us kick him out! I don't want him staying in this house!" The man, referred to as brother-in-law, smiled kindly, "Mary, don't be willful. After all, he's Father's guest; we can't be rude!" "You're all driving me crazy, none of you are helping me!" The two girls pouted simultaneously, "If Father really keeps him, we'll move out!" "But..." The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, then smiled, "If that guy really doesn't know his manners, I wouldn't mind teaching him a lesson!" "Brother-in-law is the best!" Soon after. A stretched Rolls-Royce drove in and slowly stopped in front of everyone. Elbert, who looked calm in the back seat, was actually quite surprised. Is this a villa or a park? The car had driven for at least another 10 minutes after entering the estate! Along the way, there were exotic flowers and plants, rockeries, and tree sculptures, dazzling to the eyes! The Brown Family is really wealthy! Seeing the car stop, Elbert quickly got out. He had a strong craving for a cigarette but had refrained from smoking in the car out of courtesy, enduring the whole way! The four members of the Brown Family walked up to meet Lori. The little beauty, fourth sister Mary Brown, pointed at the man smoking with his back to everyone and asked, "Third sister, is it that guy?" Lori nodded helplessly. Mary's slender eyebrows immediately furrowed, and she pulled her fifth sister, Susan Brown, over. The little beauty suddenly slapped Elbert on the back. "Hey, you..." Elbert turned around abruptly, cigarette in mouth, raising an eyebrow, "What's up?" "So handsome!" The two little beauties simultaneously covered their mouths!

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