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Chapter 4 Basic Attacks in the Holographic Image

Ice King: [Dropped from farming monsters.]

Alan replied, and at the same time, he received a notification of $9,000 credited to his account.

Walter: [Ice King, do you know the spots to avoid monster attacks and defeat level-10 wild monsters without getting hurt?]

Walter's surprise was understandable; Alan was at only level 3 and couldn't possibly farm level-10 monsters head-on.

Ice King: [No.]

Alan replied and ignored Walter, continuing to farm monsters.

Seeing the ring in his hand, Walter smiled. "If you don't tell me, I'll find out myself."

The level-10 wild monster was the Twisted Treant, information discovered by the Endless Conquerors exploration team as soon as they entered the game.

So, Walter quickly arrived at the Twisted Treant's spawn point.

At this moment, Walter saw an archer farming monsters ahead.

The health bar above the wild monster's head dropped by 426.

Walter's eyes widened; at this stage, no one could deal 426 damage with a single arrow.

Even their elite team members, with all their equipment, barely broke 100 in attack power.

The arrow Alan shot did over 400 damage. Still, it was a fight out of his league. Naturally, it shocked Walter.

Walter: [Ice King, you're amazing!]

Walter immediately knelt down.

Due to some real-life issues, he had entered the game late and fallen behind in progress.

For someone who had always ranked high in various games, this was completely unacceptable.

Walter: [Ice King, how about we team up and you help me level up? I'll pay you.]

Alan initially didn't want to bother with Walter, not wanting to waste time.

But thinking of his sister still lying in the hospital, he changed his mind.

Ice King: [Okay, but I want $300,000.]

Walter: [$300,000?]

Walter almost couldn't help but curse upon hearing this.

$300,000 to level him up to level 10? He could hire those game currency farming teams for at most $20,000.

Ice King: [I'll get you to level 10 by the end of today.]

Walter was stunned and looked at Alan suspiciously.

Although it was only 4 a.m.,, there were still 20 hours left.

Even without eating, drinking, or resting, getting him to level 10 in 20 hours seemed impossible.

Walter: [But even so, your price is too high.]

He had money, but he didn't want to waste it.

Ice King: [I know it's high, but what if I throw in a set of level 10 elite gear?]

Hearing this, Walter became breathless.

Walter: [Ice King, are you serious?]

Ice King: [Yes.]

Alan answered confidently. The level-10 elite Twisted Treant could drop a full set of gear.

Of course, that required enough luck.

But with enough farming, it was achievable.

Walter: [Alright, how about I give you a $50,000 deposit first?]

Ice King: [No, $300,000 upfront.]

Walter hesitated, but seeing Alan's monster farming speed, he quickly agreed after a brief thought.

Walter: [Okay, I'll transfer the money.]

Ragnarok had a transfer function, so no separate bank account number was needed.

Soon, Alan received a notification of $300,000 credited to his account.

With money in hand, Alan felt relaxed.

Alan sent a message.

Ice King: [Wait for me a moment.]

After saying this, Alan hid behind a big tree and logged off.

Walter: [???]

"Did I get scammed? Did he take the money and run? I trusted him, and this is how he repays me?"

Walter wasn't short on money, but he felt extremely upset at this moment.

Of course, Alan wasn't running away.

Now that he had money, his first priority was to send it to the hospital for his sister's surgery.

Looking at Mary Jordan lying in the hospital bed, Alan clenched his fists.

He would make up for the regrets of his past life.

After paying the fees, Alan hurried back to his rental apartment.

He logged back into the game.

Walter was in the Newbie Village No. 10086.

Walter was reluctantly having a few players help him farm level-4 Wind Hounds.

Suddenly, he saw a message pop up from his friend list.

Ice King: [Level 10 Twisted Treant, come over.]

Walter was stunned. He thought Alan had run off, but to his surprise, Alan had returned.

Walter: [Okay.]

Despite having cursed Alan in his mind earlier, Walter eagerly ran over when he heard Alan was going to help him level up.

Alan didn't waste any time and sent a team invite, setting the loot to be picked up only by himself.

Walter wanted to say something but held back.

But in the next moment, he noticed something outrageous.

The experience points distribution...

Alan was taking 90% of the experience points, leaving Walter with only 10%!

'Damn, is this how you help me level up?'

Walter: [Ice King, isn't there a mistake in the experience points distribution?]

Ice King: [No mistake.]

Alan replied and started farming monsters.

It took five arrows to kill one Twisted Treant for Alan. Even though Alan's attack speed wasn't fast, he could still kill one within ten seconds.

Alan could kill at least six monsters per minute.

That's 360 in an hour!

Moreover, Alan's health was continuously increasing.

Walter watched Alan relentlessly hunt Twisted Treants, completely dumbfounded.

If Alan only had high damage, Walter might think he had some hidden equipment or had awakened a talent early.

But Alan's attack technique was so smooth that the Twisted Treants were killed before they could even get close to him.

Although this was a holographic virtual game, that attacking was not easy.

Walter, being part of Endless Conquerors, knew very well that moving attacks were more difficult than in traditional games.

Moving, drawing the bow, aiming, and shooting were four steps.

If any step weren't smooth, the whole moving attack would appear stiff.

Even the top archer players in their guild couldn't perform moving attacks smoothly yet.

"This is practically an art." Walter couldn't help but exclaim while also turning on the recording function to capture Alan's moving attacks.

He wanted to send it to Endless Conquerors so their elite archers could learn from it.

Alan, however, didn't pay much attention to this. Moving attacks were second nature to him, and he didn't even consider it a skill.

Walter: [Ice King, what was your previous ID? With such moving attacks, you can't be an unknown player.]

Ice King: [Moving attacks? Anyone with hands can do it.]

Alan replied instinctively.

In the era of the Cataclysm, almost all archers could perform moving attacks.

For archers, the real difficult skills were infinite critical hits and crowd control.

An archer's attack causing double critical damage 100% of the time, known as infinite critical hits, wasn't feasible by just stacking attributes.

However, attack techniques could achieve infinite critical hits.

Even with only a 5% critical hit rate, infinite critical hits were possible.

That's called a fatal attack!

For example, hitting the core of a Twisted Treant, or the head or heart of a humanoid monster, would significantly increase the chance of a critical hit.

As for crowd control, it was the most challenging operation for archers, especially in team battles. It was extremely difficult for an archer to control the battlefield.

But Alan didn't have the time to explain all this to Walter and continued hunting Twisted Treants.

While hunting, Alan moved forward. The experience points from ordinary Twisted Treants weren't high.

To get Walter to level 10 within a day, he needed to hunt elite Twisted Treants.

As Alan hunted Twisted Treants, Walter sent the recorded video to their guild leader.

Gerald Parker wasthe leader of Endless Conquerors.

He was leveling up at the time and received Walter's video.

Gerald: [Why are you sending me a video instead of leveling up?]

Walter: [Leader, take a look. There's a surprise.]

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