♥ Chapter 2 ♥

07:30 '' Portevecchio.

Isabella Conti.

We left our apartment and walked quietly to the elevator, then the doors opened. We got in, and he pressed the button for the garage. I really like this building because it's very quiet; there are no neighbors fighting, no loud music, and it's wonderful. Everyone respects each other here; I like that tranquility.

"Love, have your parents said anything?" he asked suddenly.

"No, they've never called or messaged me again. I really appreciate that.

'' That's good, because if I carried on, I'd report them,'' she said seriously.

'' I know you would, but I'm glad they're not bothering me anymore.

Ever since I moved in with Gabi, they've been pestering me to move back in with them. Who needs enemies with these parents as relatives? But when Babi threatened them by saying she would report them, they quickly stopped calling and texting me.

The elevator doors opened and we went down to her car, she unlocked the door as soon as we got close, and we got into the car, already strapped in.

'' If you want to invite your friends from work along, I'll do it. Meeting new people is always good. "She said this as soon as she started the car.

''It'll be total chaos, my God. Can't you just go with them? "She snorted at his question.

'' Of course not, I want you to come too. Staying inside for twenty-four hours isn't healthy, even if you don't like going out.

'' Okay, I'll ask them if they'd like to come with us. '' She smiled excitedly, as if she'd won once again.

I observe the streets of our beautiful town of Portevecchio. Many people think that this city is calm and peaceful, but they are completely wrong. In fact, the city is stunning, with huge buildings, wonderful parks and incredible shopping malls, full of things you can't find elsewhere. The weather is always hot, but not unbearably hot, thank goodness. It doesn't snow here, and the most intriguing thing is that this country doesn't have states, unlike so many others. But not here. Our town is simply called Portevecchio, and that's how it stays.

It is truly attractive, but what no one realizes is that there are many things wrong here. High rates of theft, deaths and drug trafficking are just some of them. Thank God, I've never heard of human trafficking, but there are always rumors that there's a mafioso living here and that he's the leader of this country.

Honestly, I'm in doubt; I don't know if I believe it. Because there has never been any concrete news about him, they just say that there is a mafioso here and that all these drug trafficking activities are controlled by him. But if he really exists, why haven't the police arrested him yet? Is he really that powerful?

It's an uncertainty that haunts me.

'' We're here. '' I was brought out of my thoughts by your voice.

'' Right, I'll see you later, Gabi. Have a good job. '' I kiss your cheek.

'' Good job too, love. Take care. '' I get out of the car, look around and cross the street.

Many of my friends have thought that Gabi was my girlfriend because of the affection we have. But Gabi is straighter than me.

I look around the cafeteria; for a cafeteria, it's quite big. We're always trying to keep it well organized so that customers come back. Otherwise, our boss will kill us.

''Your wife brought you again? ''My friend Tom asked in a joking tone.

This is Tom, a man in his thirties, tall, dark, and ery muscular man, with light brown hair that matches his eyes perfectly. Overall, he's a very friendly person. When I started working here, he was the first to help me, making me feel comfortable with the job. He even took over the desks when I had trouble communicating. However, the downside is that he's a real womanizer. And, to make matters even more complicated, he's interested in Gabi.

'' Yes, my beautiful wife brought me. '' I joked, making him laugh.

'' I'm jealous; I wanted a wife like that. '' I rolled my eyes.

'' You? A womanizer? Tell me another one, Tom. '' He snorted.

''For her, I have become a decent man. '' I ended up laughing.

''If you really want to try something. She wants to go...

'' I'm going!

'' Let me finish! '' I sighed. '' She convinced me to go to a party in the center tonight. She asked me to invite my friends from work.

'' My answer is still yes. Seeing that hottie dancing, my goodness. '' I slapped his arm. '' Ouch!

'' Respect my friend!

'' But I'm talking about respect. She's really hot. I'll do anything to win her. I'll do anything for her. Even a priest.

'' A priest can't have a relationship, Mr. Clever.

'' I don't care; I'll do anything for her.

I just ignored him and went to the staff room to change. As I entered, I saw Sophia.

''Good morning, Isa. ''She greeted me softly, making me say hello back.

'' Good morning, Sophia.

Sophia is a woman of twenty-four who is absolutely stunning. She's a little taller than me; while I'm five feet five, she's five feet seven. Her hair is long and of a rich dark brown shade, which delicately frames her face. Her blue eyes seem to mesmerize anyone who looks at them, contrasting beautifully with her immaculate white skin. With a slender, elegant body worthy of a model, she is truly an irresistible sight.

She's helped me a lot, as has Tom. She's been a good friend, always coming to my rescue when I need help. I'm very grateful for her and Tom's patience.

"Has Tom seen your friend?" she asked, making me laugh; she knows that Tom has a crush on her.

'' Yes. Gabi might just have one night with him and kick him right away. She doesn't want a relationship right now; what she wants most is to enjoy her single life while she still doesn't have children.

'' I agree with her. We have to enjoy our single lives. Even you. '' I sighed.

'' Gabi convinced me to go to a nightclub that opened in the center; she told me to invite you. If you want. '' She closed the door to her closet.

'' Yes, I want to go. I need to drink and dance; these days have been hell. I want to relax my mind.

Furthermore, I start to change quickly; there may already be customers, as this establishment is very busy.

'' Ready for another day at work? '' He asked, making me grumble.

'' No. But the good thing is that today is Friday, so we won't have to work Saturday and Sunday.

''That's right. That's why I want to drink and dance. Now let's get on with our constant struggle.

May this day end soon.

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