2. Be Careful What You Ask For
He was a god and so was the other man he was talking to. I was bewildered by this man's forthcoming words. My mother had only let me meet two of the Olympians, Artemis and Athena. She had Athena come by on more than one occasion to the estate. But she would never host any others, and certainly not male gods. These gods arrival was clearly the cause of her discomfort and anger. Thus driving her from our home. But surly they would have wanted to see my mother if they had come all the way there. I didn’t know what to make of this God.
I stood my ground, I knew how my mother felt about men on the grounds, let alone gods who had not been invited. So, I pushed my shoulders back and looked up at the large intimidating god. “You should not be here.” I said with conviction. Though I didn’t necessarily want him to leave. He had after all called me a rare flower. Which made my heart flutter. It was an unusual feeling. One I particularly liked but I knew how my mother felt, and I would not let his presence continue to linger there. “Do you not know who I am?” The powerful being asked. “I do not need to know. I know my mother Demeter would not like you here and as her daughter it is my job to make sure her will is upheld.”
A sly smile briefly spread across the gods face. “Demeter's daughter, fascinating, now do tell me little goddess why am I not welcome here? Your mother is one of the 12 just like I am. She is free to do as she pleases because of her status, just as I am? So why should I go anywhere when I am comfortable where I am at?” I was once again baffled. He was one of the 12 Olympians. I didn’t know if he expected me to fall at his feet with his new confession, but I would never be intimidated by a god's status. I knew that the 12 were supposed to be the top of the food chain, but I was a daughter of the best of them, I did not cower, my mother certainly never did, and I refused too as well. “I can not make you leave, but I can remove myself from your presence.” I would withdraw and then I planned to go find my mother. She would explain what was going on. She always told me everything, at least to my knowledge, at the time. With that plan, I stood quickly grabbing my things.
But when I went to leave a massively large hand wrapped around my small wrist. It was not abrasive, like I imagined it would have been. I had never spoken to a man, let alone been touched by one. Heat radiated over my whole body. I didn’t know what to make of the sensation. My eyes shot down to the area where his hand held my arm captive. “Little Goddess, do you not want to know who I am?” I looked back at him. Once again, focusing on his dark eyes. They were so deep I wanted to jump into there dark depths. Curiosity rose in me again. I wondered if a small conversation would really be such a bad thing.
“Okay I will bite, which of the 12 are you?” His sly smile slid up his face again. “Hades.” My heart that was already pounding then felt like it would shatter. This was the god my mother hated most of all. I was talking with the dammed himself. Based on what my mother told me he was horrific, a monster, death personified. But this man was not terrifying. He was beautiful. He had not hurt me as he had grabbed my wrist. I looked down where he still held me. His composure was astute. He didn’t let me go, but he had done nothing to harm me.
My mother had repeated so many times that Hades was destructive in everything he did. I was told he was supposed to be the opposite of grace, pure unadulterated chaos. But he stood before me calm and collected. The being before me was well dressed in a fitted suit, his facial hair was well maintained, even his shoes were perfectly polished. This man exuded composure and control. He was not even the least bit chaotic. His tone when he spoke to me reiterated that even his mind was controlled. He had to be lying, he could not be Hades. I thought back to my mother's words “All gods are liars.”
I didn’t doubt the being before me was god. I could feel his magic it certainly was divine, but I didn’t think he was the one he was claiming to be. “Prove it.” Hades smiled wickidly. “Of course my little goddess.” My stomched flipped for the god who called me his. I didn’t understand these feelings. They were unfamiliar to me and it was unnerving, but it was not fear inducing, just forein. Then the god relassed his hold on my wrist. Just as I thought I was free his arm encased my body pulling me flush against his side.
My body stiffined in suprise by mass of his touching mine in such a dramatic way. My mother permitted me to dance with the nymphs. We would have some physical contact but it was only when we danced or occasionaly brushed against one another. My mother was the only one who was actually an active participant in touching any part of me. She would hug me, kiss my cheeks, but other than that there was no one. Not even Athena was allowed to hug me. I had thought his hand grasping my wrist was shocking but the god holding me to the side of him was unfounded.
With our bodies being so close I caught a scent of smoke rolling off of him. It was mixed with the scent of oak. I couldn’t help leaning into him wanting to get another wiff of it. I realized what I was doing. I knew my mother would not approve and then I decided it was time to pull away but before I could I was transported in a blink of an eye. The garden I had been in was replaced with a whole new enviorment.
There were dark stone colums all along the hall. The floor was a polished black marble. The celling was an acrtutuical marvel, with many complex carvings, it had many windows intertwined with the patters of stone, allowing light to fill the hall. But, it was not light that I was familiar with. It had a blue hue to it.
Then there was a massive chandelier that was strung right at the center of the dome and hung down using fire to provide more light into the large hall. My eyes continued to travel until they reached a large stone throne. It was massive, dark, and intimidating. The top of the throne had jagged peaks that gutted out making it somehow more ominous. It had to have been carved from one large piece of Onyx. I knew this had to be where this god sat. He was certainly large enought to fill the seat.
It then occured to me there was only one god who had a single throne room, Hades. Zues sat in olympus he had a throne and was considered a god of gods, but his halls had other seats for the other olympians, not to mention they were filled with light and lots of white. This place was not olympus, there was only one place it could be. This was Hades throne room. I knew then without a doubt I was in the Underworld. I turned back to the god, he had not been lying he was Hades.
“Believe me now little goddess?” He taunted. I didn’t know if I should try to get away from him or not. I liked the way he continued to hold me at his side. I took another look around the room. It was magnificent, nothing like I had ever seen, not that I had ever been off my mothers estate but it was nothing like I expected. “Do you like my home?” Hades asked. I did like, it. I loved it but I didn’t know if I should tell him or just demand to be returned. I desired to stay and explore. I had never gone anywhere and this was all something new to me. But then I remembered my mother.
If I stayed to long then she would worry. I couldn’t do that to her. She was my whole world, and always had been up to that point in my life. I turned to look at Hades. He was not even close to the way my mother had described him. His home was nothing like my mother said it would be. “I think your throne room is wonderful.” Hades gave me a nod and smile in my appreaction of his house. “but I need to go home. My mother will come looking for me, and if she can’t find me it would upset her.” Hades small smirk fell instantly and with authority in his voice he spoke “My little goddess you know that once you are in the Underworld only I can permit you to leave.”