4. Companions are for Keeping Secrets
I locked myself in the house resigned to uncover everything I could find on Hades. I read books about the gods, skipping over the parts not related to the one I had just made a deal with. The sections were short, and basically all saying the same thing. He was supposed to be dark, easily enraged, and sadistic. The books, as well as my mother had painted him in a not flattering light.
I found new information though. He was said to have a serious amount of riches. The book detailed he was the wealthiest among gods. Based on his throne room and the grandeur, though dark, was stunning. The throne itself impressed me. Then there was my necklace. I ran my fingers along the golden rope of a chain. My memory flashing back to his hands on my neck. How lightly he had touched me. “Stop,” I told myself. I couldn’t be thinking of that. I didn’t know what to make of how my body responded to him and I didn’t want to know.
My mother had not taught me such things, never explaining these feelings. Which was to me an indication that it was something I should either not continue to partake in, or that this had to be some hidden power Hades possessed. I shut the books. I had decided I should not continue to dwell on the god of the dead. I had everything I needed. I knew my place. Visits with Hades would just have to be something that would occasionally happen. Leaving the library I went to the kitchen.
With my mother gone to Olympus I saw no point in eating in our dining room. She would not have been there to keep me company so instead I would just have to keep company with the nymphs on the estate. I liked them, they were fun most of the time. Upon entering the kitchen, I found several standing around and food was piled high on one of the counters. “Hello Persephone, do you want anything to eat?” Lola said.
Lola was a nymph my mother had brought to the estate just for me. She was my companion. When my mother was gone, or doing something, Lola usually kept me company. Unlike all the nymphs there, I felt like Lola was loyal to just me. I knew the others were dutiful to just my mother, but Lola was different. She was here on the estate just for my comfort and companionship. I felt like she was trustworthy. If I felt like I needed to talk about Hades with someone, it would be her.
I smiled at Lola and replied. “Those Macrons look heavenly.” I said my mouth watering at the site of the pastries. Solaria spoke “You know Demeter would prefer if you ate more than just pastries.” Solaria had been my mother's top Nymph. She reported directly to my mother, not only that but she oversaw every other nymph on the estate. My mother relied heavily on her. She made sure everyone did her their designated job.
I stared at her. All the nymphs were beautiful. All of them youthful with fine features. Solaria had light brown hair, long and straight. Her dark blue eyes were like the ocean, from which she came from. I sometimes got an attitude with her though, despite her being my mother's right-hand nymph she was not a god. She thought with my mother gone, she somehow was in charge. “Solaria I will do as I please, I do not like having to reiterate every time my mother is gone that I am the goddess of this estate and not you.” I spoke making it clear who was really in charge.
The nymph bowed her head to me, and I nodded acknowledging her apology. I snatched a plate full of macrons and grabbed a bottle of sparkling juice. “Lola let’s eat outside on the veranda.” I said to my friend, and she followed with her own food. After sitting down, we quietly began to eat. Lola was stunning like the rest of the nymphs. Her black hair was hung in perfect curls down her back, her skin a light brown. Her brown eyes were big and rounded. She was an earth nymph. “Is something the matter Persephone?” She asked me. “Why would you ask that?” I asked. “It is just you seem a bit off, you spent a lot of time in the library. You didn’t come find me this morning, like you usually do when Demeter is away.” I stared at her. She knew me too well.
“Nothing is wrong perse, but something has happened.” I spoke softly. “You can tell me, I won’t judge.” I looked around. “Lola we can’t talk about it here, there is to many people who could hear.” Her eyes widened. I rarely had secrets. And the ones I did have, had always been innocent things, like sneaking out at night to go skinny dipping, or joining one of the nymphs' wilder parties. I knew my mother didn’t really care if I swam outside naked or went to those parties. I was always among females, but sometimes I felt a little naughty not telling her, so I deemed that to be a secret when I didn’t inform her of things. My mother knew I was curious, she expected that of me.
Lola nodded and we continued to eat in silence. Once done she stood. “Come on Persephone lets go find a place to be alone.” I looked down at our empty plates. “Oh, don’t worry about it. You know the others will clean it up.” It was true they always cleaned up behind my mother and I, but I liked to help make their jobs a little easier. Despite my mother always telling me that is why they were there. That they wanted to serve us. I nodded and followed Lola.
We walked across the estate until we came to the edge of the woods. My mother's estate was vast. She had a bit of everything, gardens, fields, orchards, a forest, a greenhouse, ponds. Really everything you could think of except an ocean and mountains, though there were some smaller hills. Lola and I were completely alone at the tree line of the forest. Both of us sat on the ground, not minding the soil that covered the spot. I never minded getting dirty. Lola was sitting there looking at me with anticipation evident in her eyes.
Once I started to talk, explaining everything that had happened, from listening in on the gods talking, to my deal with Hades. Her face kept changing, first it was a surprised look but by the time I finished telling her everything her face was filled with terror. “You made a deal with The God of the Dead?” She said in a low trembling voice. I shrugged. “Demeter is going to kill you and him both when she finds out.” I rolled my eyes. I knew my mother would never kill me, but Hades that was another story. I never doubted her capabilities. I knew her to be the strongest of the gods, minus Zues. She was certainly the most loved I thought.
“Persephone, Demeter has warned you so many times your curiosity will get you in trouble if you are not careful.” I sighed. “I know, Lola but I can’t change who I am. You know gods, we are what we are.” Lola nodded in understanding. “So, what is he like?” I smiled and I felt my skin getting warm again. “Persephone you are blushing.” I looked at her surprised. “What?” “Your face, it is all pink, you are blushing talking about The King of the Underworld.” I knew most nymphs and even mortals rarely said Hades, name. In fear he would somehow appear, but I never feared that. My mother certainly never did either, it must have been that we were gods, and it didn’t make sense for us to fear one of our own kind.
“That is what this feeling is called then, Blushing.” I spoke. I had heard of the word but never experienced it myself, well up until that point. “Yeah, it is called blushing. Your body feels all warm, not hot. It happens with embarrassment and well attraction.” I knew I was not embarrassed. I had never been embarrassed. I had seen some of the nymphs go all pink when they had been self-conscious. But I myself had never felt that. “My gods, you like him.” Lola said in astonishment. “He is nice I suppose. Nothing like mother said.” I felt like Lola was examining me before speaking. “No Persephone, you like him more than just as someone to hang out with.”
I tried to think about my feelings. Maybe Lola was right. I didn’t recognize that in myself. I had never had feelings like how I had toward Hades. “Anyways, let’s go back to the house. I think maybe some sketching in my room maybe just what I need.” Lola smiled and nodded, the two of us heading back. “I will send for you Lola if I want to talk more, thank you for listening, and please can we keep this between us.” Lola gave me a large smile. “Persephone of course I wouldn’t dream of telling a soul. Even if I was tortured on the rack.” I snorted at her dramatics, heading up to my room.
Upon entering I found a bouquet of asphodel, a medium size white flower. I walked over examining them. I did not remember asking a nymph to bring them to my room. I looked at the black ribbon tied around the vase. There was a note attached. I quickly opened it. “I thought My flower deserved some of her own. These are from the Underworld, enjoy them. I will be calling for your company tonight. So please be prepared for that. Just a heads up, this is not a jeans and t-shirt kind of evening in case you were wondering. Nothing overly formal either. I look forward to your company- Hades.”