6. Nectar
Dinner was delicious, I rarely got chicken nuggets and fries. Hades smiled throughout our meal. Once we left the restaurant Kit was waiting for the both of us. I didn’t know where we were going but I was enjoying our time. Everything was so new, and I was happy. When I made the deal with Hades, I didn’t think it would be so fun. But Hades' company was interesting to say the least. After he got me talking, pushing me to talk about myself, things just started to flow.
He mostly just listened as I told him about my best friend Lola and the antics we got up to at the estate. We talked about the movies I had been permitted to watch, as well as the books that were available to me. Hades would tell me little details about himself, but they were subtle and only here and there in our conversation. We stayed well past dinner finishing off three bottles of wine. I was not like mortals it took a lot to get me intoxicated as it did with all the other gods.
If gods wanted to get intoxicated, we drank nectar, but I had only tried that a handful of times. “Where are we going now?” I asked Hades. “We are going to Nox.” I quirked my brow. “What is that?” “It is a club that I frequent.” “What kind of club is it? I didn’t take you as a joiner?” Hades stared at me and then said. “Darling Persephone, I am not talking about a club where mortals get together to enjoy the same hobby. I am talking about a place with booze dancing, and in the case of Nox gambling.” I was confused. I had never heard of such a thing. No book or show I saw, talked about that. But I did know I loved to dance.
Growing up with nymphs probably was the reason I loved it. The nymphs at my mother's estate loved parties. I didn’t know if it was a nymph thing or just the ones on my mother's estate. I shrugged my shoulders. “Well, I love to dance.” I stamped a smile on my face. “Good, then you will like Nox. But Persephone Darling I do have some business there.” “What kind of business? I thought your only job was governing the Underworld.” Hades responded, “That is my main job, but sometimes I also deal with humans.” “What kind of deals do you make?” My interest peaked.
“Depends on what the mortal wants and how their soul is.” I still didn’t understand, but figured I would find out soon enough. We pulled up to a building. It was huge and made of brick. I saw a long line of people wrapped around the side. Kit opened the door and Hades, and I got out. He led me past the line of people. I didn’t mind the stares or gasps. I almost thought it was kind of funny when I heard some of the people whimpering from Hades being present. I had spent the evening with him and so far, I found out he was not scary at all. Serious yes, but not terrifying. My mother was so wrong about him.
There was a centaur at the black door. He blocked the entrance of Nox. He bowed seeing Hades and opened the door for us. I for one was glad I didn’t have to wait like the mortals did to enter whatever this place was. Music filled my ears and the large building. I saw a huge bar, tons of people dancing and lots of them were off to the side talking. I thought of Lola, she would love it here. Maybe I could bring her back.
Then I felt sad. How would I do that though? I didn’t want to think about that right now, so I focused on my surroundings. The people separated for Hades and me. He led me up a set of velvet stairs and a place that was marked off by a red rope. Another Centaur was stationed there. We eventually sat down on a black leather couch. A nymph appeared. She was stunning. Her blond hair was pulled back in a slick ponytail. Her black dress hugged her figure. She looked wonderful. I smiled at her; I loved nymphs. But this one glared at me, with no happiness in her eyes. It was strange.
“Persephone Darling this is Mithe, she is in my employment.” “Nice to meet you.” I said friendly. Hoping maybe she was just having a bad day, but she didn’t respond for a long time until she said through gritted teeth “Nice to meet you.” I tried to not let her attitude affect me. “Send the first person.” Hades said. His arm was outstretched on the back of the sofa and his large hands started to move up my neck. It made me feel some kind of way. I watched as Hades talked to the mortal. The man wanted money for his daughter's care. Hades stared at him then said. “I will give you what you ask for, you owe me a favor if I ever ask for it.” The man said, “Thank you.” Repeatedly.
“That is what you do, you grant favors?” I said looking at Hades after Mithe led the man away. “Depends on the person. I look at their soul and decide if they are worth it.” I spoke again “What favors do you ask of them.” I was curious, this seemed so unusual. “I call the favor in if I need it, sometimes even after they die, but sometimes I never ask anything of them” I needed to think about this. I didn’t get why he would do any of this. I sat there for a while watching Hades make deals and turn others away. But, after a while my body was itching to dance.
I stood up, and firmly announced “Hades I am going downstairs to dance.” I wanted to have fun. I didn’t take him as the kind who liked frivolity, so I doubted he would join me, so without waiting for his response I marched away. I wasn’t mad at him or anything like that. I had liked to watch him do his deals but that made me ponder about The God of the Dead. And I wanted to do that in private when I would have time to sort out my thoughts.
Hades didn’t come with me to the dance floor, but I felt his eyes tracking me. I began swaying, moving my hips back and forth enjoying the flow. I didn’t require a partner to dance. I decided to grab a drink at the bar. Planning to send the bill to Hades. As I approached the bar, I saw a young face staring at me, and I stared back. He looked young but was clearly grown and his blond hair was perfect, not a piece out of place. His hairless chest peeked out of his white button up shirt that matched his white pants and shoes. “Hermes.” I spoke questioning if he was really the messenger god.
Unlike Hades I had seen his picture in some of the books at the estate. “I was sure I knew every goddess, but you are new?” I raised my brows at his statement. I didn’t know if I should tell him who I was. I didn’t want him blabbing about me being here. But before the silence I created got awkward, he called at the bartender. “Nectar.” Suddenly a bottle slid down to us across the bar. He popped the top off and began to drinking straight from the bottle. He then pushed the nectar at to me. “Come on goddess lets have fun! Soon enough you can spill all your secrets to me, and we can become besties.” Was he drunk? “Well?” Hermes said.
I looked at the bottle “Screw it!” I grabbed the thing and chugged. He started bouncing and clapping in a high pitch voice said, “Come one unknown goddess finish it.” I did as he said. His happiness was kind of infectious. I downed the whole thing and almost instantly felt the nectar hit me. “Bartender two more.” Two slid down the bar. He handed one to me. They were as large as wine bottles. Hermes popped off the tops. He stared at me. “Should we race, who can drink it faster?” With the previous bottle kicking in, I was being reckless and said “Go” and started chugging.
Hermes finished first. He laughed slamming the thing on the ground. I finished and set mine down on the bar, but he grabbed it and threw it down like he had with his own. Hermes then grabbed my wrist yelling “Let’s dance” pulling me back to the dance floor. He started doing a weird dance and I danced next to him. Both of us in our own world, we were laughing hysterically while moving. Suddenly a large body was next to me. Hermes in a cheery voice said “Hades, do you know the unknown goddess? She is my new best friend.” he said as he threw his arm around me. I couldn’t stop laughing. I turned from Hades to Hermes. “You are my best friend too.” He then moved again, grabbing my hands and started jumping. I followed thinking he had to be the most fun of all the gods.
Hades then moved, snatching me from Hermes. “Hermes, Persephone is mine.” Hades said darkly. “Who is Persephone?” Hermes asked. “Me.” I called out in a high pitch voice. In a dramatic voice Hermes said “The unknow goddess is named Persephone.” and then he bowed. I couldn’t help but laugh. Hades in a dark voice said to Hermes “You gave her nectar and got her drunk.” Hermes laughed hysterically. “Lighten up Hades you are so uptight sometimes.” He slurred and continued “Now, release my new best friend. We want to dance and then later we are going for ice cream and are going to spill all our secrets to each other, and you can’t come unless you become nice.” I snorted fighting laughter at the way Hermes talked to Hades.
Hades glared at him. “You will not tell any of the other gods you saw Persephone or go around spewing about an unknown goddess to anyone, or else you will deal with me.” Hades growled. “Fine.” Hermes said dramatically. “I am going to get more nectar, Seph you want some more?” I looked at him quizzically. Had he called me Seph? “Do you want more bestie?” I nodded and Hermes bounced away and I watched as his hips swayed and I laughed falling into Hade's chest. Suddenly I was transported. The air felt different, familiar and warm, the Underworld.