7. Kiss
“Hades we are in your home.” I said laughing. I was in such a good mood the nectar had done a number on me. I looked around the throne room he had transported us to last time. “Persephone Darling you should sleep this off.” Hades said, so seriously. I walked my fingers up his chest “You need to be so less serious.” I said “Boop.” As I ightly popped his nose with one of my little fingers, with a little giggle.
Hades looked at me and I could tell he was trying to hide his amusement. “Come on Hades we should do something fun. How about a dance. You didn’t dance with me when we were at Nox, and I love to dance. Can’t you call for some music?” I lifted my hands over my head and started to move my body, despite the lack of music. I kept my eyes on Hades and watched as his eyes devoured me.
I felt a thrill go through me having the god's attention. His eyes went down my body watching the way my hips swayed. With the nectar flowing through me, I felt emboldened more than I normally did. I approached Hades so he was closer to me, my hips moving along his firm body. My arms wrapped around his impossibly large frame. “You are playing a dangerous game Persephone Darling.” Hades said. “Oh yeah? And what is the god of the dead going to do? Are you going to join me?” Hades didn’t say anything, and I spoke again “I never took one of the Olympians as scared.”
With that Hades grabbed the back of my neck pulling me impossibly close, our bodies pushed together. My immortal heart pounded so hard; I thought it may burst from my chest. “You are not ready for what I want from you.” I smiled; the back of my neck still being held. “Try me.” I said confidently, the nectar emboldening me. Hades' mouth came down on top of mine. The kiss was abrasive, demanding, and fierce. His mouth opened and I followed, not knowing what else to do. I let Hades take the lead.
One of his massive hands slid down my back sending goosebumps across my body. His hand landed on my back side and squeezed tightly. Eliciting a moan from me. Hades moved his demanding mouth down the side of my neck growling against the skin. I felt the oxygen in the air harder to breathe in. Against my neck he spoke “Persephone you are mine.” I knew in a way he was right. I wanted him to own me, I wanted to be his. I liked this feeling. It made me feel powerful.
Hades moved back to my mouth again consuming me and slowly he pulled away. I was left breathless and trembling for what had just happened. I ran my hand along my mouth feeling that they may have been bruised. I stared up at the god of the dead. I had no idea what this meant. “Come Persephone Darling, you need to sleep off the nectar.” I was brought back to reality in his words. “Hades you know I can’t sleep here. I must go home.” Hades stared back at me. “Demeter will be gone for a few more days in Olympus. She is trying to get a meeting with Zues you can stay here.”
“How do you know that?” Hades smirked. “You didn’t think I would have spies in Olympus to keep eyes on my brother?” I didn’t know he would have a slew of people under him. “Now come.” He swooped down and picked me up carrying me as if I was a little child. I laughed at this whole scene. Hades, the god so many feared was carrying me through his palace in the Underworld.
I watched as I saw more of his palace. It truly was magnificent, with its dark colors and his apparent wealth scattered throughout. “You have a beautiful home.” I spoke. “Glad you like it.” We came to a large wooden door, which he opened. I looked around the room. There was a massive bed. It had elaborate posts on the four corners. There was a large fireplace in the room, burning with sculpted stone making up the mantel and sides of the thing.
There were two seats in front of the fire. The cushions were upholstered with red velvet. I noticed a large bar cart pushed next to a window that had an arch over it. I looked further into the room and saw a wooden door pushed open and though I couldn’t see all the way in but I was sure it was his bathroom. Hades sat me on his bed, which felt firm but soft at the same time. “There are some clothes in my closet.” He pointed to what I assumed was the bathroom. “It is on the other side of the bathroom. You can dress in there.” I nodded and got up to find something to sleep in.
I went into his bathroom, which was as nice as the rest of his home. There was an enormous shower, and a large stone tub. I walked past them and the counter with two sinks. There was a smaller door that was closed. I assumed it was where the toilet was. I continued past it and entered a closet that was almost as big as my mother's. I noticed half of it was filled with men's clothing, but the other side was for a woman. I quirked my brow why would Hades have half of his closet as women’s clothes. “Hades.” I called out.
Hades stalked in. “Why do you have women's clothes? Does someone live with you?” Hades smirked and said “They are for you Persephone Darling. There is no one else I assure you.” I stood there confused why would he have clothes for me. “When did you do this and why?” He smirked and left the closet leaving me with nice clothes. I shrugged my head, the nectar still pumping through me. I ran my hands along the clothes.
I reached a section that resembled night gowns. I found a simple deep purple silk one. I pulled it from the rack and examined it. It was short and loose with crisscross straps in the back. But I liked it. I stripped and put it on. The material was loose and soft on my skin. I picked up my clothes on the ground. I didn’t know what to do with them. So, I hung it up with one of the empty hangers. Heading back to Hades room I pulled out my pins that had been in my hair. I looked at my face. It was flushed.
I washed my face like I did every night and used one of the two toothbrushes to refresh my mouth. I walked back into Hades' room. He sat in his chair by the fire sipping what I assumed was whisky based on the color.
“Get into bed Persephone Darling.” I turned my head and put my hands on my hips. “You know you can’t boss me around. I am not one of your subjects.” The corners of his mouth lifted before he sipped on his drink. Hades looked at me. His eyes ran over me, like they always did. “I didn’t take you for someone who needed to be tucked in.” “I do not need to be tucked in. But you can’t boss me around and just command me like you are in charge of everything I do. I am a goddess, and you have no power over what I do. Maybe I don’t want to sleep here.” I said with sass in my voice.
Hades sat his drink on the oval table that sat between the chairs. He strode across the room until he towered over me. “I do not presume that I have control over you.” I stood there glaring at him. “Which room is this?” He smirked. “This is our room.” I looked at him intently. “I do not share a room with you, I do not live here if you have forgotten so I do not have a room.” “That is where you are wrong little goddess. Now get into bed.” I stared at him for a long time and then spun and marched to the bed crawling on it.
“Now get under the covers.” I did as he said. Liking that his black sheets were silk like my nightgown. “Close your eyes Persephone.” “No.” I snapped. Hades laughed. “No? No one has ever told me no.” I lifted my head to face him. “You better get used to it.” I hissed. I was feeling some sort of way. I didn’t like being bossed around. But, at the same time, I craved him despite not liking how he told me what to do. I then thought of something. “I will make a deal with you.” His eyebrow lifted. “You already have a deal with me, I didn’t think you would be inclined to make another so soon.”
“I will close my eyes and go to sleep if you lay next to me.” “Very well, my little goddess.” I was fighting a smile. I wanted to be close to him. I didn’t know if I wanted him to kiss me again, but I knew my body craved to be near his. He removed his suit coat and shoes and socks. When he undid the buttons on his sleeves and pushed them up, I thought I may pass out. Then he unbuttoned a few down the center of his shirt and untucked it. My body felt funny. Heat was gathering between my thighs.
Hades crawled into bed beside me. I turned to my side and Hades' large arms engulfed me pulling me to him so that my backside was pushed against him. I lay there silently trying to go to sleep like I said I would do. But I kept going over his words. “Our room.” What did that mean? I wiggled a little trying to get more comfortable. I felt something hard pushing against my backside. I didn’t want to address this with him. I would need to talk to Lola when I got home. I needed advice. I knew I was out of my depth with Hades. “Persephone Darling close your eyes.”
How did he know I was still awake. I was not facing him. I closed my eyes. Trying to think of something calming to put me to sleep. Eventually sleep did come, the effects of the nectar leaving my body wiped me out.