8. Cerberus
I woke up and felt that I was the only one in the bed. I looked around and saw Hades was sitting in his chair and it was now facing the bed and not the fireplace that was still burning. He didn’t say anything as he held his drink. “Did you sleep well Persephone Darling?” I nodded. I had a pounding headache. I had never been hung over. But the Nectar had to do a number on me. “There is some pain meds and some water next to the bed. I have a feeling you are needing it right now.” I looked and took the pills. “You know humans though ridiculous have a way of making things that seem to help even us gods.”
“Do you remember all that happened last night?” Hades asked me. I thought about it. I remember meeting Hermes. I remember dancing in Nox and the dinner Hades took me to. I then remembered coming to the underworld. I rubbed my lips gently; Hades had kissed me. I looked at the god of death and he was smirking. I didn’t say anything, but I remembered. “Go on my little goddess get dressed, so we can eat something. I have a lot to show you today.” “What are you going to show me?” I asked him. “The underworld.” My eyes got wide, and I ran to the bathroom wanting to hurry. I wanted to see everything there was in the underworld.
Hades had so many clothes for me to choose from. Most of them not my style as they were so formal. I looked at Hades clothes. An idea came to my mind. I wondered if he would get upset if I wore one of his shirts. I walked over touching his button ups. I picked one up and put it on. Leaving some of the top buttons undone. It was so large on my frame. I rolled the sleeves up and grabbed one of the belts on the side with the clothes that were meant for me. And fastened it around my waist. I smiled as I looked at my reflection in the large mirror in the closet. I found a pair of wedges and put them on.
Once in front of the vanity I found a brush and combed my hair. I strode out of the bathroom wanting to see Hade's reaction, I wondered if he would get mad. I didn’t know why but I wanted to push him. He looked me up and down hungrily, it was not the reaction I expected. He didn’t yell or tell me to change. He just sat there looking at me. I wanted to see what I could do to push his buttons, and this was not going to be that. Hades stood up and came to stand in front of me.
I expected him to tell me we were leaving this room to eat. Or maybe now was going to be when he told me to change. But he didn’t do that. He grabbed my waist, pulled me to him and kissed me again. I was caught off guard. I had not expected this reaction, I expected him to get riled up and to tell me to change. His mouth was strong, and my insides flipped. I was sober unlike last night. My courage was gone, and I felt out of my league. Hades didn’t seem to care as his massive hands held me tightly.
When he pulled away, I was out of breath. He didn’t say anything when he walked to the door. I didn’t understand him. I followed him as he led me to a dining room. The table could fit over a hundred people. He sat at the head. I didn’t know where I was supposed to sit. I had a seat my mother required me to sit at, so I didn’t know if Hades wanted the same thing. “Sit by me my Darling.” He looked at the chair next to him and I sat.
Suddenly there were people coming into the room and there were plates full of food. Pastries, eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles, cereal, oatmeal, and lots of fruit. There was coffee, tea, several kinds of juices, and water. "I didn’t know what you liked so I had them bring everything.” Hades said. I looked at all of it laid out on the table. “I am not picky.” I said grabbing a pastry and bacon. I noticed there was no sparkling juice which is what I liked most. Hades must have seen that I was looking for something. “What don’t you see that you want?” “It is fine, this is more than enough.”
“Persephone Darling what is it you want?” Hades asked firmly. “I like sparkling juice.” I said softly. Hades shouted and a nymph came running in. “Get Persephone some sparkling juice.” The nymph looked at me. It was not the same one as I saw the night before. “Lord, we don’t have any of that on hand.” I saw Hades' hands on the table fist. “Then go get some and keep it stocked from now on.” The nymph ran off. “You didn’t have to be so mean to her, and this is fine. I will just have some regular juice.” I said.
He didn’t respond. I began to eat my raspberry pastry. I had a sweet tooth. My mother often had me eat fruit for breakfast despite my cravings. I watched what Hades ate. He had bacon and eggs with a side of hash browns and coffee. It was so strange to be sitting her with the God my mother hated the most. What would she say if she ever knew? She would lose it, that I was certain of. We ate in silence. Once again, I noticed Hades was not one of many words.
Just then the nymph from the night before, Mithe, came into the dining room. She sat down on the other side of Hades and began to serve herself food. Hades looked at her. “What are you doing Mithe?” He asked her in his deep voice. “Eating we usually have breakfast together.” I frowned. So, he did this often, I somehow felt less special all the sudden. Hades glared at her, but she kept putting food on her plate. She was eating the same thing as Hades, I noticed. “I have company.”
Mithe looked at me, her eyes shooting daggers. “But my lord we always discuss what your plans are for the day over breakfast. Your company.” Hades cut her off. “She is not your company and when you speak to her you will call her Lady, Goddess, or her Majesty, do I make myself clear.” Mithe looked at me again with venom in her eyes. “I'm sorry my lady.” Then she smiled looking at Hades again. “So, what are your plans for today and what can I do for you, my lord?”
Hade's hand came out and grasped mine that was resting next to my plate. Mithe eyes looked right at where Hades was touching me. “You can do nothing, go find something to amuse yourself, my plans are to show my goddess my kingdom and I wish not to be disturbed.” He said and began to eat again. Mithe nodded and she too ate. Hades looked at her again and firmly said. “Didn’t I say I didn’t want to be disturbed.”
Mithe looked crestfallen. “I am sorry my lord.” She rose from her seat and was walking away after she bowed to Hades. He shouted as she crossed the dining room. “Mithe you forgot to bow to Persephone.” With gritted teeth she offered me the slightest bow and rushed out, leaving Hades and I once again alone. Neither of us said anything over our meal, my mind spinning. Mithe seemed to care about her king and had a strong distaste for me. It was clear she didn’t like that she had to bow to me, nor did she like that Hades told her not to eat with us. I wondered what their relationship was. Because to me it seemed like Mithe the nymph seemed overly possessive of a god and her king.
I made a mental note to talk to Lola about this. We finished and Hades pulled me from my seat, bringing me to his side. Just like Mithe seemed possessive over him, I got the feeling he was the same but toward me. He called me his last night. But he couldn’t have meant that. It wouldn’t make sense; I was spending time with him simply as a bargain. He knew I was already my mother’s, and she wouldn’t let anyone claim me as theirs. I was her daughter.
Lola would hopefully have the answers to all of this. As of that moment she was the only one who knew of the arrangement I had made with Hades. I thought of her words about me liking Hades more than just wanting to hang out with him. I was starting to realize she was right. When he kissed me, I liked it. More than just liked. It was like my whole being fell to him and wanted nothing more than to be consumed by him. He gave me something I never knew existed let alone felt. My mother had only allowed me friendships with women, never men. Let alone a male god.
We went outside and my eyes widened. The light that came from the sky was a blue hue. There was a massive courtyard with flowers of all different varieties. “I didn’t know these flowers would grow in the underworld.” He smiled. “They are not real flowers. They are from my magic. Do you like it despite not being the real thing?” I nodded touching the petal of one of them. It felt just like the ones in my mother's garden and smelled like them too. We wandered past the courtyard into a vast open field of tall grass.
We didn’t get far when I saw a massive beast running toward me. It stood larger than Hades and had three large heads with pink tongues hanging out of them as it ran right toward us. I had heard the Underworld had monsters. Some of the worst beasts to ever roam the world and I screamed and began running back to the palace. I hoped Hades would fight the creature he could surlily win.
But I suddenly tripped and fell into the grass. The lumbering beast stood over me. He was frightening. His middle head came down to sniff me. The heads were dog heads and then the beast licked my face instead of eating me like I thought it would. Hades came to stand next to the enormous three headed dog and say, “Cerberus off.” The beast moved. “Sit.” Then the creature sat, and I saw its long powerful tail wagging. Hades helped me up. “Cerberus hates almost everyone I am surprised he liked you.” “If he hates everyone, why did you let him stand over me, he could have eaten me.” I said angrily. Hades had done nothing as the dog chased me. “Persephone Darling I wouldn’t have let him eat you, that is my job.”