Chapter three
Chapter 3
I asked more to myself than to anyone else in the room. I could almost not believe it. Why Rome of all places? What mission was I going there to do? And why should I stay at the house of Jay Black?
"Rome" he reiterated, almost like he wanted to imprint the words in me then he continued, “I want you to find out everything you can about Dennis Saunders. I'm sure you know who that is, right?”
I only nodded in response, still reeling from shock.
Of course, I knew him! Who on earth didn’t know Dennis Saunders? The all too arrogantly, famous gangster who remained wanted by both the cops and every Mafia gang. I was not dumb to not understand the hidden meaning of the statement "find out something" whenever it came from Jon since it eventually led to the death of said person.
"How do you know he's in Rome and why exactly do you want him dead?" I asked trying to look for ways to avoid this mission. I have never declined a mission, I loved the thrill and the adrenaline rush I got from each mission but the thought of saying in the same house as Jay Black, made something in my stomach twist unpleasantly.
"He killed my wife and now I want revenge" Jon simply said, looking me in the eye and daring me to challenge him.
I stole a glance at Alan and I noticed he briefly tensed and glanced away quickly. I tried to gain his attention and get him to hold my stare, but he didn’t.
"Why don't you just do it yourself or better still, send Alan? Or leave it to the other Mafia gang to catch up to him." I queried still trying to avoid the mission with unfeasible scenarios. Jon couldn’t just go on missions anymore and Alan never killed people.
Don't get me wrong, going on missions were things I do normally without objections but I couldn’t stop looking for ways to avoid this one because I didn’t want to encounter Jay Black. Our history was going to make me feel awkward and I was not an awkward person.
"I can't bring myself to do it Jemima and Alan too because he is my son and Alan's half brother." he said and I spotted a glisten of tears in his eyes.
What the hell!
I didn’t think I saw right though because, Jon never cried and he had never been one to show any form of weakness or emotion.
My jaw practically dropped to the floor at Jon's confession. Damn Dennis! This must be hard for Jon. Maybe Alan too.
I glanced at Alan but he still avoided my gaze.
"Fine,” was all I said albeit reluctantly as I stuffed the last piece of food in my mouth.
"Thank you!” Alan and Jon chorus simultaneously lwhich made my heart tug a little.
These people were there for me, I owed them my life and I had walk through hell to fulfill their desires. But I had a little bit of reservations still.
"Jon, why do I have to stay with Jay Black? Can't I lodge in a hotel or something? Can't Alan come with me?”
"No to all your questions. Jay will be the one to show you around since you have never been to Rome before and here is the plan of your mission which involves Jay. He is there to guide you so put your past differences aside and grow up!” he said with finality and handed me a blueprint. I took a quick glance which was enough to know the details of the plan and I felt my brows furrow in confusion and hurt.
"I thought you said you loved me Jon! If so, why put me so much torture.” I groaned in exasperation as I looked at the blueprint. It said I had to make Dennis fall in love with me and siphon money from his account to a school in Rome.
"Do you have any better idea? "Alan asked with a smirk.
I should have known this was his plan. He always promised he was going to get even with me for mixing blue dye in his bath. A smile formed at the corner of my mouth as I remembered the day he came out of the shower with him looking just like smurf. It had taken him a week do wash off the dye completely.
I heaved a sigh of satisfaction. Good times those were.
"Actually I do. Jon, you know Dennis owns so many companies, I could always get in as one of his workers, get him to trust me and one day, when he invites me over to his house, I could get the deed done. You know the money is not my main priority, my main priority is..."
"To kill and not get killed because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger but what kills you leaves you dead" Jon and Alan chorused and finished for me.
I smiled genuinely both of them. This had been my mantra for as long as I can remember and they had probably gotten used to me saying it so many times.
"That is a brilliant idea!" Jon exclaimed and I stuck out my tongue at Alan playfully. I won, again!
"Who would believe that you are the most badass assassin in the business?" Alan mused with a sigh and shook his head at the same time.
"Yeah whatever! So Jon, when do I leave?"
I needed to know how long I had to prepare for. Dennis was a sly creature who had mastered the art of disguise perfectly so I needed my own game plan and as for Jay, I needed to master the art of ignorance when it came to him because I didn’t want to cross paths with him.
"Before dawn, you'll be taking the first flight..."
That did it, I ran out of the emergency room and up to my room. I wanted to be alone and once I was alone, I cried. The pent up emotions that had welled up inside me gradually expelled.
First he didn't give me a break, then, he wanted me to take revenge for him and now, he wanted me to leave tomorrow morning.
"Jem, please open up!" Alan's voice reverberated through the door, bringing me out of my reverie.
"Leave me alone!" I screamed through the door and got up. I made my way to the bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror.
I was what one would describe as beautiful with a height of 5ft 7inches. I had dark eyes and rosy cheeks and my skin was pale. My hair was naturally blonde but I dyed it black.
I sighed deeply and moved to take my shower. I slowly peeled the dress off my body as I entered the bath tub and ran a cold shower, since the weather was pretty hot. I didn’t know how long I stayed but when I got out, it was sunset. I didn’t bother to check the clock as I still felt traces of depression from earlier. I casually put on some yoga pants and body hugs and walked towards the gym to clear my mind.
Getting to the gym, I did some yoga.
"Daddy please!"
Images of my twelve year old self pleading and crying danced in my head. The expression on Ava's face as she entered the room became vivid. My inability to get up and save myself, the bargaining of my life as if I had no hand in it.
I opened my eyes and began to hyperventilate as the memories came rushing back like they happened today and I broke out in a cold sweat. This happened occasionally during my yoga practices with my memory always as vivid and clear as day.
I took a turn around and my head was met with a hard chest. From his strawberry scented bubble bath, I knew it could only be one person. Alan!
"Having those memories again?", he asked handing me a glass of water.
I nodded, grabbed the glass of water from his hand and emptied its content into my mouth in just one gulp. It wasn’t until I felt a burn around my throat that I realized I was given alcohol, not water. How did I forget that I prefer to take alcoholic drinks to calm me down? And Alan knew even that tiniest detail without being told which made me smile appreciatively at him.
"Alan I am sorry for…” I began to say but was cut short when he lifted me off the ground and carried me bridal style. We passed my bedroom door and continued down the corridor and I knew I was spending the night in his room.
I didn’t like sleeping alone before any mission and Alan knew this. He was always so thoughtful when it came to matters regarding me.
"Jem, I know why you're upset", he said once we were settled in his room and he had nestled me comfortably on his bed. My head sprang up in shock because I had not told anyone of I and Jay’s history. It was something I swore to carry to my grave.
"You do?" I asked in utter surprise.
“No, I’m just kidding.” Alan chuckled and I heaved a sigh of relief. I was too petrified by that memory that I sometimes wished it could be erased from my memory.
“What really happened between you two Jem? You both had a mission in London, you went, came back and suddenly you both developed immense hatred towards each other. I want to know Jem.”