Chapter Three

Romans POV

“What else can you tell me about her” having arrived at the Elderwood pack I sought out the only witch around after having found out she lived on the outskirts of the town. Agatha couldn’t tell me where my mate went except for she darted out of the building when she found out I was her mate. I had involved myself heavily with my father’s company from a young age so I could spot a liar a mile away. That’s how I knew given a little bit of pressure the witch would crack.

“I promise you I’ve told you everything. I don’t know anything else” she squirmed as my hands tightened around her neck.

“Now we both know that’s not true. Don’t we Agatha Brentwell. Yes, I know all about who you are. I know that you turned your family’s coven over to the witch’s council for sacrificing children. I know that your husband left you when he found out what you were, and I know your daughter stripped herself of her powers so she couldn’t be tied to your blood coven or to you as a matter of fact. Blood magic. A dirty un-pure coven of witches. Witches are supposed to practice natural magic. Magic that’s provided by the earth. They are supposed to be the keepers of balance. To aid when they can.” the fear in her eyes was evident alongside the rapid beating of her heart.

“If you really can’t tell me anything else then I suppose there’s no need to keep you around is there. Loose ends an all. You understand right?”

“Cleo her name is Cleo” Would you look at that she did know something after all. Cleo, a beautiful unique name. “I can show you her. Please let me…. Let me show you”

“If you try to hex me witch you will fail, and I will kill you. Painfully. Do you understand?” Her hands clasping mine as she struggled to breathe. Relaxing my grip just slightly she nodded. Placing her back on the floor I let go of her throat. Agatha dipped her fingers into what I thought was a scented oil before placing them on my temples. It was only when I saw the colour red drip from her hand, I realised it was blood. That scent it was my mate. Whispering something in Latin pictures began to flood my mind. Everything moved so quick it was just a blur. Eventually everything slowed and began to play out like a trailer to a new movie. Then I saw her. Cleo. She was beautiful. Her hair long and red, her eyes a bright emerald green and such plump lips. My wolf Balthazar growled in my head as he listened in. This witch had told my mate we would be the death of her. I had spent seven years searching for my mate. For Cleo, and I wouldn’t let anyone harm a single hair on her beautiful head. Though one thought left me smiling. I wondered if her temper was as fiery as her hair.

“You’ve seen everything. Please. I meant you no disrespect I swear to you. She’s young. Only just seventeen. All I wanted was to protect her” getting on her knees she begged for my forgiveness. She knew exactly who I was, that I didn’t give second chances and yet she still proceeded to beg.

“You called her different. What did you mean?” Walking towards the sofa I sat down, my vision tinting red as my wolf came forward with me.

“Her blood was spelled so I don’t know exactly. She’s not a pure wolf though that much I am certain of. She is something new. She doesn’t know herself but, I think her sister does”

“Why would her sister know? Daphne, right?”

“The way she looked at her after I revealed she wasn’t who she thought. She knows something I’m sure of it. I have shown you everything. You know what I do. Please…” putting my hand up she stopped speaking. Goddess her voice was annoying. By my calculations she should have been eighty-one, but that was magic for you. If you practiced you could be rewarded with thing such as wealth and like Agatha here, youth.

“Who else have you talked to about my mate?”

“No-one I swear. Whoever she is someone went to great lengths to hide her. I believe there to be a reason, but I don’t know it” I smiled as I nodded. Standing up I walked towards Agatha who stood clutching her pendant. No charm was going to protect her from her fate. Extending my claws, I swiped them across her throat. She screamed as she fell to the floor blood leaking through her fingers. Blood pooled around her as she slowly bled out. Turning to face the door her screams began to die out as I left. She should have known what was coming the moment I stepped foot into her shop and lied to my face.

Being who I am has done nothing but bring pain and destruction. My own father lost a part of who he was because of me. His uncle worked with witches that had foreseen a world where everyone was at peace. Each species living together in harmony. Many of us myself included want that more than anything. The wars between us claiming too many lives. My father’s uncle was one that didn’t want that. He planned to have me executed for I am the one who’s supposedly meant to create this ‘utopia’. I want to say their wrong, but who am I to argue? I’m the most gifted wolf in existence, I even shifted at the age of ten like my grandmother. Though come to think of it her wolf was white too. Even my brother couldn’t match me. I’m the Alpha of Alphas or the Almighty Alpha whichever label you wish to give me. It doesn’t matter either way, everyone fears me. And their right to. Take my mate for example, she doesn’t even know me and she ran. Though what angers me is that I should be the one person she doesn’t fear. Something I will now have to rectify.

I left my pack the day I turned seventeen after realising my mate wasn’t there. Since then, despite what my parents do and don’t want I’ve been searching for her. I didn’t want to take over as Alpha to the Moonlight Pack without a Luna, so instead it went to my younger brother Kai. They needed a calm level-headed Alpha and that wasn’t me. At least not until I had my fated Luna. I couldn’t control my anger, it always seemed to get the better of me. Mum has always told me I inherit that from my father; however, I’ve never seen him physically lose it. He always seems so calm and content. Though a part of me wonders if that’s because he no longer had a wolf. He was born a fire elemental wolf, however like my mum I control them all.

My other father Hector is scared of me, we clash constantly and now that I’ve grown into my gifts, my mother struggles to separate us. My older sister Layla took over as Alpha to the Gemstone pack when she turned twenty-one and at first many pack members rebelled against her. They refused to follow not only a female alpha but the daughter of a lunatic. I stepped in to help when an attempt was made on her life. Had the silver bullet been an inch more to the right she would have died. My fathers went apeshit but in their older age couldn’t do much about it. I however ended the wolves responsible, but only after making them watch as I ripped their families apart before their very eyes. Both my fathers enjoyed interrogation and I guess I did to. Let’s face it, I learned from the best.

As I made my way out of town my tyre busted causing my truck to swerve and hit a tree. Climbing out a wolf jumped onto my back biting into my shoulder. Growling I gripped the fur on the back of his neck and slung him over me. I heard the air leave his lungs at the force of impact. I knew who he was immediately. His name was John. He wanted me dead for ending his daughter Lucille’s life. Apparently, I bought his family shame after revealing she worked as a prostitute. She was the daughter of a Beta so she really should have sought out a different line of work. See I got incredibly drunk one-night last year and fucked her. The stress of not finding my mate had gotten to me and I needed the release. When I refused to pay for her ‘service’ she tried to claim I raped her. I did no such thing and would kill anyone I found committing such filth. As punishment for trying to dirty my name further I ripped her throat out leaving her naked body on her father’s doorstep. I could have killed John back then, but for some reason I enjoyed his chase. It gave my days a sense of thrill and excitement knowing he was following me from the shadows. Many have tried to kill me and each one had failed. So would he.

Suddenly three more wolves appeared in the clearing each growling and snarling. Remaining in human form I laughed and shook my head. I wasn’t scared of them; I wasn’t scared of anything.

“You would do well to turn and leave” my mind flittered through theirs, a look of pure surprise etching onto their faces. Instead of heeding my warning they attacked. Shifting into my large white wolf, I hit the ground with my paw. The entire area shook as the ground split open with my earth element. These wolves were nothing than a mere distraction. Just another stop on my way to ending those that place bounties on my head.

Lucille’s father aimed for my throat, rookie mistake. My force field placed in his path sent him flying against a tree trunk. He would now likely have broken ribs. The other two wolves took a step back, looking between me and their Beta. Taking a step towards them I growl wanting them to come at me having grown bored of this game. Instead, they submit. They always fucking submit.

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