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Chapter 2- New Opportunities

Three Months Ago


"I know, sir. I get it, and I appreciate the offer, I really do. You have been an amazing mentor and I've Learned so much working here. But I already made up my mind, I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I want to thank you so much for all of your help sir. You gave me an awesome opportunity to intern with your firm while I was still studying, no one else would have been so kind to take undergraduates as interns. This makes you into a better boss, and a better person, but Lakeview is calling to me. I want to go back to my town. Besides, technically, I will still be working for you until we can become independent." It was true. I missed my mom and my sister Ashley.

Life in New York has been good to me, I liked the experience of being in the big apple and I had the opportunity to meet so many people. I can't complain about the outcome of my hard work.

I miss my town though. My house was left abandoned for years after I left for college. When Sophie and I were still dating, I wanted to give her everything. I worked harder and tried to achieve to make her proud. I began building a house in the same spot where we had our first date. I will never forget that day, not the first time I kissed her.

Jealousy was eating at me thinking she and Troy were a thing. I let my actions speak for themselves pulling her against me and kissing her. I could still see her face, blushing, breathing erratically, and telling me I was the worst kisser.

I had moments where I didn't care about anything for a while. It was hard for me to be in New York and not know where she was. She just left one day. The same day we graduated high school to be exact. No word, no note, no explanation. She just left.

While everyone else would be off to party during vacations, I'd spend most of my days roaming through the empty halls of that house I built for her. The halls that I once thought would be filled with laughter and joy next to Sophie.

I could imagine a life with her, having kids, and growing old together. I fucking hate being in that house. But I can't find myself selling it either.

I recently began remodeling mom's house. She had no choice but to stay in that house for now. Ashley is in her third year of college and will probably be home this summer as well. I got to see them a few weeks ago when I graduated from law school. But, Ash had to leave soon after.

She promised to come to Lakeview to see us before heading to Chicago and spend time with dad.

My parents are divorced, I was devastated when I got the news, and I made the bad decision to take it out on Sophie. Dad recently started dating a girl he met at a dinner in Lakeview as well, he comes often to visit but he always stops by mom's house to make sure she's doing well also. I haven't completely forgiven him for what he did to mom, they divorced because he was cheating on her. But I realized later, I was wrong to judge him. He's my dad after all. I do talk to him now, even if it feels a little weird to do so after everything went down.

I work mostly probono for now, but Derreck, Aiden, and two other lawyers are leaving the firm we work for to start our own firm in Lakeview. When Mr. Jacobs pitched the idea to expand, Derreck told him it would be a better idea to expand nationwide since he already owned various firms around New York. He loved the idea, and I loved it more when he said he'd help open an office in our town. That's when I joined in on the plan.

Though Mr. Jacobs wished I'd stay and learn more under his wing, I know Derreck will keep guiding me.

I'm not sure how things will go, but I do know that a lot of people back home need lawyers out there. There are only two law firms in our town, and the town is growing fast.

"Very well son, I guess I have to let you go sometime. Good luck to you out there. Take good care of yourself, and don't hesitate to reach out to me if you ever need me." He shook my hand firmly and pulled me into a hug making me chuckle.

"Thank you. And again, I want to extend my gratitude for all you've done for me."

"No, Logan. I have you guys to thank. You and the rest will be out there not only representing this firm but also opening new doors to a better future. Good luck out there son." Mr. Jacobs said shaking my hand firmly.

"Thank you, sir. We won't let you down."

"I know you won't son. Now get out of here, we wouldn't want you to miss your flight." He added waving me off and smiling.

I took off and made my way to the airport. My luggage was already inside the rental I had. I made my way down, saying bye to everyone. Derreck and all the other lawyers had left a few weeks ago, but I had stayed back because needed to go through the whole graduation ceremony. I also had to terminate my lease, which cost me a good penny, and I had to find a way to get rid of all the furniture I had in my place.

I drove down the busy streets one last time, sighing as I made myself ready to finally leave New York and go back home.

It wasn't long before my plane landed in Tennessee. Boy, I missed the smell of country meets modern. It defined our town, made it one of a kind. Unique, tourist worthy, homey. Just what I needed.

"Hey asshole, can't you hurry up and grab your bag? I'm dying here. I've been waiting on your ass for the last hour." Troy called out to me making me chuckle.

I pulled him into a headlock, making him chuckle.

"Good to see you too, jerk."

"Hey, watch the hair man," he said as I messed his hair up.

"Welcome home Spencer. Now let's get you home."

Home. . . I'm definitely home. Only one thing could make this return perfect. Seeing that brown-haired beauty I fell for back when we were in fifth grade. Maybe I should have gone to L. A. First? I wonder if she still lives in that same apartment?

Damn it, just thinking about her makes me feel angry. I still don't understand why she'd just leave. I should have stayed longer four years ago when I went to see her.

I regret not fighting for us longer. But it tore me apart to know she didn't want me anymore.

"Come on Spencer! I'm getting wet here!" Troy called out as the weather got chiller, and it began to pour down hard on us.

We drove down towards our town making time pass by, joking around, and catching up.

I glanced towards the side and saw the sign, "Welcome to Lakeview"

Boy did I miss that sign. "Welcome home Logan." I said under my breath and smiled.

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