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Chapter 3. Party Girl


I rush out of the class as soon as it's over and start making my way back to my pack house. I need to take a break and clear my head.

While I walk, I notice that the campus is buzzing with activity. There are students everywhere, some hurrying to their next class, others hanging out in groups, chatting and laughing.

I look at them with a bitter expression. What are they so happy about?

As I walk past the group of students, I catch a glimpse of someone familiar. It's the Alpha from earlier. He's surrounded by a group of friends, all of them laughing and joking around.

Why does he get to have it all? Looks, strength, and popularity. It's not fair.

He really pisses me off, I think to myself. I want to get back at him for being mean to me for no reason. Just because I look weak, doesn't mean he gets to treat me like garbage!

I start to brainstorm possible ways to get back at the Alpha. I don't even know his name all I know is that he is pretty popular so he will definitely be at the party.

I can challenge him to a fight, but that would be risky since he's much stronger than me. I can't even shift to defend myself!

I can also try embarrassing him in front of his friends, but that requires serious planning and execution.

Then, an idea strikes me. I remember hearing about a party that's happening this weekend, hosted by one of the fraternities on campus. It's supposed to be a big event, with students from all the packs in the area attending. I can go to the party and try to get close to him. Maybe I can use my charm to make him fall for me and then embarrass him in front of everyone. That would be the perfect revenge.

Also, the more I'm around other werewolves, the more likely I'll find my mate!

As I walk back to my pack house, I start to plan out the details. I'll need to find the right outfit, practice my flirting skills, and come up with a foolproof plan to embarrass him.

I run into Mindy, who looks at me strangely. "What are you smiling about?" she snarls.

I shrug nonchalantly. "Just thinking about something."

Mindy raises an eyebrow. "What something?"

I hesitate for a moment, not wanting to reveal my plan just yet. "Oh, nothing important. Just some personal stuff."

Mindy looks at me suspiciously. "You are up to something."

I give her a small smile. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Either way, it's none of your business." With that, I continue on my way back to the pack house, leaving Mindy behind.

Once I'm back in my room, I start to put my plan into action. I pull out my phone and start searching for the perfect outfit to wear to the party. I want to look amazing but not too over-the-top. After scrolling through a few different options, I settle on a form-fitting dress that shows off my curves and a pair of heels that add a few extra inches to my height.

Next, I start practicing my flirting skills in front of the mirror. I want to come across as confident and alluring but not too aggressive. It's a delicate balance, but I think I can pull it off.

But I can't help but feel a bit nervous. What if my plan doesn't work? What if I embarrass myself instead of the Alpha? But I push those thoughts aside. I want revenge, and I'm determined to get it.

Later in the evening, I get dolled up and head to the party. No one really invited me to this event, but I figured I could sneak in through the crowd easily.

As I approach the fraternity house, I see a huge line of people waiting to get in. The music is already blasting, and I can hear the sound of laughter and conversation coming from inside. I take a deep breath and join the back of the line.

But the closer I get to the house, the more I feel nervous.

What if I get caught and kicked out? What if the Alpha isn't even here? What if he sees right through my plan and humiliates me instead?

No, Ivy, don't back out now.

Finally, I make it to the front of the line, and the bouncer asks for my ID. I take a deep breath and hand it over, praying that he won't notice that I'm not on the guest list.

To my relief, he barely looks at it and lets me in. I step inside the fraternity house and are immediately hit with the smell of alcohol and sweat. The party is in full swing, with people dancing, drinking, and chatting everywhere.

I scan the crowd, looking for the Alpha. At first, I don't see him, but then I catch a glimpse of his black hair in the corner of my eye. He's surrounded by his friends again.

I take a deep breath and avoid his gaze. I need to catch him alone so I can pretend to apologize to him. My heart is pounding in my chest. This feels dangerous.

I navigate through the crowd, then notice him walking towards the alcohol table. This could be my chance to approach him when he's alone.

I make my way toward him and stand right next to him. He looks at me, and I try to keep my expression neutral.

"Hey, it's you," he says, raising an eyebrow in acknowledgment.

I take a deep breath and reply, "Hey. I wanted to apologize for earlier. I overreacted and said some things I shouldn't have. You are right, I should be more respectful to Alphas."

He looks at me for a moment before responding, "Alright, apology accepted."

I smile, feeling relieved that he seems to have accepted my apology.

"What's your name?" he asks.

"Ivy," I reply. "What's yours?"

He snorts. "You are kidding me, right?"

I look at him with confusion. "What?"

"You don't know my name? Everyone knows my name!" he says proudly and I nearly throw my drink at him. How arrogant is he?

"Well, I must've missed it somehow. I try to keep to myself," I explain.

"I'm Alpha Ryder from the Ashwood Pack."

More like the 'Asshole Pack.'

"Charmed," I say and bow dramatically.

He must not sense my sarcasm because he continues, you know, I was impressed with how you stood up for your pack earlier. Not many Betas have that kind of guts," he says.

I look at him, surprised. "You think so?"

Ryder nods. "Yeah. It takes courage to speak out against someone in a position of power, even if it's just a Beta speaking to an Alpha."

Pride swells in my chest. Maybe he's not so bad after all.

But then he leans in and whispers in my ear, "But don't get too full of yourself. You're still just a Beta."

Ryder's words infuriate me, but I try to hide it. "Of course," I reply with a forced a smile before turning and walking away.

I decide to keep my eye on him from a distance, waiting for the perfect opportunity to embarrass him.

As the night goes on, Ryder continues to drink and let loose. I see him flirting with some blonde in the corner, so I stay behind the wall and watch.

The blonde is all over him, touching him and flirting, I notice in disgust, but I keep my eyes glued to him.

After a moment, I see the blonde taking him upstairs, and I decide to follow them.

I climb up the stairs, trying to remain as quiet as possible. I hear Ryder and the blonde laughing and stumbling ahead of me. Once they reach a door at the end of the hallway, the blonde pushes it open, and the two of them disappear inside.

I quickly move closer to the door and press my ear against it, trying to hear what's going on inside. I hear the sound of clothes rustling, followed by a soft moan.


I turn the doorknob and luckily, it's not locked, so I slowly push it open, holding my breath.

"You are so hot, Ryder. I can't believe I finally got you alone," the blonde cooed.

"Thas' nice," Ryder says, slurring his words.

"I don't care if you're not my mate. I want you to take me now, Alpha," the blonde says seductively.

"Sure thing, Jenny," Ryder says, his eyes unfocused.

"It's Julie...but that doesn't matter. Kiss me, Ryder!" the blonde squeaks, moving closer to his lips.

I look at Ryder's face. He is not looking so good.

He looks almost green.

A small smile teases my lips. I know that face, he is about to throw up. I quickly open the camera on my phone and point it at them. I must record this epic moment.

As Ryder leans in to kiss the blonde, his stomach suddenly heaves, and he vomits all over her pink dress. The blonde screams and jumps away, her face contorted in disgust.

The smell of alcohol and vomit fills the air, and I can't help but laugh at the sight. I continue to record as the blonde rushes out of the room, yelling at Ryder and threatening to sue him. Ryder looks mortified, his face a mix of embarrassment and drunken confusion.

I stop recording and step out from behind the door. "Having fun, Ryder?" I ask, smirking. Ryder looks at me, his eyes wide with shock.

"Oh, hey, Beta girl," he mumbles, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "What are you doing here?"

"I followed you," I reply. "I wanted to see what you were up to. And guess what?"


"I recorded everything." I grin.

"What do you want?" he barks.

I smirk as I think of exactly what I want him to do. "There is something you can do for me."

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