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Chapter 3

That chemistry was fascinating and terrifying all at the same time. Xenia leaned against the bakery door, trying to calm her heartbeat, but every time she closed her eyes, it was him she saw. His eyes when he stared at her, his lips when he talked, the way his hand touched hers, and the electricity. So much for keeping my heart rate down. Xenia opened her eyes and saw the twins, Dottie and Molly, looking at her with curious smiles. She hated it when they smiled at the same time. It was beyond creepy.

"What," Xenia asked, trying to hide the blush burning her cheeks. "Can't a girl have a moment?"

"This is a place of employment, Xenia, so…."

"No," they both said simultaneously, laughing.

Xenia rolled her eyes at them as they went back to work, with their creepy smiles still plastered on their faces. A woman with long auburn hair and dark green eyes entered the room, humming until she saw Xenia plastered to the door like paint. The woman's eyes widened, and she ran over, touching Xenia's forehead, feeling for her pulse, etc.

"Xenia, talk to me. What happened? Did someone at the bar go too far? Should I get a rolling pin or a knife?" Lottie bombarded Xenia with a million questions, but Xenia could only think of one thing. Mason. Lottie didn't like being ignored, so she did the only thing she could think of at that moment. She slapped Xenia across the face.

"Ow!" Xenia looked at Lottie with a surprised face while caressing her cheek. "What the hell, Lottie?!"

"What? You weren't talking. It scared me," Lottie said, crossing her arms as if to justify her action.

"Yeah? So does a slap to the face. Besides, you've lost the privilege of slapping me ever since you decided to abandon me."

Xenia wanted to change the subject. Lottie likes to pry and tells her mother everything. Though she won't admit it. So, it was best she kept this little encounter with Mason a secret. Handsome, smooth-talking Mason with his full lips, rugged grip on her arms, and his chest… There she goes, thinking about him again.

Lottie gasped, breaking Xenia out of her daydream. "You're…blushing," Lottie said, stepping back and giving Xenia the once-over.

"No, I'm not. This isn't about me, okay. This is about you leaving me to fend for myself in this god-forsaken shit hole," Xenia yelled while putting on her apron and returning to work. "I can't believe you're doing this to me. To us, Lottie."

Today was Lottie's last day at the Pie in the Sky, a little restaurant across the way. Getting jobs so close together felt like fate, wanting to keep them close to one another. Lottie was a fantastic chef, and Xenia was her guinea pig since they were kids. Now Lottie has found a new guinea pig named Spencer, who she is moving in with today. Whisked away to some stupid honeymoon with her mate. That's right, she has a mate, a freaking werewolf, and she's human.

"Xenia, you have to understand. I have no control over this. Besides, I've been trying to tell you for a few weeks now," Lottie said while following Xenia through the bakery.

Human and werewolf mating was normal in all of Asteria. Things started to change after the Century War, which ended only forty years ago, took countless lives and spilled enough blood to fill an ocean. Some towns that were once just humans or werewolves became inclusive. Though other fantastical creatures tend to stay exclusive, like the pixies, elves, dwarves, etc.

This all happened due to the birth of a child between Princess Lidia and her mate, Alpha Gerald, the son of the Alpha King. Afraid to lose his only heir, King Tannis agreed to sit down with Alpha King Dolfi to make a truce. I's was dotted, T's were crossed, and now they're here.

Only a few liked the idea of cohabiting, but her guess was that everyone was tired of fighting. Both sides were equally matched; even if the wolves possessed strength like no other, humans had the power of knowledge.

Some towns were fine with different species cohabiting peacefully side by side. Still, there wasn't a place as heavily populated with all species as Ornxville. By far, it was the best and worst place to live. It was situated closer to the Norwich kingdom, ruled under the Alpha King. The royal pack wasn't that far away from town, but Xenia had never been. She didn't have the time to since she constantly worked to save enough money for her own bakery.

It was their plan since they were kids hanging out at Lottie's grandmother's diner in their hometown, Glenville. She could make the most delicious desserts, and Lottie would cook gourmet meals. Werewolves loved to eat more than any species she knew of, and their appetite meant more money. At least, that's how they saw it.

Now, Xenia would be stuck there without her best friend as an apprentice to his royal pain-in-her-ass Serif. He owned the Piece of Heaven bakery while he was more like a piece of hell. He worked her like a dog, day and night, while he gallivanted back and forth to the pleasure house. She thought coming from there would put him in a good mood, but that was proven wrong every day.

"What is taking so long with the pies," Serif yelled from the front as the twins began moving the boxes towards his direction.

"I have to get back to work," Xenia said while trying to push Lottie out the back door. Serif didn't like it when Lottie was over. Partially because she eats the products and mainly because she turned him down many, many times.

"Wait," Lottie yelled, stopping me. "Why were you so flustered before?"

"She met a man, perhaps," Dolly asked with a devious smile, striding back into the kitchen.

"Yes," Molly chimed in, "a man that made her all hot and bothered. Just look at her. A hot mess."

Xenia glared at them. The twins were a nosy duo that got on her nerves daily. "I did not. Mind-"

"You did," Lottie exclaimed. "And it wasn't Cristobal. I know the look you get when you see him. This is different. This is lust." Lottie walked around Xenia, giving her the up and down.

"Stop that. Don't let these two get you all riled up." Xenia swatted Lottie away. "Shouldn't you both be loading up the carriage or sucking up to Serif?"

The twins snickered as they began boxing the rest of the treats. Xenia picked up some boxes and headed to Serif's carriage. She needed to get away from Lottie before she asked more questions.

Outside, it was busier than usual, which made sense. This entire week was the celebration of the end of the Century War. Both kingdoms throw huge parties, and shops compete to have their products on display at the royal palace. Xenia wanted to go, but Serif wanted her to watch over the shop and close it up. As if there would be people hanging around here and not at the festival. Lottie helped pick up some of the boxes.

"You haven't even asked me what's under the jacket," Lottie pouted after putting the boxes in the back of the carriage. Xenia was glad she switched topics.

"Well, I hope it's clothes," Xenia joked while picking up more boxes. Lottie started to take off her jacket when she was interrupted. The overwhelming smell of cologne invaded their noses, and they knew who was walking through the door. Lottie groaned out loud.

"I wouldn't mind getting a peek," Serif said when he entered through the front door.

He wore one of his signature colorful, form-fitting two-piece suits with a low-cut neckline that showed off a lacy shirt underneath. Every little spot was either bedazzled with jewels or glitter. He looks as if someone threw glitter bombs all over him. Of course, his lips were glossed with multi-colored glitter, and his makeup was flawless. He leaned against the counter closer to Lottie.

"I've been told I have a great sense of fashion."

"Clearly, that person was blind," Lottie muttered.

Serif didn't look like he was leaving until Lottie revealed her new outfit. She reluctantly removed her jacket, and Xenia could see Serif's jaw drop. Lottie wore a thin green dress with a plunging neckline revealing her creamy-looking shoulders and long, delicate neck. Her auburn hair fell in soft waves down her back, and they moved as she sashayed across the room.

"Come on," she smiled at Xenia, ignoring Serif's reaction. "I know you want to rag on me about the new look."

Xenia rolled her eyes as she walked around her friend. Of course, Lottie looked great. She looks great in almost everything, but Xenia has never seen her dressed like this. Since they worked constantly, they were always covered in sauce, flour, and other miscellaneous substances.

"My, my, Carlotta. You are a vision," Serif said while taking her hand in his and giving it a kiss. He dramatically dropped to one knee, looking up at Lottie. "Marry me."

Lottie pulled her hand away. "Serif! If he knew you just did that, Spencer would rip you to shreds."

"I'm not afraid of your pet wolf," Serif said nervously, pulling at his collar.

Lottie put her hands on her hips. "Oh, really. Well, maybe I should tell him to come over then."

"Well, look at that," Serif said, looking down at his holographic communicator. "I think I will take my leave. Dottie, Molly. Let's go. The Royals wait for no one. Xenia, don't forget to lock up. Anything goes missing. That's your pay."

"I don't understand why I can't go with you and display some new pastries. It would make us stand out."

She's been trying to get Serif to display some of her pastries in the shop, but each time he tells her that she's not ready or the shop is going in a different direction. She's been working here for six years, and still, he hasn't taken one idea of hers.

"I like where the shop is standing now. Maybe next time," Serif said dismissively. "Besides, the twins have been here longer and have skills that suit my current needs."

Xenia internally groaned. She knew exactly what kind of 'skills' he was referring to. The twins couldn't bake to save their lives. They were 'aesthetically pleasing to the eye,' according to Serif. It's not like Xenia was terrible looking. Granted, she worked daily, so her attire was messy.

She wasn't tall, but 5'5 was a decent average for women. She was a bit on the thick side, but men tend to like something they can grab onto. At least, that was what her mother kept telling her. She had deep brown skin with a few imperfections. Her dark kinky hair was always pulled into a puffy ponytail, and she brushed it to maintain its softness. She thought herself pretty. So…

"Yes, we are well aware of the skills they possess," Lottie said.

"Good, then I don't have to explain. Girls!"

With the wave of his well-manicured hand, Serif boarded the horseless carriage with the twins following behind him. They turned to blow a kiss Xenia's way as the carriage pulled off while Lottie flipped them off. It looked funny since she was so dolled up. Lottie followed Xenia back into the shop.

"Don't worry, Xeni. I put a few boxes of your pastries in there, too," Lottie beamed. "Though seriously, you should just quit and come with me. Give us like six months, and we can have our own shop up and running. Put that asshole out of business."

Lottie had been dropping hints like this for weeks. Ever since she found her mate, she's been begging Xenia to move with her to her new pack, The Warfur Hunters. Xenia didn't know what to do but knew she didn't want to leave yet. Not without her mother.

"You know I can't leave my mother alone."

“Xenia Cadia Bakken!”

Xenia jumped at someone saying her full name. Few people knew it, meaning the shrill voice belonged to only one person. Xenia groaned.

What did I do now? Xenia asked herself.

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